All BCIT libraries will be closed Friday, July 1st for Canada Day. The ehPod will remain open from 8am-7pm. Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause.
Archives for June 2022
AskAway Service Summer 2022
AskAway service will be open Saturday, July 2nd and Sunday, July 3rd.
Dates and Hours of Service (July 4 – August 12)
Monday-Thursday | 9am – 9pm
Friday | 9am – 5pm
Saturday | 11am – 5pm
Sunday | 10am – 9pm
BCIT Librarians will be Online
Monday | 9am-10am, 4pm-5pm, 5pm-6pm
Tuesday | 1pm-2pm
Wednesday | 5pm-6pm
AskAway will be closed on the following Stat Holidays
Friday, July 1, 2022
Monday, Aug 01, 2022
AskAway Service Closed: Saturday, Aug 13, 2022 – Sunday, September 18, 2022
Great 18-min AskAway Session with a BCIT Instructor (May 24th, 2022)
BCIT Instructor: Hi – I’m looking for an ISO standard, ISO XXXXX:2018 in particular. Does the BCIT library have this?
BCIT Librarian: Welcome to Ask Away. Let me see if we have access. Is this for a class, or for your research?
BCIT Instructor: for a class and research. I am an instructor
BCIT Librarian: Good to know! If you go to the library home page there is link to our e-Resource Collection, It takes you to our A-Z listing of electronic resources/databases/articles/standards
If you click the All Database Types dropdown list… you can select Codes & Standards
we have several code sources. CSA Online usually has any of the ISO equivalents.
Are you familiar with CSA?
BCIT Instructor: I’m not. I will look at this database
BCIT Librarian: Let me try, just click the link.. then enter the iso number
Are you looking for: Standard… – Guidelines (Adopted ISO XXXXX:2018, second edition, 2018-02)
BCIT Instructor: yes I am. Yes, I have it. Thanks so much!!
BCIT Librarian: If you want, there is a ‘copy this transcript’ button in the chat to save the session text with instructions
BCIT Instructor: yes, i did. Thanks, this is very helpful.
BCIT Librarian: You’re very welcome! Thank you for using AskAway.
We hope you visit us again. Okay. Have a great evening.
BCIT AskAway Chat with A Librarian Service
Our Students Can Get Help Online with:
- research
- citations
- using the library
- finding materials
- journal databases
- troubleshooting access to library materials
- other library topics
Link to BCIT AskAway Chat:
About AskAway
AskAway is a chat reference service for BC’s post-secondary institutions.
AskAway sessions are in real-time, and are staffed by Librarians and Library Technicians from post-secondary institutions in B.C.
Successful Open Education Proposals
Open BCIT has awarded open education grants for these two projects:
- Write a book which will guide students to build an Internet of Things (IoT) project from scratch using ThingsBoard as the IoT platform and Raspberry Pi as the hardware module, Reza Vahidnia
- Develop an open learning resource on immunology with an application focus (chapters will include essential content, a case study, pre-test, H5P mini-lesson, and post-chapter review), Simon Duffy, Supipi Duffy
Congratulations to all!