Marvel and DC – Mya

Is it just me or when you watch a new Marvel movie, that character becomes your favourite? As a kid I always loved the Spider-Man movies, but as I got older I started to like every single movie that came out. Don’t get me wrong, I love Batman and a few DC characters, but when I watch any new superhero movie they’re my new favourite. Maybe it’s because we get to know more about their history, who they are, and how they became their superhero personas… I’m not sure what it is, but it’s interesting. 

If someone asks me right now who my favourite superhero is I honestly don’t know who I would choose. My usual Marvel go to is Thor or Captain America, and my usual DC favourite is obviously Batman or The Flash. I love the flash because of the comic “Flash Point Paradox” which also has an animated movie. I think how they changed everything about it and included Batman is so interesting. If you aren’t aware of Flash Point Paradox, it’s about Barry Allen entering a new dimension where everything is different. When he realizes the whole world has changed, he pays a visit to Bruce Wayne, Gotham is also completely different and it slowly unravels throughout the story. *SPOILER ALERT* When Barry goes to visit Bruce, he couldn’t find him right away, but he does find Batman soon who doesn’t seem normal, the more he investigates this crazy world, the more he uncovers. Bruce died the night his parents were supposed to, Martha Wayne (Bruce’s mother) is the Joker, and Batman is really Thomas Wayne (Bruce’s father). For me, it is the best comic I have read and a really good animated film. 10/10 recommend, if you have any suggestions for me to read or watch send me a DM on instagram: @myadeol.

Now back to Marvel, I love all of them.. I used to love DC but honestly, the way the marvel movies all come together is so interesting and appealing. I love the avengers and I like how they connect each movie. The newest Spiderman movies are good, Tom Holland plays a good Spiderman, but a young Aunt May still doesn’t sit right with me. There’s something about how Uncle Ben and May had a good relationship with Peter and how Ben’s tragic death was a staple in the original films with Tobey Maguire, very emotional. Then again I don’t think anyone would ever be able to top that scene because it’s so iconic and classic. I like how the new Spiderman is introduced to the avengers and Tony Stark being his mentor, it’s great. I just don’t like how so much has changed. There have been so many Spiderman remakes, it makes sense to add a little difference to it, but their number one mistake was making it over again, like why? Why did we need the one with Andrew Garfield? Tobey Maguire movies being the best Spiderman on screen and having an awesome cast with great character resemblance (for some), will never be forgotten. James Franco and Willem Dafo looking weirdly alike was great, I would believe they were related on and off screen. The only issue with these movies was the fact that the kids were not kids, they looked much older than 15 which is when Peter supposedly got his powers (which is why I love Tom Holland as the new Spiderman, he has that babyface and voice to him). If they were a little younger looking it would’ve been perfect because Aunt May and Uncle Ben had a good resemblance, and despite Kirsten Dunst’s age she was a perfect MJ.

DC movies don’t impress me the same way Marvel movies do, accept The Dark Knight series. That series is  A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, Heath Ledger is the best Joker anyone can ask for (rest in peace). He did something very dangerous as an actor, he used “Method Acting”. Method Acting is when you live your life as that character in preparation for your role. This was very dangerous because he played a sadistic maniac, doing this type of acting is amazing for the screen but horrible for their wellbeing. It can affect their mental state and cause anxiety, personality changes, psychotic disorders, fear, sleep deprivation, and fatigue. Heath was an incredible actor, no matter what roles he played. A true icon in the acting world, but for me looking into his situation, being a method actor didn’t end in the best way. Overall my favourite series.

Batman Vs Superman was a sh*tty movie, I’m not going to lie, I did not like it. As much as I love Batman, there’s no way he can beat Superman, clearly, but it’s just not a fight worth watching. And Batman suddenly not being intimidated by (“too powerful”) Superman anymore he realizes they both have mothers named Martha, come on!!!!! I understand in that moment Bruce finally sees Clark as someone who has had a real (human) life experience and not some heartless alien, but really? Also wasn’t Bruce already given a kryptonite ring in case Superman goes rogue? So why did they even have this movie?

