5 ways to help you decide a career path

5 ways to help you decide a career path Don’t sign for a random program Take random courses at BCIT to see what you like For example take one course from different categories such as: Applied and natural sciences Business & Media Computing & IT Engineering Health Sciences Trades and Apprenticeship Once you have looked … Read more

Gym Culture and Weight Room Attendants

If you checked out the newly renovated fitness center this semester, you would have noticed that, with the new equipment, technology and revamped fitness culture, comes a group of hardy young men and women in blue shirts that are sanitizing, maintaining and caring for the gym environment. I’m one of these ‘weight room attendants’, and … Read more

Engineers Without Borders – Fair Trade Campus Week

The BCIT Engineers Without Borders Chapter Initiative (EWB) could be seen promoting fair trade around campus last week. I was curious about why some of our engineering students such as Navtej Heir (electrical) and Mike Park (civil) were running around campus in banana suits! So I connected with the EWB’s Fair Trade Lead, Stephanie Mulder to answer … Read more

RiverBlue—the man and message behind the movie

Well over forty years ago, in their early days as a couple, Mark and Kathie Angelo did something unusual. They paddled the Thames River through London, in one of the few small crafts to brave the waters. It was a biologically dead river. “The smell of sewage was evident,” recalls Mark. “Waste was pouring into the river. There … Read more

Crafting industry innovation — a BCIT success story

consulting-business operations-craftsman

This past spring, three BCIT students completed a term project. They did it so well, they got a $600 prize – and they’re not the only winners. The company they worked with could see revenue increase by a thousand times that amount. The Business Operations students worked with Craftsman Collision, a 39-year old company with … Read more

From BCIT to the Big Apple — practical advice from Katie Klumper, marketing superstar

Update: August 11, 2017: After seven years at KBS, Katie is now heading up Heat‘s New York operation. You can learn more about this move in this Ad Age article. Congratulations, Katie!  — Katie Klumper is impressive. The BCIT Marketing alumna is the president of a major advertising firm, KBS, in New York city. At the age of … Read more

BCIT students stream in from all over the world

It’s the first week of classes, an exciting time on all five BCIT campuses. For some of our new students, the fun started last week.  On September 1, hundreds of international students came to the Burnaby Campus to learn about their new school. The newcomers — some of whom arrived in Canada the night before — were … Read more