New era for the Female Athlete.

The world of professional sports for women is ever changing. Perhaps it hasn’t been the fastest or the most seamless smooth change but a change none the less.

The first professional women’s sport team founded over 40 years ago in 1974 which was football followed by basketball in 178 since then it’s been a slow rise as the Canadian Women’s Hockey league was formed in 2007 but has since stopped operating in 2018. The United States National Women’s hockey was only founded 6 years ago in 2015 and is the first professional league that they are to pay their athletes.

The 1960’s through the 1980’s is where women were being to see the light of modern day. This period of time was extremely successful for women in sports, and it highlighted their potential and skill. In 1981 the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women in sports was form Which is now know as “Canadian Women and Sports”.

The Canadian Women and Sports is an association that helps women to progress in sports and to stand up for their safety. They are committed to gender equality and giving women the resources to use their voices.

As women establish themselves in the world of professional athletes, they are now starting conversations on abuse in their fields. Many female athletes are coming forward about their abuse they received because there were many years before that would punish their careers for standing up for themselves.


Women sports are now seeing fans of their sports raising their voices for them in inequalities they see. In the recent Olympics held in Tokyo fans made it known about their disappointment on the fact that Women’s Softball had to share and play on a Baseball field not a standard Softball field.

There is still a long ways to go for women in sports but now they are no longer forced to be silent. They conversations of money, abuse and inequality are being had and they are no longer falling on deaf ears.

The importance of sports in youth

In the midst on a pandemic, it wasn’t easy finding ways to keep children active. Now as restrictions are being lessened it’s now more important to ensure youth are active. They may not become a professional athlete but the skills and connection they make can make a positive impact on their future selves.

Staying active is an import part for all of us in day-to-day life. For adults we just go to the gym or for a run. To ask a child to do that and focus is unrealistic and doesn’t keep their mind active. I know myself as a kid I could never find joy in going for a run.

Sports add a level of focus and creativity to being active. Whether its soccer, baseball or even dance. Kids need to be stimulated mentally if they are going to be active. This may mean trying out multiple programs to find the right sport, because as much importance it is to be active you shouldn’t force your kid into something they do not enjoy.

“The benefits of sports are numerous and can impact lives in profound ways. Team sports participation promotes health and wellbeing, builds confidence, and can help maintain mental health.” –

The interaction is what helps children develop their social skills and the staying active helps them develop overall.

If you’re wanting to help your child to stay active in a program your participation is just as important. You need to show support by being at their games and recitals. Practice with them at home. One of my fondest memories is throwing the ball back and forth with my mom and her helping me hone my pitching.

There are tons of active options that children can get into. Canada itself has an initiative to help keep children active so no child is to miss out. There are resources for everyone

Fantasy league for beginners

Fantasy leagues have become a growing craze since there were started in 1962 by Oakland businessman Wilfred Winkenbach, Bill Tunnel with the Raiders public relations and reporter Scotty Stirling. Originally created for football has now spread to other sports like hockey with its fantasy league going back to the 1980s and Soccer which was started by an Italian journalist in 1994.

Most often Fantasy Leagues are played amongst small groups of people, often sports bars will have their own fantasy pool that you’re able to participate in and win cash prizes. Though it isn’t limited to just that. The NFL holds a National Fantasy Championship with a prize of $200,000 and more.

There are multiple ways people have adapted to play Fantasy Football but there are three main means of playing: Traditional, Keeper of Dynasty league, and Daily.

Traditional is a competition that typically runs a throughout the whole season.

Keeper of Dynasty League are drafted the same as “Traditional” but instead of making a news roster each season you are to keep your line up every year. Only drafting new players when players in your original league have retired.

Daily is a short form version of traditional which is often used for contest or competition. You’ll typically find this version for online fantasy leagues and betting pools.

Now a very basic start up you’ll need to begin you’re fantasy draft is you read up on player states and then select your players. The average fantasy team is 16 but that could change depending on your league.

Once you’ve selected your team you pick 9 players for the week to earn you points depending on plays made in games they played in the week. The left over 7 can be switched out under conditions if players in your original start up is injured or unable to play.


Once you’ve selected, your team now is to just sit back, watch and remember to track your points. There are now apps and websites that can help you track and give you tips on your selected players to strategize your team.