Speaking of Batman, let’s talk about The Joker. Joaquin Phoenix did a great job in the Joker movie, his ability to show the mental illness Arthur Fleck had was incredible. Laughing, crying, angry all at the same time, amazing. If you didn’t know, Arthur Fleck isn’t the Joker’s real name, it is actually Jack Napier. Thanks to the article by Rafael Motamayor on the Collider, he has opened up my eyes to the possibility that Arthur isn’t the real Joker we see in the batman movies. If you have watched The Joker, you would’ve noticed the age difference between Arthur and Bruce… Weird right, but do you remember at the end of the movie when Arthur had a whole street full of Gothamites dressed as clowns praising him? Motamayor had the idea that Arthur is not the real Joker, but the leader who created the real one. The man who got too old and inspired Jack Napier to be the Joker we are all so very familiar with. 

I hope you enjoyed my rant and theories about Marvel/DC, how they are both amazing in certain aspects and that some movies are also flawed. I’m Mya Deol and that was my opinion.

Manifest – Mya

I search for acceptance within others while forgetting to remember to accept myself. 

Be in love with who you are, where you’re from, what you look like, what you do, love yourself. 

You control what you see, change your perspective. Wake up every morning knowing what you want. Say it, wake up and call yourself beautiful, handsome, smart, and say your goal. The more respectful you are to yourself, the more you will love what you see. 

“Your reflection is your perception on yourself. Only you get to choose what kind of mirror you’re looking into.”  – DEOL

Everyday I wake up and I state my goals, I call myself beautiful and start my day. It’s manifestation, I know what I want and I’m working for them. If you haven’t read the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne or watched the movie, you are really missing out, it’s all about manifestation and the law of attraction. It’s about how you will get what you want depending on your mindset. If you are always negative and complaining about everything wrong with your life, you are attracting negativity. If you are positive and look at negative situations in a brighter light and manifest for the good from the bad, you will attract positivity from the universe. 

At times I would feel so insecure and think “what are they going to think of me”, “Ugh why do I look like this, they’re going to think I’m ugly”. Something I have learned is that you need to learn to accept yourself, and love who you are before looking for that love and acceptance from other people. I am still guilty of this sometimes because it is really hard to get out of the habit of hating on yourself and looking for confirmation and acceptance within the people around you. Even picking outfits I find complicated because I don’t want to look weird or stand out like the ugly duckling. I’m always looking to fit in and I’m too scared to explore my own style… or maybe I can’t afford it! I am so insecure about my acne that I rarely want to leave my house. 

My main goal is to become a successful actor, but I have so many insecurities keeping me away. Society has put it in our heads that we have to look a certain way to be beautiful or handsome and the way we were made isn’t good enough. No matter how beautiful someone is, they have insecurities, they want to fix things about themselves. You may be wishing you looked like someone else, but there is somebody behind you wishing they were you. Whether it be a physical feature, mental feature, or the life you live, someone wishes to be you.

I want to wake up one day and be happy with what I look like, who I am, where I am, and what I do. It isn’t going to happen over night, no way. What we need to do to achieve these goals is put positivity into the universe, remind yourself everyday that you are beautiful, smart, happy, and what your goals are. If it doesn’t work, so what? At least we tried or brainwashed ourselves to believe we are beautiful, which would be great because then we would see the truth. Everybody is beautiful, the word ugly should never have been invented. Everybody deserves to be loved by themselves because that’s the most important type of love, self love.

Here are some inspirational quotes:


“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” –  Confucius


“Reality is a projection of your thoughts or the things you habitually think about.” – Stephen Richards


“When you want to attract something into your life, make sure your actions don’t contradict your desires.. Think about what you have asked for, and make sure that your actions are mirroring what you expect to receive, and that they’re not contradicting what you’ve asked for. Act as if you are receiving it. Do exactly what you would do if you were receiving it today, and take actions in your life to reflect that powerful expectation. Make room to receive your desires, and as you do, you are sending out that powerful signal of expectation.”― Rhonda Byrne, The Secret


“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” – David Hume


“Some of us teach ourselves and our children to love the superficial outer; our looks, hair, skin, clothes rather than the greater beauty that resides within whereas it is that inner beauty that really defines you and who you truly are.” Rassool Jibraeel Snyman


