Preparing students for increasingly tech-focused job market

With a wave of technology-driven disruptions impacting almost every industry in B.C., the province’s economic engine is increasingly in need of workers with high-tech skills sets. To meet this shift head on, the British Columbia Institute of Technology is ensuring that its students in all areas of study are equipped with the tech skills required … Read more

Sue Paish to be honoured by BCIT

LifeLabs-Sue Paish-Convocation

The British Columbia Institute of Technology spring 2018 Honourary Doctorates in Technology recipients are: Sue Paish, CEO of Canada’s Digital Technology Supercluster, and David Tuccaro of Tuccaro Inc. Prior to receiving their degrees, Sue and David were honoured at the BCIT Distinguished Awards dinner late last year. Sue has long been an advocate of BCIT. She … Read more

The travelling student – how I have managed to see the world on a student budget

Being a student is tough. We spend multiple months where our only focus is school, homework and sleep. It is hard to find moments of fun and adventure with a student schedule. Luckily student life usually comes with small chunks of time off.  The second year Radiation Therapy students finished their winter semester at the … Read more

Trades Entrepreneurship Panel: an essential tool for trades business

Hosted by the BCIT Student Association Entrepreneurial Services and Career Services in partnership with the BCIT School of Construction and the Environment, the second annual Trades Entrepreneur Panel event received great turn out with trade students, alumni, and industry entrepreneurs in attendance. The esteemed panel members included BCIT trades alumni and entrepreneurs. Each of the panelists captivated the students’ … Read more

Prosthetics is the perfect combination of creativity, technology and patient care for this BCIT grad

“One of my first patients was just two years old,” recalls BCIT alumna and Certified Prosthetist Brittany Pousett of her early days at Barber Prosthetics. “I made her first prosthesis for her, and watching her grow into a confident, rambunctious five-year old is so rewarding.” The field of prosthetics gives Brittany the perfect blend of … Read more

Going to #BCTECH Summit?

Man wearing Microsoft HoloLens in front of BCIT sign

If you’re planning on attending this year’s #BCTECH Summit, be sure to stop by the BCIT Tech Showcase booth to check out the latest technology trends in healthcare education (birthing robots!), electric vehicle infrastructure, 3D printed prosthetics, forensics cyber-fraud, and virtual reality learning. Highlights include: Lucy, a human-sized robot, giving birth to a baby robot, used by … Read more

The first graduating classes of BCIT’s Environmental Health program reunite after 50 years

Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon. The child-size electric oven was the popular toy. Tie-dye fashion was the rage. 1969 had many distinctions. For a certain group of people, it marked the year they became the first graduating class of BCIT’s Public Health Inspection (now Environmental Health Public Inspection) program. On … Read more