Do you want to learn more about the Factor Four projects? Sixteen new signs went up last week on Smith Street and Guichon Alley.
These signs help explain how we are reducing energy and materials in the Factor Four area. Some of the signs give more information on specific projects, such as the wood dust extraction system, while some help identify the programs within the Factor Four area and how they are contributing to the project. The signs were chosen with sustainability in mind, as they are easy to update as work progresses, and can be repurposed. We are working on creating a map of all the points of interest, so people can tour the area on their lunch break or with their students and learn about all the cool things happening in the Factor Four Area.
Jennie Moore says
Great progress!
I just found this informative and concise historical overview of the concept of Factor Four complete with links to additional resources. Perhaps we can use this somewhere too: