Falling Into a Routine

Friday, September 30th, 2016 Being in the Accounting Degree program has been a stark contrast to being in the diploma program. For one, I had Fridays off and I was taking full advantage of that. However, classes were longer and I was not used to sitting in the room for four hours straight, with a … Read more

Insight and Exploration: CareerBuild

Perhaps at many points in your life, especially while growing up, you have encountered various instances in which you ponder about the future of your career. After having celebrated my nineteenth birthday, I took some time to reflect upon my past endeavours, my successes, and my failures. Sports analogies are used as metaphorical analyses to … Read more

RiverBlue—the man and message behind the movie

Well over forty years ago, in their early days as a couple, Mark and Kathie Angelo did something unusual. They paddled the Thames River through London, in one of the few small crafts to brave the waters. It was a biologically dead river. “The smell of sewage was evident,” recalls Mark. “Waste was pouring into the river. There … Read more

Podmore’s Gallery — honouring a BCIT stalwart

Photo: Robert Bosa (L), catches up with Podmore and a mutual friend. On Friday, September 23, members of the BCIT community gathered with titans of BC’s construction industry to honour a shared hero: David Podmore. A plaque and photo were unveiled in the Gateway building of the Burnaby Campus to mark the new Dr. David Podmore Gallery. Podmore, … Read more

BCIT unveils new lab to train green builders of the future

The High Performance Building Lab (HPBL) was unveiled today at the BCIT Burnaby Campus. The new facility came out of a partnership between the BCIT School of Construction and the Environment (SoCE), BC Housing, and various industry stakeholders. On hand to celebrate was the MLA for Burnaby North, Richard Lee. “This is very exciting,” said … Read more

Government funding supports ‘gas station’ of the future

Officials today unveiled the ‘gas station’ of the future, the British Columbia Institute of Technology’s (BCIT) Energy OASIS project, which uses the power of the sun to fuel electric vehicles. Last year, 98% of the energy generated in British Columbia came from clean or renewable resources. This project will support the ongoing modernization of the … Read more

The hidden job market can be found at the BCIT Downtown Campus

The BCIT Student Association wants to help current and past students access the hidden job market. Technology Industry Day will be held September 27 at the downtown campus. “Most jobs are not advertised.  They are filled through networking, referrals and word of mouth,” says Alexandra Gunn, BCITSA Career Specialist. But it can be difficult to make … Read more

Crafting industry innovation — a BCIT success story

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This past spring, three BCIT students completed a term project. They did it so well, they got a $600 prize – and they’re not the only winners. The company they worked with could see revenue increase by a thousand times that amount. The Business Operations students worked with Craftsman Collision, a 39-year old company with … Read more