“That’s always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they’re pretty. It’s like picking your breakfast cereals based on color instead of taste.” John Green


“Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Proving nature’s laws wrong, it learned to walk without having feet. Funny, it seems to by keeping its dreams; it learned to breathe fresh air. Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else even cared.” Tupac Shakur


“She was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines. She was beautiful, for the way she thought. She was beautiful, for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful, for her ability to make other people smile, even if she was sad. No, she wasn’t beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She was beautiful, deep down to her soul. She is beautiful.”– F. Scott Fitzgerald

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, your version of beautiful is different than mine and everyone sees beauty in different forms. Be proud to be who you are and express yourself by wearing what you want to wear or doing what you want to do. Learn to love everything about yourself. Eventually one day you will wake up and love what you see when you look in the mirror, you will love your thought process and how productive you are, you will love where you are and what you do with your life. Open your mind to these possibilities and be more positive, look at everything with a bright new light. I believe in you, and I think you’re beautiful. You can reach out and talk to me @myadeol on Instagram!


A heart break – Mya


Before I met you,

my life was good.

Leaves were falling,

wind was blowing,

moon was shining.

You came in and brightened my world 

brighter then it’s ever been.

So bright it blinded me from seeing anything past your smile or even your glance.

I was fooled,

and when it came time to say goodbye 

you took everything.

You left me blind. 

I couldn’t see the leaves falling or feel the

wind blowing.

I couldn’t see the moon shining over me. 

With all the light you brought in,

you took whatever I had.

You left me less than I was,

Before I met you. 


This poem is about how someone came into my life and made me so happy, happier than I’ve ever been with an individual, whether it be in a relationship or friendship, this person made me happy. I loved them with all my heart, no matter what they did. They could break my heart and I’d still hope one day they would put the pieces back together, but in the moment I was holding the pieces waiting for them to start reciprocating the love. I waited long, but the longer I stayed the harder it was to hold on. I had put so much effort, care, and love into that person, I believed that they were the one. It was as if I was hypnotized -under a trance- because every time they smiled at me I would melt and forgive him, every single time. I really believed he would change, I really believed he would love me as much as he said he would. 

Love isn’t just a word, it’s an action. You can say it as many times as you want but you have to show someone you love them for it to carry the same meaning. 

I was the happiest I ever felt with them, the highest of highs, but they also brought me to my lowest lows. I’ve never felt that happiness again, but I’ve felt a lot more lows. Maybe that’s why for so long I thought they were the one, because they gave me this feeling of joy. It felt as if they brought in so much happiness, it blocked out the pain they were injecting into me. When it was over, not only did they take all the happiness they poured on me, but all the happiness I had from before them. Everything I had was ripped away from me and I was left with less than I started with, yet it was love.

 You can’t force yourself to love someone, even if you want to and they’re perfect. 

They wanted to love me, they tried to love me. My version of love is different than theirs. We spoke different love languages and that’s why it didn’t work. I really believed that they were the one when I couldn’t get over them, lots of time would go by and I would still long for them to come back and love me the way I wished to be loved. Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, and even though I was trying my best to move on, months turned to a year. The biggest mistake I made was keeping everything that reminded me of them. Everytime I missed them I would turn to the things I have and remember the good times in the relationship, forgetting about all the bad. When you miss someone, you miss the good things, the happy moments, the reason you were in love, but you don’t remember the fights, the things they did that hurt you, and all the nights you spent crying. When I realized my mistake, I threw everything away, I deleted pictures and I was definitely ready to move on this time. I didn’t give myself the opportunity to dwell on the relationship, when I did that I stopped hurting as badly, I stopped missing him as much, and I stopped longing for deep inside -even if I convinced myself I wasn’t.


“I loved you, I loved who you were when we were together and happy. I loved who I was when I was with you and how you made me feel. As time went by the more you changed. I still loved you, but it was getting harder and harder to hold on. I miss you. I miss who you were, and how you were when we were together. I miss us -when we were good. I miss being good. But I don’t think I love you, because I don’t love what you’ve become. I don’t miss you, because you aren’t who I fell in love with anymore.”


