Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End

This week I have been doing a lot of reflecting. Reflecting on how I got to where I am. How I’ve improved as a person but also someone going into the media industry.

You know how we all have those dream jobs that we think we can never have. But if you think about it, other people have the jobs we think are so out of reach. So why can’t you too?

I got here to where I am from a video I saw on Twitter. It was this girl giving a speech on why she was in a Public Relations program at school. It was all because of five boys in a band called One Direction. She loved the band so much, that she wanted to work in that business. And that’s when I started looking into PR and media programs. I wanted to work for Taylor Swift. I was looking, that’s when I stumbled on the BCIT Radio Arts and Entertainment Program. I knew right away that it was the perfect program for me. A day later I told my mom I was dropping out of Criminology at UFV and going to BCIT in September and she was excited for me. Now, after my two years here in Radio Arts, has my dream job shifted? Oh it has, but I will always know that I got into this program because of a girl from Nashville who told always told me to be Fearless. Now the dream is to be Cheryl Hickey. I want to be the host of Entertainment Tonight Canada. How fun would that be? Talking celebrity gossip all day. Sign me right up!

It’s starting to hit me that I’m in my last day for BCIT’s Radio Arts & Entertainment program. It’a been quite the ride but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I’ve made amazing friends and even better memories. I look back on these two years fondly.

I remember the first day of school sitting next to Jocelyn and a room full of 40 unknown faces but little did I know they would become my friends. Victoria and I kicked it off and became friends right away.

Photos for Online Design with Victoria

Sadly, there was only a semester and a half with my classmates in person so our time going to the Habitat between classes or grabbing a coffee from Tim’s got cut short.

Stress in a nutshell in Heidi’s class

I drew pictures on the white board during OB in Heidi’s class. That was always a highlight of my Thursday’s.

I’m going to miss digging deeper in Rachael’s class. She  was the one who pushed me the most. I will forever be thankful for Business Communications. I also vividly remember spitting beer across her class room on Vanessa (accidentally) during Aidan and I’s CBC presentation. It was humiliating. I’m pretty sure you could see my paper full of notes shaking in my hands from space. After an apology email, Rachael forgave me for the ruckus I caused that class.

Shooting with Ashley

I remember the chaos of learning to shoot in Adnan’s class. It was a bunch of radio students out in the wild. if you forgot your SD card, go home (if you know, you know).

Moving to zoom, I thought the class how to make Margarita’s on break in Journalism 2. This was the time when we thought we would only be online for a few weeks. Although we haven’t been in a classroom all together for a year, there have still been many fun times we have got to share through a screen. I’m going to miss being completely out of ideas for articles. The Red Chairs Club- I will miss you guys. I’m even going to miss Uncle Phil and his constant rude comments to me. Secretly he thinks I’m really cool.

I will not miss is downward dog from yoga class, unfortunately.

One of the saddest parts is that Reckless Lives is coming to an end…for now. Mattia and I had way too much fun talking reality TV and pop culture. Having to watch Real Housewives and Summer House for was the best homework I have ever had. We turned it into something exciting by going out and filming things in Vancouver.

Reckless Live

And this is my sign off. If you heard me hosting on Evolution, this is when I cue Closing Time By Semisonic.

So thank you BCIT Radio Arts & Entertainment for teaching me many lessons but also giving me some pretty awesome memories that I’ll cherish forever. 

New Beer ALERT, Hop to South Burnaby

I’m always up for finding new breweries and yesterday, my mom and I went to South Burnaby’s newest brew spot, Studio Brewing. After taking probably the most difficult route, we finally arrived. The sun was out and it was the perfect day to get my first set of tan lines. 

Studio’s vision is to have a “space that allows for creativity and experimentation to thrive. A place where we can explore the flavours and nuances associated with the craft of brewing. It represents our Studio.”

