Jonathan Bond
Name: Jonathan Bond (yes, really, my parents didn’t name me James)
Program: Technical writing
What attracted you to becoming a Peer tutor?
I love to talk about writing with other people and believe that being able to write competently will help you, no matter who you are.
How has tutoring helped you?
Tutoring helped to remind me that while I enjoy sitting down and knocking out four or five pages, writing can be a special kind of hell for others. But it has to be done and doesn’t have to be agony.
If you could give one piece of advice to a BCIT student what would it be?
No one will follow this advice, even if it will make their life immensely easier: as soon as you get an assignment…..START! Starting is the hardest part but you know what’s harder? Rebounding from procrastination. Finish 3-4 days early and reread your work.
What would your dream job be when you leave BCIT?
A job where I make the rules and then I can have a coffee mug at the office that says “The buck stops here” or something equally trite.
If you had a free day, how would you spend it?
I would write exactly what I wanted, eat tacos, go for dinner with friends and somehow fit in a surprise trip to San Francisco with someone who I thought was super nifty.
Thank you Jonathan! We hope you get your ideal free day soon!
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