The poems I have shown today are about someone who was in my life for a short period of time, but left the biggest imprint anyone ever has. For a little while I wished that I had never met them so I didn’t have to feel like sh*t now that they’re gone, but it only took me a little bit of time to realize how many lessons I was taught through the relationship. You should never regret anything you have done because you can’t change the past, but you can make the future the way you want it. Every decision you make in your life teaches you something, I don’t think you ever waste your time doing anything. You can spend it unwisely, but during that time you learned something. You learned to do things differently and how to avoid those situations for the future. Don’t waste time regretting things you did, take time and think of things you need to do. 


It’s okay to miss someone who isn’t in your life anymore, but what’s not okay is hoping you still have a chance in the future. In order to move on you need to become independent and have self respect, self love, and self confidence. Moving on is important because it gives you an opportunity to grow into the person you need to be alone. Become strong and loving yourself first. You don’t need to move on to someone else, but move on to yourself. Learn to love you, care for you and make you happy. You will learn self worth, you will learn what you want and you will get it. When you have values and morals, you will have standards won’t settle for less. 


Moving On – Mya


So many people around yet I still feel alone.

After all this time, I thought I had finally grown

I don’t understand why

These feelings won’t die

Everyone at home loves me

But I’m far from home, I’m lost at sea

Not swimming, I’m drowning

No one notices because…

I’m smiling, not frowning

It’s like something is missing or not yet here

Please just hold me and whisper in my ear

“You are loved”

“You are cared for”

Because I don’t understand this pain

But it comes just as often as it does rain

I know you love me, because it is shown

So many people around yet I still feel so alone.


This poem I wrote is about issues that no one sees, the pain no one else feels. Sometimes it’s easier to hide the way you feel rather than talk about it, but that’s only going to make you feel worse. I know when you feel down and upset, you don’t want to get up and do things that will take that pain away, you just want to sleep and forget about everything but instead you end up thinking of more ways of why you should feel like sh*t. 

It’s a cycle, you will continue on with your life as you did before until everything becomes too much and you get back to feeling the way you did before. The more you hide it, forget about it, and pretend to move on will only make things worse. What you need to do is get up and talk to someone about it. Get help, go to therapy, or find ways to heal. Forgetting about it and moving on, only to feel the same way again will eventually lead to it getting worse. 

When I don’t feel good, I like to jot my feelings down and write sentences. When I wrote the draft of this poem I didn’t feel good, I felt lonely and overwhelmed. Once I felt better I turned it into a poem. I write poetry to understand my feelings and connect with myself in an artistic way. I want them to feel my poetry if they’ve gone through similar things or felt similar emotions. 


Sometimes my memories are so clear. 

From the nights I played them in my head, smiling from ear to ear. 

A happiness so pure I wanted to feel twice. 

Not knowing that later I’d have to pay the price. 

Now feeling as if those memories will never leave. 

Crying out in vain 

                   HOW COULD I BE SO NAIVE 

That happiness has turned into pain. 

The happiest memories began to drive me insane.  

I’m not smiling anymore, tear after tear. 

Sometimes my memories are so clear.


I used to be so happy thinking about some memories with people, I wanted to relive those moments over and over again making them so clear. I didn’t care to think that when those people aren’t in my life anymore, I’m going to feel so much pain remembering them so clearly.

I wrote this poem when I heard a song, it took me to a certain memory and all the feelings came back, I felt as if my stomach was getting squeezed and wrenched. I hated that feeling. The longer I waited to really get over that person, the deeper in trouble I was getting. Although I convinced myself I was over this person, I wasn’t. I really wanted to be, but I did nothing to let myself let them go. Later on I learned how to move on and I felt much better, 

I have no advice on how to feel better after this, I think the only thing you can do is move on. That’s the hard part, you can convince yourself you’re over it but then come crashing down again at the sight of them or something that reminds you of them. My biggest advice on this is, you have to want to let go. You can’t let go of someone who you still have a connection to, get rid of things that make you miss them. Once you’re able to let that part of your life go, it won’t bother you as much, and you won’t react as badly as you used to. Maybe occasionally you will miss your relationship with them and that’s okay, it was a big part of your life and you’re allowed. What’s not okay is hoping for them in the future, having hope that one day they will finally be the right person for you. If they didn’t try to be good for you when you were together, then they didn’t value you and your relationship enough to be given a chance after they already lost the opportunity. 

