Name: Sean Olthof
Program: Biomedical Engineering
What attracted you to becoming a Peer tutor?
(Is money a valid answer?) I’ve worked as a tutor in the past teaching high school kids how to pass BCIT math entrance requirements, funny enough. I found the work rewarding (I got really excited when one student got 98%).
How has tutoring helped you?
Going over the lessons of courses that form the basis for the courses I am taking currently helps me to hone my knowledge of the material. I also found it emotionally rewarding when students I’ve helped do well and in the high-stress environment of my current course, I’ll take all the positive reinforcement I can get.
If you could give one piece of advice to a BCIT student what would it be?
Get help early and often. Talk to your instructors if you’re struggling with the course, don’t wait.
What would your dream job be when you leave BCIT?
One that doesn’t require me to work when I get home at the end of the day would be a treat.
If you had a free day, how would you spend it?
Knowing my course, probably catching up on homework. Or sleep.