BCIT recognizes International Women’s Day

BCIT recognizes International Women's Day

International Women’s Day (IWD) celebrates the economic, cultural, social, and political achievements of women. On this day and every day of the year, it’s also important to raise awareness about women’s equality and take actions to help create an inclusive and gender equal world. This year’s IWD theme is #ChooseToChallenge and we will focus on … Read more

Technology Support Professional grads: A solid IT foundation

The BCIT Technology Support Professional (TSP) program is a 10-month full-time program designed to prepare learners for a career in Information Technology. We reached out to three TSP alumni to find out about their BCIT experience and how their careers have evolved. Here are their stories. A solid foundation builds job-readiness as an IT professional … Read more

BCIT alumnus and tea expert Matt Chong brings ancient tea practices to a modern world with Virtual Tea Tasting event

Matt Chong sits at a table with tea tasting cups and a kettle

Chong Tea Company Founder Matt Chong says his passion for tea bloomed when his aunt introduced him to an ancient Chinese tea known as Tie Guan Yin or Iron Buddha. Fascinated by the tea’s rich history and flavour profile, Matt explored Vancouver’s Chinatown to learn more. A Vancouverite of Chinese decent, he shares that browsing … Read more

Considering a career in engineering? Hear from these three engineers

BCIT Women in Engineering Karen Kan

Lenissa Pereira wanted to find a career that allowed her to work with her hands, see the world, and earn a good wage. Like more and more women, she decided on one of the many engineering options offered at BCIT, a choice she’s glad she made. “This was an excellent career choice for me”, says … Read more

Giving back comes full circle: Transoft donates $1 million in software to give BCIT Civil Engineering students access to cutting-edge technology

Woman and man wearing white construction hats, looking at blueprints, in front of a crane.

Nelson Huang recently achieved a unique career milestone: returning to his alma mater to give a guest lecture to a class in which he once sat himself. “It was around this time last year that I had the incredible opportunity to return to the Civil Engineering program at BCIT to give a guest lecture on … Read more

BCIT Biomedical Engineering Technology program receives national accreditation

Biomedical Engineering Technology program receives national accreditation

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered an increased demand for ventilators and other medical technology equipment around the world. Behind this life-saving medical equipment is biomedical engineering technologists whose sole role is to keep these these devices functioning at peak performance. Biomedical engineering applies science and engineering to healthcare and medical device industries. The British Columbia Institute … Read more

Financial educators innovate in their pivot to online learning

This story first published in Globe and Mail on January 14, 2020, by Helen Burnett-Nichols. Much like the sudden, necessary shift to provide financial advice virtually, the pandemic has required post-secondary institutions that educate prospective financial planners to move online this academic year. But rather than simply making existing content available online, they have introduced … Read more

A virtual celebration for BCIT Nursing students entering the healthcare community

BCIT Nursing Celebration

Mid-December is the end of examination period for most BCIT students but for 85 Level 6 Bachelor of Science in Nursing students, this marked the completion of their program and the start of their career as an essential worker in our healthcare community. As BCIT is a major provincial contributor of nurses and applied health … Read more

A family history of nursing and the future of health care: BC Children’s Hospital COO and INSPIRE Campaign champion Sarah Bell says embracing possibility is key

With three generations of nurses behind her, Sarah Bell, a BCIT Nursing alumna, seemed destined to work in the noble profession herself. “Nursing is in my blood,” says Sarah, Chief Operating Officer of BC Children’s Hospital. “I’m a fourth-generation nurse in my family. At the heart of nursing is caring about people and that’s what … Read more

Building BC’s talent pipeline: TRIUMF and BCIT partner to develop unique work-integrated learning program


The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) and TRIUMF, Canada’s particle accelerator centre, have partnered to develop an enhanced and multi-faceted work-integrated learning (WIL) program to address the evolving needs of British Columbia’s economy. This unique program will enable broad access to career training and create vast opportunities in a variety of STEM (science, technology, … Read more