The two poems I added here are easily my favourite ones, the deep meanings and the way they turned out is by far my best work yet. They are also very relatable to the point that if anyone who has ever lost someone or is feeling upset that someone isn’t in their lives anymore, they will understand how I felt in that type of situation through this poem. Another reason why I love writing poetry is so I can connect with my readers and give people an opportunity to understand me. My goal is to have a platform where people feel comfortable enough to connect with my writing and reach out for help and/or to chat. 

Understanding your emotions is beneficial because part of the healing process is knowing what you feel, why you feel that way, and how to resolve it. When you know what causes you pain, you can take steps to eliminate it. Whether it be people in your life that do nothing but make you upset, or objects that carry lots of memories and restrict you from moving on. Once you know your feelings and why, you can slowly learn to deal with them or remove them from your life -even if it is really hard.

“I Wished For a Pause” – Mya

The world won’t stop turning. 

I wish to feel a pause. 

The feeling of being consumed with no escape. 

It feels as if the Earth spins faster each day. 

I wish to feel a pause. 

I feel useless. 

I have the desire and hope to make a change, yet I have no ambition. 

I wish to feel a pause 

So I can finally breathe. 

The breath I’ve been holding for so long 

I’m choking 

I’m blind, I can’t see my path anymore.

I’m unaware of my destination. 

I wish to feel a pause. 

But the World won’t stop turning 

And neither will I. 

Not for a second  

Not for any soul. 

So through this pain, I must not stand against myself 

But with the strength from every part of my being I will stand with myself. 

Nobody has the ability to change my life but me. 

Dreams don’t become reality but, 

I have the ability to change my mindset, to be ambitious and work towards my goals. 

To make my life, the life I want. 

I wish to feel a pause 


The world won’t stop turning.

I wrote this poem before the pandemic, feeling very overwhelmed and stuck. I felt as if my life was going by too fast, and I couldn’t slow it down. I thought all I needed was a break from everything, to press pause on my life. I felt upset and overwhelmed almost everyday, it was horrible. I did nothing to stop the feeling, I just let it consume me. Once you get to a point where it’s easier to hurt than heal, you get stuck. I could be hurting from one thing and then remind myself of everything else I needed to be upset about, it feels like throwing yourself into a tornado when all you want to be is sucked into a black hole. And while I was going through this for months, I never would’ve thought I would’ve been given the break I begged for. The pandemic, and I did nothing. I didn’t do anything I wanted to do. I procrastinated for 8 months, now I’m finally getting back on my feet and doing things I want done. 

I wished for a pause and the whole world stopped 

We all got clocked

A pandemic. 

No work, restaurants, no academic

I’ve had all this time, yet nothing has changed 

I have all this time and it’s still going to waste 

What are my excuses?

Who’s to blame? 

We are going to pay 

Because time without a plan will leave you sleeping all day 

I wished for a pause and the whole world stopped

I wrote this poem during the pandemic when I realized I was wasting my days. The worst feeling is knowing you’ve been doing nothing all day everyday. Sleeping in until 2pm everyday. Eating 1 ½ meals a day that have barely any nutritional value and absolutely no exercise. Not only did it make me feel like sh*t physically, but it made me feel so exhausted and upset all the time. I didn’t realize it until 2020 that you have to treat your body right to make your mental health feel good too. The more you care about yourself and your mental being, the better you feel. At one point I blamed everyone else for the way I felt, and I needed therapy. I started going and I think it helped because there was someone guiding me and supporting the way I felt. I felt valid. I didn’t feel like my emotions were too much for her, and I didn’t feel like I was bothering her while I vented. It was nice to have someone who seemed genuinely excited for me to get better and have little achievements in my life.

