The Easter Egg Of Eerie Music In Squid Game

Currently, the series movie “Squid Game” has been taking the world by storm and it is definitely a must-watch movie since it reflects the real life out there to trade their life into the game for money. Money has become a factor that brainwashes so many people’s thought about living a meaningful life and forget about having a memorable time with the people they love. The movie brought many dramatic perspectives in order to create small details that we might pay attention into to understand how it actually means, such as the chanting song from the Pink Soldier in the movie has a bond relation to the whole movie.

Most of the scene when the pink soldier appears, the chanting of the music will deep down the mood in order to create an alarming vibe, which starts a sign of death for somebody in a game. In facts, the eerie music from the movie is actually inspired by the Latin sequence called “Dies Irae”, which carries a meaning of “the Day of Wrath” and it made by the 13th Century Gregorian chant for Catholic Funeral. The composers are usually apply this melody to most of everywhere to associate with a death and impending doom like The Lion King, Star Wars, The White Lotus or even the Lavender Town in Pokemon, Dead by Daylight were also using the melody in the theme music, etc. From that point, seems like many music producers are starting to remix with the chanting eerie melody into their production and create such a perfect fit for Halloween upcoming.

Literally, most of the great movies come from all the small details that might blow our minds up and there are so many more easter eggs are hiding in Squid Game movie, that many tiktokers and youtubers are trying to find the theory behind of it.



The Perfect Hoodie.

We are in the middle of Fall now and it is the perfect time to layer up with a hoodie. Some might be wearing a sweater or probably Canada Goose jacket, but hoodie is the most versatile by far since it is affordable and comfy to wear them everywhere. Especially in Vancouver, the rain could come at anytime, anywhere that you might not be aware enough and hoodie got you covered. How perfect you are, Hoodie! That’s the reason why Kanye West just released his “Perfect Hoodie” by the name of Yeezy x Gap.


The brand name Yeezy has been taking the world by storm following the footprints of Kanye West’s unique design for sneakers. During the 2020 interview with the Wall Street Journal, he told the world that he would make his brand Yeezy become more mainstream and down to earth for everyone with a hoodie, which described as “slightly cropped at the waist” and “heavy as a winter coat”. Therefore, the brand name Gap was asked to collaborate with him to produce the 2nd product called “perfect hoodie” that left a remarkable moment of 10 year partnership together.

The “perfect hoodie” comes with 5 wide range different colours, including blue, red, purple, brown, black and burnt khaki brown. Many customers are already in love with it when it was still in the package at first place and they all were amazed about how heavy the hoodie was as Kanye described and the fit was cropped and very long arms, which is easier to layer up some more clothes with it.

The “Perfect Hoodie” has sold out at $90 instantly and of course it always sold out that quick following of its hype and it releases a resell price of approximately $200 already if you might want to try one at this time.

Love it or hate it, Yeezy is just living up with its name, i believe Kanye has to make another release and i would probably not to sleep on it again for the “perfect hoodie” he ever made.


Is The Apple Watch Series 7 Worth It?

Are you ready to get your new Apple Watch Series 7 on this October 15th? Heck-to-the-yeah for the best watch you will ever wear them on! With 4 major new features of a full screen display, enhance durability, accurate measurement health assistant and 33% faster charging that costs for over $600. So gym rat, is that all perfect for you?

Hold up, i feel like that’s enough for me to make a commercial vibe there, but hear me out, there are some points that i need you to know about:

    • It is essentially made for the gem of fitness.

As Apple said: “Its the ultimate device for a healthy life”, which aim for who workout all day long, especially for pro athletes. So that, it is made to be durable as possible with the  strongest front crystal in order to carry a crack-resistant, as well as water and dust resistant. Additionally, it can help you to measure the blood oxygen level, sleep tracking and heart rate. Besides, Apple also introduces the Apple Fitness + to provide some fitness courses that come handy on your watch to keep tracking all the calories and heart rates.


    • Everything comes in handy.

All the perfect moments are mostly come from the convenience, just like the Apple Watch works like a charm. For instance, when you are cooking or washing dishes, then suddenly an important phone call comes and you have to stop everything to answer the call, yet the Apple Watch can help you right on your wrist and still multitasking with other things you are doing. Lovely!

    • Not meant for everybody.

It costs over $600 after taxes for the cheapest model you can get and yes it is overpriced for just a smartwatch. However, some middle class people would say worth it following of its quality and helpful for their lifestyle, also, there are another edition called “Hermes” that would cost for double the price just for the upgrade of premium leather strap made by the luxury name of Hermes. Nonetheless, there is a model called SE, which is a downgrade of the Series 7, but still have most of the great features from Apple, that i personally consider it is more appropriate for most of everyone.

Overall, Apple Watch Series 7 is a great investment for improving a healthy lifestyle and becomes an assistant wherever you go. Although, the price may not be affordable for everyone, but it is worth for those who prioritize their time and health since there are irreplaceable rather than money.


Why Apple Becomes So Overated?