So, would you join a fantasy team with your friends or even to win prizes?

Dodgeball, it’s not just for kids!


When you were in elementary school what was the one game you remember playing? Some enjoyed it others not so much. Yet it’s often though a game that a lot of adults would say they would gladly pick up again me included. Well did you know that Dodgeball has its official league right here at home?

Vancouver Dodgeball League is one of the largest leagues and is a non-for-profit organization that was founded in 2004 by Kevin Bao with its ever-growing community of over 2000 players. With over 50 plus executive volunteers they are currently going on to their 30th season.

Vancouver Dodgeball league’s mission is to advance the sport and build the community through organizing a variety of activities, including league play, tournaments, skills clinics, and pub nights!

Through Dodgeball tournaments and events, the Vancouver Dodgeball League has helped raise over $54,000. They’ve helped such organizations like Big Brothers Association of Greater Vancouver, The Canadian Red Cross (Asian Tsunami and Haiti Relief efforts), The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, The BC Cancer Foundation, and many more.


If you’re interested in joining or checking out the league, they do have weekly drop in date for those just to learn and play dodgeball for fun. Drop in is $5 but if this is your first go it is free! Players of all ages and athletic ability are welcome.

Season 30 begins mid January 2022 and plays through to May 2022. So, if you are interested in the world of dodge ball to check out when their next drop in is. Who knows you may find your self playing on Canada’s very own national dodgeball team in tournaments all over Canada. Register has started as of November 12, 2022.

All league information and season schedules are available on their website or check out their Instagram @vdldodgeball.

Is Canada getting a new NHL Team?

Could we see the return of the Quebec hockey team the Nordiques? Or is this merely all speculations and wishful thinking?

The Quebec Nordiques were a professional Hockey team that were apart if the World Hockey Association from 1972-1979 then the National Hockey League from 1979 to 1995. In May of 1995 they relocated to Denver Colorado where they were renamed the Colorado Avalanche. The decision to move the team was due to the align Canadian dollar,

There is talks of the Nordiques returning the Canadian Hockey league. Earlier this week Grey Brettman talked with Quebec Premier Francois Legault with setting up a meeting to further discuss.

“I spoke with [Mr. Bettman], and we have meetings with him in the coming months,” Legault said. “We are looking at what we need to bring back the Nordiques. I think we are capable of having a second team in Quebec.”

One issue faced with bringing back the Nordiques is their ability to employ French Canadian Players. This is a raised issue with the Montreal Canadiens who only have 3 Quebec players.

With the recent addition on the Seattle Krakens there is the concern is the league would consider expanding and to a total 33 teams. Right now, the league is split with an even 16 teams between the Wester and Eastern Conference.

Although NHL Officials have said they aren’t any meeting to be expected or planned Legault is adamant that that meeting in the coming months are under way.



Legault is up for re-election in October 2022 so there is also political speculation that he is using the possible return of the Nordiques as a part of a political strategy.

To stay up to date on all NFL News on current teams and the future on the league head NFL for the full roster head over to there official website or keep an eye here on Evolution,

Want to become an Olympic athlete?

Did you know there is no set official age limit to becoming an Olympic athlete and that you too can complete in the games? So, if you were a kid with a dream, it’s actually not to late!

Take Canadas dragon boat national team. A portion of their athletes have only been apart of that team for a few years. You don’t have to be apart of a sport from when you were a little child, although it does help.

Step one, assess yourself and what sport you feel you can achieve and pursue with passion. Once you have figured out what you want you have to start training and leaning the sport. You can find the Olympic roster for sport events on the official Olympic website or check out the Olympic host cities website.

Next step, depending on your sport you’re going to have to start looking for a place o train and that offers the sport you are interested in. Look into your local athletic clubs or recreational centers and see what they offer in training. If you’re in university look at their sports clubs. Yes, they often scout from high school teams but that does not mean they don’t hold try outs.

Alright now that you’ve joined a local team, or club and you’ve trained to get where you feel you need to be it’s time to look nationally. Join your National Governing Body. Remember you have to compete nationally before you go international.

When deciding on which athletes to send to the Olympics often times, they will look at your national standing. If you’ve trained and built your skills up and are confident in your abilities building up a good repour is only a matter of time.

