BCIT students triumph at Silicon Valley hackathon with medical data app

What’s it like competing in the headquarters of global tech? Computer Systems Technology (CST) Diploma students Dawson Verboven, Brodie Heywood, Andrei Muresan, and Chirag Fernandez spent some time this month finding out. The four students, joined by fellow developer and friend Daniel Barone, decided to take the plunge and sign up for the TechCrunch Disrupt … Read more

The race to adapt to a changing job market

Colleges have long proven nimble in the face of disruption, but they’re now becoming more aggressive in their attempts to create the right offerings for a changing job market. “This moment right now is really turning out to be the first big test of Canada’s college system,” says Linda Franklin, president of Colleges Ontario, which … Read more

From watching CSI to completing a degree in Forensic Investigation: How Brooke Ouwerkerk launched a career in genomics

When Brooke Ouwerkerk enrolled in the BCIT Forensic Investigation BTech degree program, her interest in forensics grew from “a spark into a burning flame”, and this has led to a rewarding career at Environment Canada. How has your BCIT degree impacted your career? Besides giving me the skills and knowledge to qualify, my degree was … Read more

Eco-tech: Urban waste management solutions

It’s not the most glamourous topic, but we create waste every day. Out of sight can be out of mind, with waste streaming seemingly smoothly into municipal and industrial systems. However the alarm is being sounded – from plastics in the ocean, to landfill leachate – we need to better manage our outputs. In their … Read more

These BCIT students are protecting the future of industrial cybersecurity

Welcoming the inaugural class of the Industrial Network Cybersecurity program Spam, identity theft, cyberattacks, and the list goes on for the types of cybercrimes. Most of us understand the need for cybersecurity awareness and products when it comes to our personal computers and devices; however, the same is also true for industry. Earlier this year, … Read more

“Business is about people”: How WestJet Chairman Clive Beddoe’s belief in integrity and empowering employees helped WestJet take off

Clive Beddoe

“Business is about people. It’s about relationships. It’s about trust.” So says Clive Beddoe, founding shareholder and Chairman of the Board of Directors for WestJet airlines. The former real estate developer and director of the Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo) brought this respect for people—and a belief in letting employees participate in the success of … Read more

In her roots:  Vancouver Chinatown Foundation Chair and Linacare Cosmetherapy CEO Carol Lee on community building and education

Carol Anne Lee

In its heyday, Vancouver’s Chinatown was a vibrant, bustling neighbourhood. On Saturday and Sunday, merchants lined every sidewalk competitively hawking everything from the freshest produce to sweet-charred BBQ meats. For many Chinese immigrant families back then, Chinatown was a community built on reconnecting friends and family and a way to return to your roots. “Roots … Read more

BCIT announces next-gen centre of applied research and training at close of Ecocity World Summit

Ecocity Centre of Excellence will provide transformative tools for cities and businesses The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) announced the opening today of an Ecocity Centre of Excellence that will advance applied research, training, and guidance in support of cities becoming ecologically sustainable. “There are few more pressing issues today than helping humanity find … Read more

Gardens at BCIT are buzzing with people and pollinators

New students weren’t the only additions to the BCIT Burnaby Campus this fall. Adam Dickinson, Manager of Transportation and Grounds, has added a much smaller but just as important cohort to the BCIT population. Over the summer, Adam partnered with a local beekeeping company to bring two honey bee hives to campus, adding to the … Read more