Apple has recently released their new iPhone 13 lineup and literally just sold out almost right away. Many other customers are still waiting on it for couple months to be available in store and shipped to their home that put myself some questions about how Apple drives their customers overwhelmingly. Even though their new products does not have much potential changes than many other brands like Samsung with the foldable phone and Google Pixel with a completely new design from the back to the front. They are mostly creating a new revolutionary in a smartphone to enhance the futuristic experience, which they put so many efforts to attract more customers but still can’t take over Apple.

To be honest, I am not about to judge how Apple is lethargic about modifying their new iPhone 13, in fact, i am impressed that Apple is bonding with the “less is better” strategy effectively, which thrives their customers to trust in the quality over quantity.

Have you ever noticed that most of Apple’s products are always providing new software updates? Even the iPhone 6s had been released 6 years ago but Apple still considered them to be updated. That’s why Apple has so many potential customers simply because the software is the heart of the product and it improves the appearance of their products become much more valuable. For a better instance, it is like a combination of eating healthy and working out for your body because you love yourself!

Just like what Apple did to their products, they also aim for what is necessary for their customers’ daily driver so they improve them in an appropriate way like battery, a tougher glass of a screen and the back, a new A15 chip, a higher refresh rate display and  especially the camera quality.

Those are the factors that Apple can easily take most of people’s money away not just because of the brand, it is about the quality in software that Apple provides to show how powerful in their products are.

Dogecoin Is Officially Take Over Bitcoin

The whole world is just having a big shock right now, that the relationship from Elon Musk to Bitcoin had been broken up following the concern of environment by mining cryptocurrency.

Right after that, he announced the promise to switch back to Dogecoin instead of Bitcoin as their alternative cryptocurrency payment.

Although, it is still urging everyone else to keep mining cryptocurrency despite the value of Dogecoin still under $1, which uses less power consumption comparing the value of Bitcoin right now is around $60.000.

However, Elon used to call Dogecoin was born to be a joke from Bitcoin and adviced everyone to invest at our own risk on it.

Notwithstanding, seems like other investors were still putting in more after he mentioned about it and turned out it becomes a “real” coin for them and especially for Elon.

But here is the thing, since he is known as one of the wealthiest person on earth, so we bet he already know he is the centre of media to control the trading market however he wants by just tweeting on Twitter.

From praising Bitcoin is the future of cryptocurrency, buy $1.5 billion of it, accept it as a payment into his Tesla company and then dumping it to replace with Dogecoin, which turns the market turbulence and many investors are losing a tons of money. That’s why we should not invest all the money in since it is a very fluctuation market.

Fun facts, he earned more profit selling Bitcoin in a couple months than selling his own cars for years.

At this time, everyone is calling him a “Dogefather” since he hyped dogecoin up and would you think that he might dump Dogecoin like he did to Bitcoin? He could get us one more time to earn a double time profit once again.

In general, Elon is aiming for short-term investment that drives us crazy and remember that if we are aiming for long term investment no matter what the market is crashing soon or later, it is all about the patience game and if we hold it long enough, the outcome always leave a milestone in life.


*Not financial advices and only for entertaining purposes* 

Should You Save or Invest Your Money?

  • Passive Income will change your life.

For instance, working full-time job for a year and putting it into saving account would probably worth approximately around $50.000 then you put it into saving account and spend gradually after, you worth overall only around $250.000 for 5 years not including the expenses.

However, instead of doing that, how about you start investing in Stocks Market or Cryptocurrency around $300 per month and the Market grows 10% or more every year and your worth would be around $68.000 in 5 years, that means you profit $18.000 more and it could be over $2 millions for 40 years.

That’s the power of compounding to show you how we should invest rather than saving money and you will be financially set for life.

  • Comfort Zone is the slothful zone

Some others said the fluctuation in Trading Markets are huge and unstable to invest in ease.

That’s true. Conversely, you will understand how the market flow and hop in with a lower price, which also a good sign of nature flow in the market that you should not worry about.

The hardest step always from the start, someday you will look back and proud of yourself growing from there.

  • Patience is key

It’s all about the process, not just putting a seed today and you will see a tree tomorrow.

Back in 2016, the value of Bitcoin was around $550 and the whole world was calling it a scam, however, some other investors had a vision to believe in the potential of it and still holding it until this day, which now worth $60.000 and they are definitely living the best life.

  • So what’s our next move?

After the market is on red today, that does not mean you should avoid or in panic to sell.
But that is the sign of discounted price and you should take advantage of investing at the lower cost then drop the average price down and you will return more profit eventually.

I believe there are tons of fluctuation will happen for years, but the technique you may have to stick forever is “buy low and sell high”.






Tesla Betrays Bitcoin For Saving Environment

Why would Elon do this to us?

Every investors are holding Bitcoin right now probably on panic-selling mode with a massive drop of 16.71% following of Elon Musk announced on Twitter that he had to decline all the Bitcoin payment to reduce the purpose of mining Bitcoin.

The sign of overuse to fossil fuels from mining Bitcoin becomes a concern to be aware of the environment. Even though, they acknowledge the potential of cryptocurrency is the future, but it might be the side effect to damage considerably to the ecosystem. However, Tesla might expect for the alternative of cryptocurrency within <1% of Bitcoin’s transaction or energy and Dogecoin is having a high possibility of being chosen as the value of itself still under 1$ at the moment.

