Welcome to BCIT’s Evolution 107.9

At Evolution, we shake things up!

We look a little different and sound a little different – because we are! We’re dedicated to experimentation, creativity, and distinctiveness. Part of our uniqueness comes from the fact that we are all students at BCIT. We are always learning and asking questions and invite you to come along for the ride.

Major label, indie label, or no label – if it’s good and it rocks – we’ll play it!

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Social Media Culture

In this day and age it’s impossible to live life with social media. I’m guilty of it too. I spend a lot of my day just scrolling on my phone. However, when I see young kids with Iphones scrolling on TikTok thats when I stop and think. When I was young I was out with my friends playing with Pokemon cards. If one kid had an Ipod it was a big deal. Nowadays it seems like if a kid doesn’t have a phone it’s a big deal. It has me wondering, if I went to elementary school in this day and age.


With how social media has taken over, how are kids’ brains developing?  Social media has become a central part of daily life for billions of people, offering everything from communication and entertainment to news and marketing opportunities. There are tons of pros for social media, don’t get me wrong. Think of TikTok for example. Brands use social media for marketing and customer engagement, and individuals leverage it for freelance work, networking, and even building entire businesses.  There are so many business who thrive off of social media.

It’s become so big in everyone’s daily life. It got me thinking about how the potential TikTok ban would affect everyone. I’m not just talking about TikTokers doing dances. The app has become a lot more than that. It’s become peoples careers and people marketing themselves.  It’s alot more than what it was. Social media at points is scrolling but I think it depends on what people use it for.  It has good and bad but you can be the judge. If I was younger I feel like I would be on social media for strictly entertainment. But because I’m older it has many uses.

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