Opening in February, the have brewed many different batches and have already had a few collaborations with different local breweries. They teamed up with Dagaraad Brewing and created the Welcome-to-the Neighbourhood collab beer. “Proximate Solitudes is a multigrain pale ale fermented with Belgian yeast and dry-hopped with Strisselspalt and Southern Passion. Dry and clean-drinking with subtle waves of spice and tropical fruit.” They recently collabed with Brassneck Brewing and brewed the Abstract Hyperbole which is a Killerpils and is one that I ended up taking home. They brewed it with only “Bohemian floor malted Pilsner malt which undergoes a single decoction for a complex malt profile. It’s hopped judiciously with Tettnang in the kettle and a light dry hop with Nelson Sauvin then lagered cold for many weeks.” Studio has beers from their Vienna Lager, three pale ales, their Hazy IPA and a Imperial Porter. For the non beer drinkers, Studio has the Hail Mary Rose cider on tap. Drinks for everyone!

They only serve 12oz or 6oz glasses so it’s easy to have a variety of different beers before you even reach the amount of beer in a pint. I had the Trouble at the Old Mill table saison, Sun Jungle Hazy IPA and Fundoshi Dry Hopped Sour which was their guest tap from Brassneck. My mom had two of the Hazy IPA’s. I have to say, they have an unreal Hazy! We also shared a cheese board. Studio usually has a variety of food trucks that come out to the brewery as well.

They have expanded their patio which have tents and heaters for the brisk days of spring ahead. Their staff was very friendly and super knowledgable.

Studio is located 5792 Beresford Street which is a five minute walk from the Royal Oak Skytrain station along the Expo Line. It is also in the 26km multi use BC parkway, so many bike riders can stop in along their rides. They are open 11am-10pm daily. Come take a trip out to South Burnaby and grab a brew or maybe a few at Studio Brewing.

Karen Stay Home

This is just a little PSA to all the Karen’s out there. I have worked in the hospitality industry throughout COVID. I work at a brewery and I’m shocked still at how there are so many people that do not follow any rules after a year of being in this. The one way traffic, the masks, avoiding walking past people and keeping a 6 feet distance between other people all kind of seem natural now to most but a lot haven’t adapted. I mean, thats great, I don’t want to adapt to this but we do have rules we need to follow in order to stay open.

During the summer, I had a broken ankle and tore all the ligaments so carrying a tray was out for me. That meant I was stuck on the host stand all Summer and now it has basically become my home. I like it because once I seat people, I don’t have to deal with them anymore like the servers. Not only do I seat people, I also have to go over the rules inside. Here is my spiel “It’s all table service so someone will be taking your order, if you have to go inside for anything we have “bird arrows”, it’s all one way traffic so just follow the birds and if you see anyone else you know just stay seated and wave from afar. Enjoy”

By the time I get to the arrows, no one is listening anymore. Which they should because the amount of people we have to continuously tell to change the direction they are walking probably happens every five minutes.

I also have to control the line up and make sure every group is six feet from the other. We have markings on the ground so you would think it would be easy. It’s not. People are oblivious. I have to constantly tell people to back up and not breathe down the group in front necks.

Jumping tables is something that I don’t usually deal with being outside at the host stand but when I do, it’s a nightmare. People don’t care. They will continue to do it after you ask them three times to go back to their own table. Then, after you tell people multiple times to not jump tables, they get mad at us. I’m sorry, but it’s not me that has made these rules, IT’S THE GOVERNMENT. And then they think you take your job too seriously but we can get shut down and all lose our jobs if we aren’t following the rules.

A bit of a rant, yes, but also why are you coming into an establishment if you aren’t going to follow the rules and better yet, making a fuss about it. Karen stay home!

When Dad Isn’t There

I’ve come to the realization that I’m lacking a few life skills that i think I should have or at least know what to do. My dad has always been the one that takes care of it when I’m having car troubles, clog a sink or maybe accidentally light something on fire. But now I’m 21 and my dad isn’t always there when something goes wrong.

Yesterday, I left the dentist and there was a light on in my car. Having no idea what any of the lights mean, I just kept driving…until a song ended and I heard this loud banging coming from the back passenger side. My first thought was turn the music up louder. So I did. But then I got nervous. I went through the car manual at a red light and I saw that the low tire symbol was the same one that was lit up on my dash. Now this is where I could just go home and say to my dad “I think I have a flat tire,” but I was concerned that the tire was going to blow up and I was going to explode. So I decided I did not want to die and I would attempt to fill my tire up with air myself. It was about five minutes before I found a gas station. I pulled up at the “air” station and got out of the car like I knew exactly what I was doing… I didn’t. I’ve never done this before. I took the cap off the air valve and put it in my pocket so I didn’t lose it. I knew I would get in trouble if I lost it.