You have to stay focused and stay grounded. Remember that becoming an Olympic athlete does not happen overnight.

Chilliwack Chiefs, helping to relief.

The Chilliwack chiefs are doing the most to help their community through these grief-stricken time.

The Chiefs have shown that hockey isn’t just a sport but a connecting part of the community. Paying it forward for when their community goes out to support them, they repay the community to show their support right back.

All week amidst the floods, games have been cancelled but they did not take that as a break. The chiefs decided to pay it forward and help those in need.

On Thursday the team with the Salvation Army alongside Chilliwack Minor Hockey Associations and Cheam Source for sports to help those affect by the flood by holding a Food and donation drive and the Chilliwack Coliseum.


Through their food and donation drive they raised $2000, 10 pallets of food and multiple truck loads of clothing, toiletries, diapers and more.

Along with collecting to help the community they have been putting their back into it too. They helped out the Heritage Park mucking out the stalls for animals that were evacuated during the floods on Monday November 15,2021.

Through there acts of labor and love the Chilliwack Chiefs have set a stander of giving back to their community in a time of need. From food drivers to cleaning out stalls to connecting and encouraging young kids to get their skate on the ice.

With their last game being postponed they are hopeful on returning to the ice against Powell River Kings on home ice on Tuesday November 24,2021 at 7pm.

If you would like to keep up with the Chilliwack Chiefs click HERE to head over to their website or swing by their Facebook.

For more information on the BCHL and all upcoming games, news, and schedule updates head over to to stay in the know.

BCHL Postpone games due to floods.

A change in the schedule for British Columbia Hockey League as the province is striking with national disaster.

With Flooding from the past week, parts of the Province under a state of emergency and the damage to major roads have set the league back. Total of 9 games were cancelled due to transportation issues with major highways being flooded or drastically damaged.

With road closers, flooding and contaminated water in Merritt the Merritt Centennials were one of the most effected teams on the roster when they were given the evacuation order Monday November 15,2021.

The Merritt Centennials are currently being housed in Kamloops for the foreseeable future sharing a rink with the Kamloops Blazers at the Sandman Centre. With many players staying friends and family, they have been extremely welcomed in the midst of this disaster.

They say for now they will be staying in Kamloops for a week and watching closely for updates and the changing weather conditions. All players and coaches are in safe location 12 players in Kamloops while the rest are safe.

The current road conditions have yet to be resolved which will affect travel between the coastal and northern interior teams.

The League has yet to announce on the schedule whither they will or will not postpone and reschedule games. Announcement expected Monday before games resume on the following Tuesday.

If you want to stay up to date on the latest for the British Columbia Hockey league head over to there website.

If you or a loved one has been affected by the floods and mudslides there are resources to help. Head to to see resources or how you can assist.



Hacky Sack, alive and well in Vancouver.

What do you think when you think Hacky sack? Just a bunch of friends having a good time in the park? Well… it is that but also more!

Hacky sack also know also known as Footbag became popular in the 70’s by Mike Marshall and John Stalberger two friends from Oregon who coined the name “Hacky Sack”. Since then, the game has evolved with many forms of playing just not back and forth with a friend. It’s become rather competitive both in a team sport and singular freestyle.

Hacky Sack although you may not hear about it that often or only see people playing in your local park it holds it is still practiced professionally. At the 2010 winter Olympics held in Vancouver a video of Alex Venis on Granville street showing off his skills which gathered and amazed a crowd.

Hacky Sack is still popular around the world with many cities having their own Footbag association. British Columbia has 4 clubs 2 of which are apart of the International Footbag Players Association (IFPA). One of the official IFPA is located right here in Kitsilano and the other one is in Victoria.

Kitsilano Footbag association has been an active club since 1986 and became a non-profit society since 1994. Run by Leanne Makcrow and Jim Derrico they run the club all year-round rain or shine, sleet or snow offering meet-ups. In the summer they offer a social camp for those who are very new.

Stay tuned and look out for this summers Vancouver Open Footbag Net Tournament!

If you or someone is interested in the world of Hacky sack head over to Kitsilano footbag association Facebook page or check out for more clubs and tournaments near you.