Mechanical Engineering alumnus Joshua Bradshaw develops a face shield to help frontline workers during COVID-19

Joshua Bradshaw wearing The Cap Shield

It was like any other day for Joshua Bradshaw, until it wasn’t. While getting his order at a fast-food drive-thru, as he had done many times done before, he noticed that nearly every employee was wearing a ball cap. And a light bulb turned on. Up until then, Joshua, President of Vital Manufacturing and a … Read more

Building replica ships out of Lego in his childhood, BCIT alumnus Sean Poole began charting a career on the high seas even before he knew it

Every day, when Sean Poole looks out his office window, he sees The Seaspan Sovereign. Permanently moored, the ship is a reminder of BC’s rich nautical history. It also happens to be one of the vessels his grandfather sailed on in the 1950s with Island Tug, before the company was acquired in 1970 by Seaspan, … Read more

BCIT hosts its first virtual program-completion celebration for Security Systems Technician students

They were just weeks away from finishing BCIT’s Security Systems Technician (SST) program when the COVID-19 crisis began to escalate in BC. Following the Provincial Health Officer’s recommendation to practice physical distancing to prevent the spread of the virus, SST instructors quickly transitioned in-person classes to online training. The students’ upcoming celebration to mark the … Read more

BCIT Alumni Association’s new Hong Kong ambassador Brad Kirk says grads are poised to make a big impact in Asia

Find a way, make a way. When facing challenges, Brad Kirk says he always comes back to this saying in tough times. As a leader in the hotel industry, Brad has successfully navigated crises including the overthrow of the Indonesian Suharto government in 1998, the 2002 Bali bombings, and the 2019 protests in Hong Kong. … Read more

BCIT Alumni Association’s Fraser Valley chapter takes flight

9 representatives from BCIT and businesses from the Fraser Valley cut a yellow ribbon

On March 5, the British Columbia Institute of Technology Alumni Association (BCITAA) launched the BCIT Fraser Valley Alumni Chapter, appointing alumnus Jack Davidson of Mission as its Fraser Valley Alumni Ambassador. The chapter aims to connect alumni and enhance BCIT’s activities in the region, located just east of Metro Vancouver. “We selected the Fraser Valley … Read more

Being a BCIT alum has its perks: Announcing the new BCIT Alumni Perks app

Driving in to Sparkling Hill Resort for your impromptu weekend getaway in your luxury Avis rental car, you realize the temperature is warmer than you’d thought. It’s not a big deal though because you have packed several new outfits from Mark’s and are ready for any type of weather. No, you’re not yet a billionaire … Read more

Fresh food and great opportunities: How a BCIT education really delivers for alum and Food-X Vice President Reza Bafandeh

Reza in warehouse, smiling

The warehouse is always abuzz with activity. Humming conveyor belts efficiently move large grocery bins, waiting to be filled. Countless rows of towering shelves display every food imaginable. Pickers methodically pass through every section, ensuring customers get exactly what they ordered when they want it. This is Reza Bafandeh’s domain. A BCIT Business alumnus, he … Read more

Advocating for progress and inclusivity: Indigenous councillor and BCIT alumna Orene Askew proves change is possible

Orene Askew in black tshirt, smiling

“My being at this table is a really big deal,” says Orene Askew, BCIT Radio Arts and Entertainment alumna and DJ. “I mean, someone like me—a mixed black and Indigenous two-spirited woman—sitting here.” She’s talking about the 18-ft, honey-coloured cedar table, hand-carved by Indigenous artist Xwalacktunn (Rick Harry). It’s where the elected 16 Squamish Nation … Read more

BCIT Alumni Association gives $40,000 to fund awards for 40 students in celebration of its 40th anniversary

Group of 40 student award recipients of the BCIT Alumni Association 40th Anniversary Entrance Awards

The BCIT Alumni Association, a longstanding donor to BCIT, has made a generous donation to help even more students this fall. “To celebrate our 40th anniversary in 2019, we donated $40,000 to fund an additional 40 students to receive $1,000 entrance awards,” said BCIT Alumni Association Vice President Jennifer Patterson to guests at the 2019 … Read more

Celebrating student excellence at BCIT’s 2019 Entrance Awards and Scholarships event

2019 Entrance Awards sign

On November 22, more than 500 guests came together to celebrate the student recipients of BCIT’s 2019 entrance awards and scholarships. Students shared this special day with their proud family and friends, as they met with and thanked the generous donors who make it all possible. “Enjoy this moment of pause and celebrate, students,” said … Read more