Now it’s air in the tire time. I grabbed the pump and put it to the air valve. Then I held the handle down and nothing was happening. But I thought “I guess this is how it works.” Three minutes later I realized that I’m an idiot and didn’t press the button to turn the air on. Nice move, Ry. I turn the air on and put everything back in place for filling. I held the handle down for about 20 seconds. I honestly have no idea if air even made it into the tire or if I let more air out. But I decided that I gave it a good shot and drove fifteen more minutes home. I called my dad to tell him what I did. I could feel him shaking his head over the phone as he said “be careful and drive home slowly.”

I did in fact make it home if you’re worried that I blew up. When I parked, I heard air sizzling out. I got down and saw that there was a huge nail suck in the tire. My dad came down to look and he stuck the nail in a little more so it would stop the air coming out for the night as it was 7pm and everywhere was closed.

Nail in tire

This morning, my dad took my car to get the tire patched as I profusely refused as those are boy things and as a girl I didn’t feel like getting dirty.

So what I learned out of this, is that everyone should know how to put air in their tire, add oil and know how to unplug a toilet. Not that I ever want to do any of these things, I should know how just in case my dad isn’t there. When I was in Kelowna and my dad was not there, a family friend (thank god he was there), showed me how to add oil to my car. Do i remember? Kinda sorta yes. I’d also like to know how to do my taxes so I don’t go to jail but I’ll learn that another time.

Pinkcouver > Raincouver

Vancouver is home to over 43,000 cherry blossom trees and they are in full bloom. There are many easily accessible places to find them throughout the city. The official Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival (VCBF) kicked off earlier this month and runs until the end of April. VCBF is a registered charitable society since 2007, where they “bridge silos in Metre Vancouver, making vital connections between generations, cultures, religions and neighbours while engaging citizens with beauty to raise the aesthetic taste.” Hanami (flower viewing), the an age-old Japanese cultural tradition is the inspiration behind the VCBF event.

On Thursday, I set out on the hunt to find the best cherry blossoms. I read a few local websites and figured Queen Elizabeth Park in East Vancouver would be the perfect place to see them. After driving around for a half an hour I finally found them…only they were only small trees as the big ones had not bloomed yet. Disappointing for sure but it was still lovely to get out for a little fresh air on the beautiful sunny day.

The VCBF website has a map of all the best spots to see the Cherry Blossoms in the city… which I definitely should have looked at before I went out hunting for them myself. The website also has a favourite tab where you can find all the best places to find the perfect photos.

East Vancouver

Cherry blossoms give the ability for us to be more in touch with our feelings as well as connecting with other people. Cherry blossoms are a reminder to be mindful and present in order to enjoy every moment.

On Friday, after looking at the official cherry blossom map, I took my mom headed to Burrard Street Station downtown to see the side walks covered in pink and white blossoms. It was beautiful. There were many other people there just to see the blossoms, taking videos, pictures and FaceTiming their friends to show them too.

Burrard Station

On Saturday, I rolled into work at Parkside Brewery in Port Moody and I looked directly across the street from our tasting room to see four large cherry blossom trees. I had to drive by these trees FOUR TIMES and I never noticed them. I also worked across the street last year when they were blooming too. I couldn’t believe it, I could have just stepped into my backyard to find them.

VCBF is inviting everyone to take part over the next few weeks and celebrate the cherry blossoms too. They want to share the joy on social media as well as have anyone take part in their community events. There are workshops from “How to Haiku,” celebrating Sakura at home on April 25, and they are accepting submissions for the Haiku Invitational poem contest from now until June 1. 

Make sure you get out there and see the city pink before the rain comes!

