Name: Dandan Yu
Program: Civil Engineering
What attracted you to becoming a Peer Tutor?
A peer tutor job brings me additional financial support while I am a full-time student at BCIT and secondly, I like to meet different people and share my study methods. I am so happy to meet the first-year civil students with questions. Their desire to learn reminds me of when I was a freshman in my first year.
How has working as a Tutor helped you?
Being a peer tutor improves my skills in communication and fundamental understanding in civil engineering. Many students ask me questions regarding statics and structural analysis. It really helps me fully understand the free body diagrams, shear force and moment diagrams, etc. Thus generating a better picture of engineering infrastructure for me.
If you could give one piece of advice to a BCIT student what would it be?
Be aware of the heavy work load, do not put off a project until the last minute, and finish assignments ahead of time.
What would your dream job be when you leave BCIT?
I want to be a professional engineer in the field of bridge and road design.
If you had a free day, how would you spend it?
I would have a beauty sleep until 10am (no class, no assignments due) and enjoy my favorite pancake. I would take my dog and hike Lynn Canyon Park with my friends. I would not think about school and work and just enjoy the natural view and breathe fresh air.
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