New BCIT Artificial Intelligence Management program is the first of its kind in Canada

BCIT Business Information Technology Management program with Artificial Intelligence Management option

Whether it’s organizing supply chains or managing customer relationships, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) systems are used to automate tasks and will have an impact on every sector – from logistics to healthcare, retail, and beyond. While up to 47% of current jobs could be automated by AI, robotics, and machine learning systems … Read more

COVID-19 Go Forward Plan – Program Delivery Modes

Jennifer Figner, BCIT Associate Vice President Integration and Implementation provides an update on the academic portion of the BCIT COVID-19 Go Forward plan, including the Fall 2020 Program Delivery Modes and more information on blended learning models. As we announced last week, just over half of BCIT programs will be delivered fully online this Fall, … Read more

BCIT establishes important benchmark for Forensic Health Sciences in Canada

BCIT sets important benchmark for Forensic Health Sciences in Canada-Aimee Falkenberg credit Island Health

Forensic nursing may be a relatively young field in Canada but it has become one of the fastest growing disciplines of nursing. Forensic nurses bridge the gap between law and medicine by providing compassionate care to victims of violence and abuse while gathering evidence to support law enforcement. As an early leader in shaping forensic … Read more

BCIT Industrial Network Cybersecurity instructors recognized for teaching excellence

BCIT launches Canada's first Industrial Network Cybersecurity program

Congratulations to Industrial Network Cybersecurity instructors Roger Gale and Umme Salsabil for receiving recognition from the Cisco Networking Academy for their excellence in teaching. Roger received the prestigious awards of 2019 Curriculum Specialist, Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Cybersecurity for Canada and the United States as well as the Instructor Excellence Expert Level Award 2019. … Read more

Adapting to online learning: BCIT Power Engineering students pilot cloud-based simulator

BCIT Power Engineering students pilot cloud-based simulator

As classes transitioned primarily online in an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19, BCIT Power Engineering students Cholo Belza, Brandon Chiang, Lucas Knott, Byron Tromp, and Joseph Vizjak took the initiative to pilot a cloud-based power plant simulator. This ensured they, along with their peers, were still able to acquire the practical skills relevant … Read more

BCIT Automotive students prepared for success in the post-COVID-19 workforce

BCIT Automotive students prepared for success in the post-COVID-19 workforce

Students from the Automotive Technician Foundation program in the School of Transportation are the latest cohort of students to safely return back to their shop on the BCIT Burnaby Campus. In collaboration with Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), an extensive risk assessment plan with enhanced protocols has been implemented to ensure the safety of students, … Read more

Examining the impact of COVID-19 on individuals with spinal cord injury

COVID-19 has disrupted the daily structure and life routines of people all over the world including many individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI). The changes in daily activities, how the individual feels about these changes, and what is effective in managing these changes is not well understood. This has led to considerable adjustments on how … Read more

A virtual celebration for the BCIT 2020 Graduating Class

BCIT Graduating Celebration Video

Congratulations to the BCIT 2020 Graduating Class! BCIT launched the Graduating Student Celebration video, hosted by Global BC News Hour anchor and BCIT alumna Sophie Lui, on June 23 at 10 am to honour our graduates for their accomplishments and to create a memorable experience that can be shared with friends, family, peers, and mentors. … Read more

BCIT students evaluating air quality with IoT devices

Technology is advancing every second of the day. This spring, four BCIT Computer Systems Technology (CST) Diploma students learned how the Internet of Things (IoT) can collect and exchange data. They were intrigued by what they found. Through a four-week long Industry Sponsored Student Projects program (ISSP), these students worked with their clients Jonathan Bassan, … Read more

From structures to communities, this Indigenous BCIT ironworking alum looks to a brighter future

BCIT Indigenous alumnus Brandon Darbyshire-Joseph stands at a job site with two co-workers

“I’d like to see our people get an opportunity to live a better life, to be able to take care of their families,” says Brandon Darbyshire-Joseph, an Indigenous BCIT Ironworking alumnus. “I’m a big believer that every generation can do better.” Brandon’s passion for creating positive change was forged from a family history pitted with … Read more