The Office is NOT a Personality Trait: Get it Together Boys

Being single in a pandemic is has it’s ups and it’s downs. I don’t have to hang out with someone 24/7. Oh man, I’m not sure if I could do that. that scares me about marriage. Having to spend everyday together. I fell like I would be bored. Anyways, I’m no where close to being married so that doesn’t matter right now.

But boys, listen up here. Having an empty bio? Boring. Write a little bit about yourself. All I know about you then is that you take gym mirror selfies, drink bud light and have hiked to the top of a mountain. Great, you seem so interesting… not.

Since we are on the bio topic, I would like to let you know the worst thing that is put in the bios. Anything about The Office. Being able to quote every line from The Office is not a personality trait. In what world did you think oh, I’m going to put the Office quotes in your bio? First of all, I hate The Office so that’s a huge turn off. It’s not funny. It’s basic humour. I have a much more complex sense of humour, so no thank you.

Another thing that a dude should not do, is put a picture of themselves holding a fish that they caught. We get it, your friend invited you out fishing once and your proud of what you caught. But I’ll tell you one thing, you’re not going to catch me and many other ladies out there. This also makes a gal think, “hmm maybe he will want to be out in a swamp fishing on the weekend instead of on a rooftop patio having margaritas.” Instant swipe left.

Now let’s talk about photos with friends. Don’t have multiple picture with the same friend. Half the time we will be thinking it’s you. I had this problem just yesterday and I’m still annoyed by it. If you have a better looking friend or the friend is just someone else’s type, there is a higher chance you’re going to have more matches. Once we find out which one you are, 50/50 chance of an unmatch. Just post photos of you, or maybe just one with a friend so we can see that you are semi social.

And one thing that is even worse than photos with friends, is a photo with you and another girl. Is she your sister? A previous girlfriend? A current girlfriend? Or a friend? Now we are wondering if we would have to be concerned about this girl. Big mistake. Just leave other people out of it… unless it is you and your parents. I like seeing those to get a sense that family is important to you. So keep the family pictures up but any other people should not be in your photos.

So, all you men out there, I hope you read this articles very carefully. Maybe, go back and read it twice or three times? I think it’ll help you find your cinderella a lot faster. And don’t worry, a follow up article about your conversation starts and inappropriate comments will be next.


Your single girls

Reckless Lives: The Ultimate Glass House Experience

If you love wine like me, then you probably can’t wait to get out to the wineries in the Okanagan or Osoyoos this summer. One thing this pandemic has allowed for us to do, is explore what our own province has to offer, instead of traveling to a different country like we would normally do.

On Thursday, Mattia and I went out to Glass House Estate Winery. The sun was shinning and it was the perfect day for a little wine tasting.

Glass House is one of my favourite wineries in the Campbell Valley. It opened in 2012 after the de Jong family retired from their 60 years in the greenhouse industry, hence the greenhouse like building. The property was originally an over grown Christmas tree farm until the de Jong’s transformed it into the winery it is today. They produce “hand selected, single vineyard, low yield artisan wine” in the South of Langley. Their whites are grown on the property but the reds are grown in the Naramata bench area. The winery is managed by the Joesph Richards Group who are proud to continue to build on what the de Jong’s have created.

We arrived to the large glass building and entered the tasting room through the sturdy hickory doors. The staff were lovely and brought us to the bar for a tasting right away.

We tasted five wines for $10 but if you buy a bottle $5 is knocked off the tasting. I had the 2019 Savignon Blanc, 2019 Chardonnay, NV Cameo Rosé, 2017 Austellus and the 2017 Stellatus Brut Cuvée, which I did end up taking a bottle of home. During our tasting, I taught Mattia to swirl her wine in order for it to “open up.” Basically, just allowing oxygen to get into the wine in order to breakdown and give off its aromas. I also made Mattia taste her wine in three sips in order for the palette to adjust to the wine. A few tricks I’ve learned over the years at wine tastings.

Charcuterie Board

After our tasting, we sat inside for a glass of wine and some appies. We shared the truffle and herb flatbread and a charcuterie board. I highly recommend both. The charcuterie came with a variety of meats and cheese as well as pickles veggies, dark chocolate and a grainy mustard. Once we finished the wine and food, we went outside to explore the vineyard. We walked around in the picnic area they have set up. Then we strolled over the garden bridge, that’s over a flowing stream and headed towards the grapes. After sinking a little too deep into the wet and muddy ground, it was time to head back to the main area.

