Dr. Abdolreza Joghataie
Reza Joghataie, a BCIT instructor in Part-Time Studies has authored a novel that is more technical than fiction – ADANculus: neuropsychology and mapping of a two phase brain – a scientific novel.
In Reza’s own words:
“The book is about the discussions and interactions of an expert scientist in neurology and artificial intelligence, with an artificial mind. It is about the emergence of the human-robot society and the new philosophies and viewpoints about existence that have already begun to form because of the rapid progress in the development of the artificial brain. Since one of my research areas is in artificial neural networks and modeling of brain like systems, I have included some ideas about building an artificial brain in the book as well. The book has also some points about how the developments in building the artificial brain will impact other subjects such as the rights of animals and robots.
I intend to use my income from the book to advance my research on the artificial brain and modeling of the natural brain which have applications in the better understanding and treatment of the natural brain diseases and problems. ”

ADANculus is available from the BCIT Library’s Popular Reading collection.