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Name: Sean Tennant
Program: School of Business – Financial Management
What attracted you to becoming a Peer Tutor?
I enjoy giving back to the school as well as other students. I also like the idea that it will help solidify the concepts in my head which will be invaluable in my career.
If you could give one piece of advice to a BCIT student what would it be?
Get to know your classmates and work together. It really helps to speak concepts out loud and you can also test each other on topics.
What would your dream job be when you leave BCIT?
My ideal job would be in data analytics or a data mining job, specifically focusing on Excel. I enjoy connecting the dots using functions and formulas.
If you had a free day, how would you spend it?
My free day would be spent playing golf. It would also involve something else outside like cycling and doing the Grouse Grind.
Gutenberg’s Fingerprint: A Book Lover Bridges the Digital Divide
By Merilyn Simonds
If you’ve hit a road block in your holiday shopping trying to decide on whether to gift a print or ebook version of your favorite novel, why not check out Gutenberg’s Fingerprint: A Book Lover Bridges the Digital Divide first? Explore the pros and cons of print vs. digital and join the author in challenging some of the assumptions we make about reading.
Name: Brandon Tang
Program: Civil Engineering
What attracted you to becoming a Peer Tutor?
My instructors recommended tutoring to me while I was in the ABT program. I’ve stayed since then because I find teaching to be a great way of checking my own understanding!
How has tutoring helped you?
I find tutoring rewarding because it helps reinforce what I’ve learned in class.
If you could give one piece of advice to a BCIT student what would it be?
Get plenty of sleep and take care of your health. You’ll perform a lot better if you have those two down pat.
What would your dream job be when you leave BCIT?
To work in a place where I can challenge myself and work towards being a P.Eng.
If you had a free day, how would you spend it?
Sleep, who wouldn’t?
It’s exam time and we’ve extended our hours to help you prepare.
December 4 – 14
Monday – Friday | 7:30am – midnight
Saturday – Sunday | 9:30am – midnight
December 15
7:30am – 1:00pm
For more info, visit: https://www.bcit.ca/library/hours.shtml
To help you make it through, we’re serving up FREE coffee, tea and hot chocolate from Dec 8-10, 6pm – midnight. Please bring your own mug.
How to Drive: Real World Instruction and Advice from Hollywood’s Top Driver
By Ben Collins
In the cold, dark and rainy fall and winter months, road visibility is often reduced and staying safe on the road can be a greater challenge. How to Drive: Real World Instruction and Advice from Hollywood’s Top Driver, provides expert advice on winter road safety and how to handle your car in inclement weather.
Name: Victor Starzynski
Program: Computer Systems Technology
What attracted you to becoming a Peer tutor?
Having a chance to help someone having a hard time is something that I really enjoy. As BCIT students we know how overwhelming our programs are, and being a “scape route” from all that pressure is a marvelous feeling.
How has tutoring helped you?
In many ways!
Peers that I’m tutoring don’t realize how much I learn with them. Not only course related since I’m reviewing subjects that are from previous terms, but also as a person. Everyone is a change for me to learn how to inspire, develop leadership skills and, most importantly, understand a little bit more about different perspectives.
If you could give one piece of advice to a BCIT student what would it be?
Work hard, play harder. In my opinion, a good balance between studies and social life is the key to success.
What would your dream job be when you leave BCIT?
I don’t exactly have a “dream job”! I just want to find a position that gives me a feeling that my job is relevant to someone, even if they don’t even notice it.
If you had a free day, how would you spend it?
Definitely drinking a beer with my girlfriend and friends.
The Little Book of Hygge: the Danish Way to Live Well
By Meik Wiking
Sharing his findings as CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen, Meil Wiking takes the reader through everything they need in order to achieve Hygge – the Danish work that describes all things soothing and cozy. From the right lighting, to comfort food and clothing, The Little Book of Hygge: the Danish Way to Live Well, will help you survive the long, cold winter.
Rain: a Natural and Cultural History, by Cynthia Barnett
The rainy season is here. Why not fully embrace the rain by learning all about it? Rain: a Natural and Cultural History, by Cynthia Barnett demonstrates how rain can be both productive and destructive by examining the cultural and scientific role of rain over the past 4 billion years.
Drop by to participate in FREE learning skills seminars, de-stressing workshops, stretching sessions, and other events and activities to achieve success and manage your well-being during exam season! All attendees will receive free coffee vouchers, tea, healthy snacks and a chance to win a prize draw!
For details on Exam Jam events and activities, visit http://libguides.bcit.ca/examjam