We decided to have one more glass of champagne before we left. We sat on the out door patio where they have hanging lights and white marble tables and chairs on the red brick ground. During the summer months, the patio is usually filled with people enjoying live music from local musicians.

This Sunday, Glass House is having an Easter Dinner menu served family style for two. It’s full of tomato salad, lamb saddle, halibut and fresh donuts. It’s on for $129 for two guests and they have wine parings available.

Glass House is open Wednesday to Sunday with varied hours. I highly recommend hopping in (Get it? Because Easter is this weekend) for a tasting.

Dear Diary

Do you ever look back on old letters or diary entries you have written and cringed at what was said? Every time I look back on something, I think it’s usually very embarrassing. It starts with “dear diary..” and then a few lines about the boy who sits across from you in math class and he asked for a pencil and you froze and stumbled on your words. Or when you were six years old sitting in your bedroom dreaming about being a famous rich singer and everyone is screaming your name. 

Taylor Swift on the other hand has now released her first song “From the Vault”. Following the drama with Scooter Braun and Taylor not owning her own music, Swift has re-recorded all her previous albums. Fearless (Taylor’s Version) is the first to release on April 9th. She also has a few surprises up her sleeve as she’s releasing six never heard songs that didn’t make Fearless originally.

“I’ve decided I want you to have the whole story,” Swift said. “See the entire vivid picture, and let you into the entire dreamscape that is my Fearless album.”

Since Fearless (Taylor’s Version) is the only rerecorded album that has a release date and Swift has spoken about, do you think every album will have songs “From the Vault’? I think that if she wants the full picture of Fearless, then she must want that for the other albums. Or maybe that is just me hoping for more.

The first song, You All Over Me, featuring country singer Maren Morris released on Thursday night. It debut on the charts at number one worldwide with over 3.1 Million streams on Spotify. You might think that these songs would struggle lyrically since they were written from ages sixteen to eighteen but listening to You All Over Me, I don’t think that is the case at all. Then I also remembered that Fearless won Album of the Year at the Grammys so I guess the gal has been very talented from a young age. Being 22, I couldn’t imagine going back to something I wrote or created at eighteen and thinking it was good work. That’s only a four year difference and here is Taylor with a thirteen year difference, still so proud of her own work. I think that’s remarkable. 

The song feels like the Fearless era. It has a country twang and soft Swift lyrics about a relationship she can’t get away from. It was produced by The National’s, Arron Dessner, who also produced folklore and evermore.

“One thing I’ve been loving about these From The Vault songs is that they’ve never been heard, so I can experiment, play, and even include some of my favourite artists.”

All of the songs From the Vault will be including other artists. People have been speculating on which of Taylor’s musical friends will be joining her on this album. Perhaps a Katy Perry collab is in the works? Perry hinted at it on American Idol last week saying, “Can you imagine if Taylor and I work together…what we could do?” I guess we will have to wait two more weeks to find out. 

There’s No Crying in Baseball

The sun is out, birds are chirping and you know what that means. Ball season is right around the corner. This year is looking a little different for me. I’ve hung up my cleats and I’m picking up a clip board. I’m coaching a group of U8 girls. I was asked by a family friend to come out and be her assistant coach for her daughter’s team. I thought about it for about five minutes and I knew I was in.

My main position was catcher and when I wasn’t in foul territory, I was in left field. I thought great, I will be in charge of catchers and outfield and Ashley would do infield and pitchers. I immediately started brainstorming drills that made me be the player I am today. I had two come to mind right away. Very repetitive drills but so beneficial. I remember hating doing them over and over for a two hour practice but when it came to game time, it was worth it. But then I remembered that I’m coaching eight year olds and concentration is out the window.

I also need to figure out what kind of coach I’m going to be. I’ve had a lot of different coaches in my 14 years of minor ball. I’ve had the motivational and uplifting, the serious, the ones that only teach mechanics and the one who made me want to never pick up a glove again. I know I will never be the one who will make players want to quit the game.

