ISSP is a great recruitment tool for industry

A significant part of the Computer Information Technology (CIT) diploma is the Industry Sponsored Student Projects (ISSP) program, where students take on real-life challenges. Diego Felix experienced both roles: as a student and now as an industry partner. “The ISSP allows me to work with students and discover their potential at an early stage which … Read more

Computer Information Technology alum’s journey in becoming a CIO: “You need to work smarter, not harder.”

Matthew Hui knew early on that he had a knack for the business side of Information Technology. Despite being only 25, he’s already a Director of Business Strategy. But Matthew has bigger goals, like becoming a Chief Information Officer and a member of Forbes’ 30 Under 30. And he’s trying to achieve all this while … Read more

Using AI and machine learning to tackle COVID-19 challenges

How can artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning bring solutions to challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic? That was the challenge for Computer Systems Technology (CST) Diploma Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML) Option student teams, as well as students in a new part-time course on AI, which was supported by Athena Pathways*. Over six … Read more

Technology Support Professional grads: A solid IT foundation

The BCIT Technology Support Professional (TSP) program is a 10-month full-time program designed to prepare learners for a career in Information Technology. We reached out to three TSP alumni to find out about their BCIT experience and how their careers have evolved. Here are their stories. A solid foundation builds job-readiness as an IT professional … Read more

Computing Industry Sponsored Student Projects: “A great reminder of why we do what we do”

Three times a year, BCIT Computing organizes Industry Sponsored Student Projects (ISSP). Students participate in what makes a BCIT Computing education special: working with a real client, on a team, and towards a set of IT deliverables. After three months of hard work, 40 teams of Computer Information Technology (CIT) and Computer Systems Technology (CST) … Read more

“BCIT Industry Sponsored Student Projects program is a great opportunity for start-ups”

Meet Nichola Lytle: mother of two young sons living in Nelson, owner of a successful design company, a Digital Arts program instructor, and currently leading not one but two tech start-ups. For both start-ups, she relied heavily on BCIT Computing‘s Industry Sponsored Student Projects program (ISSP). “I’m driven by curiosity and a passion for learning,” … Read more

BCIT Combined Honours in Biochemistry and Forensic Science student: navigating the way to success

“I always knew that I wanted to go into science. But I also knew that I wanted to have a lot of variety during my undergrad, and ideally after graduation. And that’s what really attracted me to this program. You get all your theoretical knowledge from UBC, but then you go to BCIT, and you … Read more

BCIT CIT develops algorithms to save global Internet energy consumption

Internet traffic is growing at an exponential rate, yet the Internet infrastructure is struggling to keep up with this ever-increasing demand. But BCIT’s Dr. Michal Aibin and his Computer Information Technology (CIT) students don’t shy away from innovative challenges. “With the ever-growing demand of data, we’re pushing our technological infrastructure to its physical limits as … Read more

Full-Stack Web Development pilots its first interdisciplinary collaboration

Sam Lee hosting the IDSP final presentations

The new Full-Stack Web Development Diploma program (FSWD) presented its first showcase of interdisciplinary student projects (IDSP) on May 22. The project-based course saw students from the Digital Design and Development program (D3) of the School of Business and Media, and BCIT Computing and Academic Studies collaborate on four different projects during a four-month period. … Read more

When DNA evidence proves to be unreliable: Forensic Science alumna presents at international conference

Michelle Le in a black dress

When DNA was first used as a forensic tool, it was deemed the holy grail of the justice system: bare, scientific facts that could outwit the challenges associated with human perception, motivation and bias. But while forensic DNA technology is evolving, Forensic Science and Technology alumna Michelle Le has shown that DNA science also has … Read more