 I can say I haven’t done anything, but I have done things. I’ve learned my worth when it came to friends, I put my foot down and made hard decisions that really hurt me. I was in pain at the time, but once I started living my life without them I felt better for longer periods of time. I wasn’t feeling upset for days at a time anymore, I started feeling good, because everyday they reminded me one of the reasons of why I felt so bad all the time. I started hanging out with people who make me happy, and it was nice. I felt better, until I started falling back in that hole. Is it because school started again? Or is it just because of me and I’m prone to feeling like this. Is there a key to happiness? What does it feel like to be genuinely happy? Is there such thing, or is everyone always sore about something? The more time I have to think, the more lost I feel. If you’re sitting through this pandemic doing nothing, you need to get up, exercise, eat healthy, and love yourself. Do things that make you happy. The time we have right now is for us, stop wasting your time, come on. We can’t be losing time, we don’t live forever. 

It’s so easy to motivate others, it’s so easy to want others to be better, but you need to focus on you and motivate yourself. It doesn’t make you selfish to do things that make you happier, help yourself before you take the duty to help others. Find your self peace and happiness. You have had 8 months and we don’t know how many more we will have, so take this time to become a better version of you. Come out of this pandemic as a whole new you, the you that was hiding this whole time. Unleash the confidence, courage, love that you have for yourself. Find what you love to do, pursue it and encourage others to do the same. It’s easy to love others but the most important to learn to love is yourself. 

I’m Mya Deol and I believe in you, you’ll get better and you’ll feel amazing. You’ll feel happy!

  • Do things that you love 
  • Find things that make you happy 
  • Motivate yourself to exercise 
  • Wake up earlier 
  • Do yoga 
  • Eat healthier 

You’ll get there, just believe and work for it. 


A Perspective on Death by Mya

No matter how it happens, it was supposed to happen -at that time- in that moment. It just depends on how you lived your life for it to occur the way it did. Perhaps they were created with no intention of life, as they were created to give certain people lessons they need in their lives.

An unborn/ stillbirth– could be because there was no soul meant for that specific body. The lesson from that loss could be for doctors, the families, the parents. Everything happens for a reason, and death is INEVITABLE. It will come unexpectedly, whether its just a warning or the loss -it affects us all.
     “Live everyday like it’s your last, but go to sleep every night knowing you will wake       up in the morning.”
Your life story is what you create, but the moment you are born and the moment you die are already written for you. The way you live your life and what you make of it is up to you.
THEY DIDN’T DESERVE IT- no one does, but it happened and there’s nothing you can do about it. There was nothing more that you could have done, it was INEVITABLE.
Whether they died from a car crash, old age, or in their sleep — they died because that was the end of their story.

Don’t let fear be the controller of your life — embrace your fears, face your fears.

Stop waiting for tomorrow or next time, because you never know when the end of your story will be.
It’s up to you to make your life worth living.

If you have lost an elder in your life, I want you to listen carefully.
You are sitting around a fire pit, but the platform holding the wood and fire is broken. It has a huge hole on the bottom right -as you sit there- you watch pieces of burnt ashy wood fall through, one by one. This is my metaphor for life. The pieces of wood are the generations of family/people growing old. They will gradually fall through the hole, it’s INEVITABLE. Essentially each piece has served its purpose of keeping the fire lit and once they lose that ability to provide, they fall -leaving an even bigger fire behind.. which is something to be proud of.
– Mya Deol

The Greatest Stranger by Mya


I met the greatest stranger at the bus stop. He lets me cut in line, as he sits next to me. We talk about the differences of this country and every country he’s been to.

“Canadians live in a bubble.”

This man of 58 years looked as if he was as young as 40. He told me Canadians are very reserved and life in Canada is very draining. Life becomes a routine. In Spain he had so much energy, but all he does here is watch tv. The vibe you get from people in Canada is nowhere near as it is in other countries. I blamed it on technology, but this man said “whether it’s made with ink or behind a screen, we have always had distractions.” People are just too quick to judge and aren’t willing to get to know one another. Distractions have nothing to do with it.

