Marvel and DC – Mya

Is it just me or when you watch a new Marvel movie, that character becomes your favourite? As a kid I always loved the Spider-Man movies, but as I got older I started to like every single movie that came out. Don’t get me wrong, I love Batman and a few DC characters, but when I watch any new superhero movie they’re my new favourite. Maybe it’s because we get to know more about their history, who they are, and how they became their superhero personas… I’m not sure what it is, but it’s interesting. 

If someone asks me right now who my favourite superhero is I honestly don’t know who I would choose. My usual Marvel go to is Thor or Captain America, and my usual DC favourite is obviously Batman or The Flash. I love the flash because of the comic “Flash Point Paradox” which also has an animated movie. I think how they changed everything about it and included Batman is so interesting. If you aren’t aware of Flash Point Paradox, it’s about Barry Allen entering a new dimension where everything is different. When he realizes the whole world has changed, he pays a visit to Bruce Wayne, Gotham is also completely different and it slowly unravels throughout the story. *SPOILER ALERT* When Barry goes to visit Bruce, he couldn’t find him right away, but he does find Batman soon who doesn’t seem normal, the more he investigates this crazy world, the more he uncovers. Bruce died the night his parents were supposed to, Martha Wayne (Bruce’s mother) is the Joker, and Batman is really Thomas Wayne (Bruce’s father). For me, it is the best comic I have read and a really good animated film. 10/10 recommend, if you have any suggestions for me to read or watch send me a DM on instagram: @myadeol.

Now back to Marvel, I love all of them.. I used to love DC but honestly, the way the marvel movies all come together is so interesting and appealing. I love the avengers and I like how they connect each movie. The newest Spiderman movies are good, Tom Holland plays a good Spiderman, but a young Aunt May still doesn’t sit right with me. There’s something about how Uncle Ben and May had a good relationship with Peter and how Ben’s tragic death was a staple in the original films with Tobey Maguire, very emotional. Then again I don’t think anyone would ever be able to top that scene because it’s so iconic and classic. I like how the new Spiderman is introduced to the avengers and Tony Stark being his mentor, it’s great. I just don’t like how so much has changed. There have been so many Spiderman remakes, it makes sense to add a little difference to it, but their number one mistake was making it over again, like why? Why did we need the one with Andrew Garfield? Tobey Maguire movies being the best Spiderman on screen and having an awesome cast with great character resemblance (for some), will never be forgotten. James Franco and Willem Dafo looking weirdly alike was great, I would believe they were related on and off screen. The only issue with these movies was the fact that the kids were not kids, they looked much older than 15 which is when Peter supposedly got his powers (which is why I love Tom Holland as the new Spiderman, he has that babyface and voice to him). If they were a little younger looking it would’ve been perfect because Aunt May and Uncle Ben had a good resemblance, and despite Kirsten Dunst’s age she was a perfect MJ.

DC movies don’t impress me the same way Marvel movies do, accept The Dark Knight series. That series is  A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, Heath Ledger is the best Joker anyone can ask for (rest in peace). He did something very dangerous as an actor, he used “Method Acting”. Method Acting is when you live your life as that character in preparation for your role. This was very dangerous because he played a sadistic maniac, doing this type of acting is amazing for the screen but horrible for their wellbeing. It can affect their mental state and cause anxiety, personality changes, psychotic disorders, fear, sleep deprivation, and fatigue. Heath was an incredible actor, no matter what roles he played. A true icon in the acting world, but for me looking into his situation, being a method actor didn’t end in the best way. Overall my favourite series.

Batman Vs Superman was a sh*tty movie, I’m not going to lie, I did not like it. As much as I love Batman, there’s no way he can beat Superman, clearly, but it’s just not a fight worth watching. And Batman suddenly not being intimidated by (“too powerful”) Superman anymore he realizes they both have mothers named Martha, come on!!!!! I understand in that moment Bruce finally sees Clark as someone who has had a real (human) life experience and not some heartless alien, but really? Also wasn’t Bruce already given a kryptonite ring in case Superman goes rogue? So why did they even have this movie?

Speaking of Batman, let’s talk about The Joker. Joaquin Phoenix did a great job in the Joker movie, his ability to show the mental illness Arthur Fleck had was incredible. Laughing, crying, angry all at the same time, amazing. If you didn’t know, Arthur Fleck isn’t the Joker’s real name, it is actually Jack Napier. Thanks to the article by Rafael Motamayor on the Collider, he has opened up my eyes to the possibility that Arthur isn’t the real Joker we see in the batman movies. If you have watched The Joker, you would’ve noticed the age difference between Arthur and Bruce… Weird right, but do you remember at the end of the movie when Arthur had a whole street full of Gothamites dressed as clowns praising him? Motamayor had the idea that Arthur is not the real Joker, but the leader who created the real one. The man who got too old and inspired Jack Napier to be the Joker we are all so very familiar with. 

I hope you enjoyed my rant and theories about Marvel/DC, how they are both amazing in certain aspects and that some movies are also flawed. I’m Mya Deol and that was my opinion.

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