PCL awards BCIT Carpentry students from Squamish Nation

On May 2, 2017, PCL Contractors Westcoast Inc. (PCL) presented scholarships to BCIT Carpentry Level 1 students Evan Vivier and James Peters from the Squamish Nation. The partnership between BCIT School of Construction and the Environment, PCL, Aboriginal Community Career Employment Services Society (ACCESS) and the Squamish Nation supports youth in their knowledge and skills … Read more

BCIT alumnus is taken with Liam Neeson

You probably saw that shot of Liam Neeson with the sandwich board. It was a viral photo of the actor checking in on the board’s stated promise—that he could eat at the New Westminster sandwich shop for free. The story got national coverage, including The Globe & Mail and HuffPost. BCIT Music Business alumnus Alex Johrden is the Director of … Read more

A gathering on the green roof proves sustainability is popular at BCIT

BCIT volunteers at work on the Elevated Lab on the roof of the on the BCIT Centre for Ecology.. The event took place to celebrate Earth Day 2017.

BCIT Volunteers celebrated Earth Day high in the sky, on the BCIT Centre for Ecology’s Elevated Lab. Faculty, staff and students, emerged from their offices and labs to get their hands dirty, have fun and learn about new technologies and diverse research at BCIT. “This was a lot of fun and a great way to … Read more

Electroneurophysiology grad says fulfilling his childhood dream allows him to help other children

Girl connecting to electroencephalography apparatus, with diodes attached to her head as she lies on a hospital bed.

“Every time she sees me she gives me a huge hug and thanks me for helping her, for making her life better,” says Tabrez Hussein about his interactions with a recent patient. It’s not an uncommon occurrence: Tabrez’s work as an Electroneurophysiology Technologist lets him make direct connections with patients and a difference in their … Read more

BCIT Student Innovation Challenge showcases impressive new products

What do a drum harness, pair of glasses, and a bike wheel have in common? These were an inspiration for winners of the 8th annual BCIT Student Innovation Challenge! BCIT’s Student Innovation Challenge provides support, encouragement and funding to BCIT students who have “bright ideas”. Since its founding, the Student Innovation Challenge has inspired innovative … Read more

Forensic Nursing instructor talks to CBC about the signs of human trafficking

Human trafficking is a kind of modern day slavery.  Due to the illusive and violent nature of the crime, human trafficking is extremely hard to accurately quantify. Statistics Canada data between 2009 and 2014 showed there were 396 victims, however experts working to combat trafficking believe these numbers grossly underestimate the number of people who … Read more

Math instructor develops new technique to track embryonic development

How do embryos develop so reliably? BCIT Mathematics instructor Dr. David Holloway is working on just that issue, and recently had a paper on it accepted by the Public Library of Science journal, PLOS ONE. The paper, entitled “Transcriptional bursting in Drosophila development: Stochastic dynamics of eve stripe 2 expression,” sounds – and is – … Read more

Bachelor of Interior Design granted CIDA Accreditation

Burnaby, April 18, 2017 – After a rigorous vetting process, the BCIT Bachelor of Interior Design program has been granted their official Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA). With this accreditation, BCIT joins other esteemed post-secondary’s across Canada, the US, and around the world. This respected accreditation is an important step in the process for Interior Design … Read more