Mentees turned mentors: BCIT grads Dom Kwong and Yasamin Alami help steer students on the road to career success

When you look back on your life, can you identify someone who positively influenced your career path? Someone who was instrumental in helping you succeed? If you can, count yourself lucky. Mentorship can be a powerful catalyst for someone who is just starting his/her career. Just ask BCIT alumni Dominique Kwong and Yasamin Alami. They attribute … Read more

First-year computing students impress at app showcase

It was a busy term for first-year BCIT Computing Systems Technology (CST) Diploma students, who impressed the audience with their final projects at the app showcase last week. The term projects were inspired by Metro Vancouver campaigns to reduce food and water waste, and launched by a visit from Metro staff Alison Schatz and Kris … Read more

BCIT Foundation celebrates BCIT Alumni Association’s long-standing generosity, helping nearly 1,000 students

When it came to her career, Maria Miniyarova had a plan. After high school graduation, she would complete BCIT’s two-year Business Management diploma program, and then earn a Bachelor of Business Administration the following year (her third)—all while maintaining her waitressing job to pay for tuition. Everything was going according to plan until, at the … Read more

Kory Wilson recognized by the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade

(Photo above: Kory Wilson and her two daughters at the Greater Vancouver Board of Trades awards reception) Kory Wilson, Executive Director, BCIT Indigenous Initiatives and Partnerships has been recognized by the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade for her work championing women in leadership roles. The 2018 Wendy McDonald Diversity Awards honour individuals who promote diversity, … Read more

BCIT Nursing in Rwanda

Taking the classroom to rural Africa Kigali, Rwanda is about as far away as one can get from the BCIT Burnaby campus. Despite the distance and cultural differences, the curriculum that future pediatric and neonatal nurses are studying in Rwanda looks strikingly similar. Since 2012, the BCIT Specialty Nursing programs for Neonatal and Pediatric nursing … Read more

Prosthetics is the perfect combination of creativity, technology and patient care for this BCIT grad

“One of my first patients was just two years old,” recalls BCIT alumna and Certified Prosthetist Brittany Pousett of her early days at Barber Prosthetics. “I made her first prosthesis for her, and watching her grow into a confident, rambunctious five-year old is so rewarding.” The field of prosthetics gives Brittany the perfect blend of … Read more

The first graduating classes of BCIT’s Environmental Health program reunite after 50 years

Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon. The child-size electric oven was the popular toy. Tie-dye fashion was the rage. 1969 had many distinctions. For a certain group of people, it marked the year they became the first graduating class of BCIT’s Public Health Inspection (now Environmental Health Public Inspection) program. On … Read more