So is it the right time to buy more or avoid investing in Bitcoin?

The fluctuation in cryptocurrency is a common thing and its following the natural flow. Additionally,  back in 2017, it had been dropped tremendously when it was $20.000 and every investors lost their trust after all. Although, some investors still believed the future of cryptocurrency to keep buying it and right now it reaches a whopping of $60.000, meaning of it increased 300%.

That’s the reason why we should keep investing it when it drops to the low price and we can keep gaining more profits afterward. Despite the fact of inflation, but it is the first creation and the most valuable cryptocurrency in the world to be supported by many other famous companies.

What should we be mindful of?

It is not the end of the world by the facts of Tesla withdrawing Bitcoin out, but the point of mining Bitcoin is definitely criticized since it is basically hacking the system to produce more Bitcoin by using more energy in order to take full advantage of going a head of investment.

Nowadays, many investors started to mine many different cryptocurrencies more than usual without caring the side effect to the environment, which reflects to how we are being greedy to invest in it.

Should I Invest in Bitcoin or Dogecoin?

We all know that Dogecoin just blow up its value to make a whopping of 972% this month and it changed many people’s lives significantly to become wealthier than ever. By that, it caught a lot of attention to those wanted to start investing or missed the hype on it and having knowledge about it is the priority way to be a successful investor.

However, Bitcoin is also a highly recommended investment for long-term, since it has supported by many other growth companies like Tesla, Paypal, Microsoft and many more. Especially, Tesla just bought Bitcoin for $1.5 billion to accept as a payment, so meaning that 1 bitcoin (~$70.000 CAD) equals to 1 of his futuristic car and he still get more profits afterward since the fluctuation of Bitcoin makes him even more wealthier. Fun facts, he had more profit selling bitcoins than selling his Tesla cars from the beginning.

Even though, Bitcoin is known as the most valuable cryptocurrency so the inflation from Bitcoin is transpired more often since it is affected by the media a lot like the tweets from Elon himself.

From that point, he constantly tweets about what he wants to control the trading market and Dogecoin is one of his favorite topic these days, which causes the increase in value of it and becomes in the top 5 most valuable cryptocurrency.

Literally, the media is chasing after Elon’s tweets to run for their investment, that’s why having a knowledge and timing really matter and never invest anything you are not willing to lose.

Since Dogecoin was invented as joke of Bitcoin and it will be a risky investment to expect a long term investment. Notwithstanding, it is still having a good sign to invest in the meantime and earning a huge profits for few clicks sounds interesting, isn’t it?

Nevertheless, cryptocurrency is never a stable investment by the fluctuation itself from the media that makes many beginners worry about losing all of their money. Despite of the inflation, aiming for long term investment will do better overall and it is the safest method to start with.


*Not financial advices and only for entertaining purposes* 


Did you buy Dogecoin?

Dogecoin has been a famous cryptocurrency these days, with a whopping extreme high return of 972.56% in a month.

For instance, if you invested on Dogecoin for $1000, you could receive a profit for $9725 with just few clicks.


However, Dogecoin was invented as a parody of Bitcoin since 2013, which is the highest value of cryptocurrency at the moment, along with the needs from many other investors seeking for different types of cryptocurrency and the huge supports from well-known investors like Elon Musk, Mark Cuban, Andrei Jikh and many more, those factors combine to generate such a huge value and push an overloaded profit to Dogecoin. From there, it has officially become in the top five biggest cryptocurrency in the world and Elon Musk must proud of it following his tweets about Dogecoin in order to create an impact to the media.

Worth-mentioning, Gamestop and AMC were the hyped stocks, which were shouted out by Elon Musk on Twitter and also blown up to 3000% for Gamestop and 479% for AMC respectively according to Yahoo Finance from 6 months ago. Notwithstanding, those stocks were dropped significantly after a few days because the restrictions of transactions to Gamestop and AMC from Vladimir Tenev, as a CEO of one of the biggest investing brokers in America by the name of Robinhood. The reason of his actions was meant to prevent the extraordinary fluctuation from those two stocks to keep every investors safe and raise awareness of investing.


For example, if you have already invested for its peak price then suddenly it could drop the price down immediately and you might carry a huge lost for a while. 

Therefore, Dogecoin was recently dropped 18% since Elon mentioned about Dogecoin in “Saturday Night Live” show for his opening monologue and Elon was just telling a joke to gift some Dogecoin to his mom on Mother’s Day. Although, It could be plunging even more by the impact of media and may caused another mayhem to the cryptocurrency and trading markets in general.


Be fearful when others are greedy

Warren Buffett


By the legendary quotes of Warren Buffett, would you rather to buy with its lowest cost to return a high profit of a long term investment or wait until at its peak price to follow the trend of short term investment?

Investing in trading market is a very unstable investment since it depends on many factors and timings. Once you have sacrificed enough, you could take advantage of being a millionaire by just few clicks


*Not financial advices and only for entertaining purposes*