Heading into finals week!

Hey it’s Megan! We are slowly wrapping up our courses and heading into finals week next week! My program (Human Resources) starts writing exams tomorrow and I’d like to kick it off by calling it “Finance Friday’s”, but I guess you can guess what exam I will be having! I’m definitely not looking forward to … Read more

De-stressing From Studying

Hello, it’s Megan! I’m starting to feel a bit overwhelmed with the last two weeks of school coming to an end. Before I can start doing all the festive things; gingerbread house making, bright lights in Stanley Park, catching up with friends, or just sleeping. Our set has also arranged to have a secret santa … Read more

Getting Ready for Exams

Hello it’s Megan! It’s that time of the year where winter break is just around the corner. But before we get there we have to wrap up all of the group projects and then have exam week. (DUN DUN DUN) My group just finished a presentation yesterday and we have 3 big projects left before … Read more

Top Five Tips for Running Good Group Meetings

Hey, its Megan! It’s almost the end of the semester and I see the finish line coming up soon! But before I get there, we have final exams and a lot of group projects. Being a BCIT student you know that you have A LOT and I mean A LOT of group projects. I’m so lucky that I … Read more

BCIT Athletic Team at the West Coast Games

Hey There! BCIT got to participate in the West Coast Games which is a mock athletic competition for JDC West that will happen early January. For those who do not know JDC West is an annual business competition featuring top business schools and students from across Western Canada. There are Academic Competitions, Parliamentary Debate, Athletic … Read more