“Nobody in Canada likes to LIVE, they’re only living to get through each day”

He speaks 11 languages and described how he doesn’t seem to fit in. His son diagnosed him with Peter Pan syndrome: too happy, too nice, and too honest. Before he leaves me as his stop approached he tells me one thing, “I’m gonna give you advice and I don’t like giving advice,

but you are the most important person ever. It doesn’t matter who you’re with or who you talk to. You are number one. In any relationship of your life, you work TOGETHER to be the best INDIVIDUALS.

Anyways here’s my stop, and hey! Stop talking to strangers.” As he got up, gathered his belongings, this man left me in awe with his perspective on life and how different the world is. At first I was a little hesitant of the middle aged man letting me cut line and sitting next to me, but turns out he has a whole family and just likes talking because that’s his norm. 30 mins ago I was regretting the fact I forgot my headphones, now I’m grateful to have met such a pure soul. In as little as 20 minutes, this man taught me so much.

It is definitely crazy how much just one conversation can change your entire day.


MR and MS RIGHT – An Idea by Mya Deol

The more you want love from someone, you search for it. You reach out to people and do things that will get you meeting new individuals- prospects.

If we actually do have soulmates out there -wouldn’t the universe send them your way when they think you’re ready?

Everything in life doesn’t get handed to you, but if you stop searching for love in others and try hard to love yourself by doing things you enjoy, it will attract the universe to bring your love to you.


  • You aren’t sitting back and doing nothing
  • You’re not talking to random people wasting your energy searching for love


You are searching for love within yourself, you are doing things that make you happy, which make you love yourself more. You will be the most attractive when you are genuinely happy. Once you are happy with where you are in your life and what you’ve achieved, when you are ready- your love will come. Don’t waste your time with prospects and don’t lower your standards, because mr/ms right will be coming – but only when you’re mr/ms right FOR YOURSELF.

I understand it can be lonely and hard to be by yourself, but you have to learn to be independent and be happy on your own. I wrote this poem when I felt lonely, not because I didn’t have a boyfriend, not because I didn’t have friends, it’s unexplainable… but I felt lonely.


So many people around yet I still feel alone. 

After all this time, I thought I had finally grown

I don’t understand why

These feelings won’t die 

Everyone at home loves me 

But I’m far from home, I’m lost at sea 

Not swimming, I’m drowning 

No one notices because… 

I’m smiling, not frowning 

It’s like something is missing or not yet here

Please just hold me and whisper in my ear 

“You are loved”

“You are cared for”

Because I don’t understand this pain 

But it comes just as often as it does rain 

I know you love me, because it is shown 

So many people around yet I still feel so alone. 



A Perspective on Arguments – mya

Sometimes people are clouded by their own perspective which restricts them from understanding how you feel about the situation. When they don’t have enough power or strength in themselves to stand up against someone else, they will try their best to get other people to turn their back on you as well. You just have to take a step back and let them think what they want to think -or else you won’t be able to get over it without a constant reminder of the situation. You need to let go. If they are meant to be in your life, they’ll realize your worth and things will work. They’ll find their way back to you. You should never force anything into your life, because people will come and go as they were meant to teach you a lesson. Take what you have learned from this situation and do better -for yourself.

If during an argument you are constantly describing how you feel and ways to resolve the situation, yet the other individual does not comprehend any of the words coming out of your mouth-

Take a step back.

If you have said all that you could-

Take a step back.

There is no need to continue explaining how you feel to someone who does not understand.

Because not everyone is going to sympathize with your feelings,

and that is okay.

You have said all that you could, so now you have to wait, because unless they decide to suddenly be accepting and open minded-

They simply will not understand.

They need time,

Take a step back.


Not worth your energy.

Sometimes the people you love the most hurt you in the worst ways.

Shit Happens.

It’s time to open your eyes and think, are you loving the wrong people?

You saw the real me, I opened up to you. You looked past my flaws and were standing by me as if you’d be there forever. We had written a whole story together expecting to leave each other never.

What went wrong?

You hurt me.

You broke me.

You lost me.

I tried making you understand, I tried my best to see the best in us and hoping we could be forever, but

Your empty promises and misunderstandings made me realize my worth.

Sometimes the people you love the most hurt you in the worst ways,

and as much as you loved them, you lost yourself while trying so hard to get them to just understand.

Until you are able to find and love yourself more than you love them, they are