We’ve added more technology to our collection – in addition to laptops, iPads and tablets we now have a GoPro Hero3 camera available for 2 day loan, two robots – a Kubi telepresence robot for videoconferencing and a Swivl that “turns your mobile device into a presentation delivery tool” – available for 4 day loan and chargers for various kinds of phones and devices if you find you’re on campus and running on empty…
The first ever BCIT Learning Skills Bootcamp launches in the Learning Commons September 21st to 24th. Students can drop in to the Learning Commons to meet this year’s Peer Tutors, learn strategies for academic success and attend short seminars.

We’ve added more study space on the main floor – day 3 of the term and it’s being well used already…
Writing help will be available online. Starting September 21 – students can submit a draft paper to WriteAway and receive feedback from a peer writing tutor within 48 hours. In person writing help is still available at the Writing Centre in room 207 of the Library, and it’s still free.
The Makerspace Project course has found a home in room 130D in the ehPod for September and October. If you’re interested in 3D printers you can have a look, and if students are in the room working feel free to ask questions. Their projects include printing parts for two 3D printers, which will be assembled for use in MediaWorks. Stay tuned.
And of course there are always new books – too many to mention, but you can always check out the list here…
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