Catching in Lake Tahoe


I have coached hockey since I was sixteen but I find the two are completely different. At hockey, I’ve always been the fun coach and the one’s the kids pick on. Softball is a sport that I take a lot more seriously. I think it’s from playing at a much higher level than I did at hockey. I know the game of ball like the back of my hand. From the mechanics to knowing exactly what I’m doing when the ball comes to me to figuring out the perfect pitch to call and everything in between. It’s engrained in me. Any player that has played ball at a high level will know, that it’s more of a mental game than a physical. Not only have I been trained on the field, I’ve also been trained off and I’m used to a few things that I think I will have to let go of.

  1. No parents at practice
  2. Jerseys always tucked in
  3. Athletic position at all times
  4. No sitting
  5. No food (other than energy bar or something beneficial)

But this team is not a rep team so I’m going to have to wrap my head around those things happening. You’d think from playing women’s league now for a few years, I would be over all that but I’m not. My first game I played, there was a girl who was on deck and where did she go? She heard her name at the concession stand and went to grab her food. She ended up not being back in time and caused an “out” for us. I was absolutely horrified. My mom saw the look on my face and she said she knew I was having a small freak out inside.

Last game of minor ball


Something that I will make sure is a rule, is that everyone’s jerseys are tucked in. That’s professional. I see it that if you can’t care enough to tuck your jersey then you don’t care enough to play.

So next week, Coach Rylee makes her debut as a softball coach and it’s safe to say I’m a littler nervous. So if any fellow ball coaches want to throw over a bit of advice, I’m all ears for it.

The Dog Birthday Party Went Down Swinging

Last week, I wrote about my dog Stanley turning seven how I was going to make his Instagram content better than Peaches and Nacho Cilantro Passutto’s (Jillian Harris’ dogs). Did that happen? Nope, not even close.

The day started out great. He got his fancy new purple bow tie and was absolutely thrilled. He put on his crown and hated every minute of it. I snapped his picture as he looked at me humiliated. I didn’t want to torture the guy so I put on his blue birthday hat from the year before and he was pleased.

He went and saw Bean, a whippet and one of his dog BFF’s. Bean’s owner, K and I took the two to the dog park so they could run around. We ended up getting yelled at by two middle ages ladies who had an aggressive dog and it wasn’t allowed to be allowed other dogs. Why did they bring their dog to a park on a beautiful sunny day, with many people and other dogs around. That is the big question. They kind of ruined our vibe. 

We didn’t stay long. Stan was exhausted and passed out beside a picnic table. For a seven year old Great Dane, it doesn’t take much for him to fall asleep. I did get great photo eating sticks with Stan. It was his special day, so I was going to do all the things he loved (I don’t recommend this). We ended up going home and Stan napped for most of the day, until he woke up with an upset stomach.

Stan and I eating sticks

The poor guy didn’t eat for two days. My parents were thinking it was because he was waiting for deer on top of his food (he was given some by a friend for his birthday) but that wasn’t the problem. Stan had gotten a parasite. As someone with a weak stomach, what was coming out of Stan was disgusting and I hope for it to never happen again. For him and me. Props to my parents for dealing with it as I was freaking out about him puking in my bathroom.

Stan was pathetic about it. He was upset. Crying. Not a happy camper. You know how dogs are when they don’t feel well, they are dramatic. Basically, like a man when he has a “man cold.” After a full seven days of antibiotics, special salmon wet food and canine probiotics, Stan is feeling much better.

Stan’s birthday cake

Unfortunately, his peanut butter birthday cake from Three Dog Bakery in Port Moody, is still in the freezer as we have been worried it will be too much on his stomach. Hopefully he can feast on it this week. Better late than never. He will have to have it before I take a bite out of it. It looks so good, but I’ve tried a cookie from there and it tasted… well nothing like it looked.

So what I have to say to Jillian Harris and her two dogs, is that next year, it’s on.

In the mean time, if you want more Instagram dog fails, check out Stan’s Instagram, @Stanley.Pierre_. You won’t regret it.