Ask BCIT Alumni: Andrew Booth, Lead Multimedia Producer, Clio

For this issue of Ask BCIT Alumni, we chatted with one of our passionate and energetic graduates from BCIT Broadcast and Media Communications. Andrew Booth graduated from BCIT with a Radio Arts and Entertainment diploma in 2015. He began working for Clio, comprehensive law case management and legal software based in Burnaby, BC, as a … Read more

Harnessing the power of data: BCIT Computing Flexible Learning expands offerings

Graphs and tables showing food crop prices made using MS Power BI

It would be hard to find an organization that didn’t want to save resources or increase revenue by better understanding their data. From customer behaviour to energy use, leaders across the world know that they may be missing out on critical insights. Skilled individuals who can harness the power of data, by creating visualizations and … Read more

Student wellbeing: The Early Assist Program offers support to navigate life while at BCIT

With the onset of COVID-19, students have faced an increase in unique challenges, and the need for support reflects that. The Early Assist Program has had an uptake in referrals since 2019, with outreach doubling each year. The confidential online referral system can be accessed by students to get support and services for personal or … Read more

BCIT Rivers Institute collaborates with alumni and scientists in documentary to unmask ecological threats to Fraser estuary

Have you heard of the Fraser River estuary? The Fraser estuary is Canada’s largest salmon production area, serves as an important hemispheric bird habitat with over 1.7 million birds migrating annually, and a vital part of BC’s biodiversity—that is disappearing. In hopes of raising awareness about the plight of the Fraser estuary, the BCIT Rivers … Read more

BCIT Computing team places third at SAP hackathon

screen captures of app "waddle" showing cartoon duck wearing a blue baseball cap and carrying a messenger bag, a hand-drawn post it, a sign-in page, and an event listing

“We were up against 3rd and 4th year students from some of the other schools, and we’re really proud of how far we made it using the tools that BCIT gave us.” – Nolan Nordwall, CST Diploma Student  Over 100 post-secondary students kicked off fall by spending a weekend at SAPVanHack22. “The experience was amazing!” … Read more

Sharing so others know it is possible: My data analyst journey

Smiling woman with long brown hair in a light blazer holds a laptop while standing in front of a screen displaying data and graphs

Lluvia Meneses moved across a continent, began a new life in a new language, and expanded her family, but there was another challenge she planned to take on. She loved finding meaning in numbers, and she hoped to resume her career as a Data Analyst (DA). It took a lot of dedication, but in 2021 … Read more

BCIT partners on training to help veterans upskill for cybersecurity careers

A group of veterans learning about industrial network cybersecurity

Protecting Canada’s critical infrastructure from cyberthreats demands a collaborative effort between government, academia, and industry. The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) and Coding for Veterans have successfully launched Canada’s first Microcredential in Industrial Networking for Cybersecurity Professionals with support from the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training and True Patriot Love Foundation. This … Read more

Teck contributes $5M towards BCIT INSPIRE Campaign

Ribbon cutting during the BCIT Teck Celebration event.

BCIT and Teck Resources Limited (TSX: TECK.A and TECK.B, NYSE: TECK) (“Teck”) today announced that Teck is contributing $5 million to the BCIT INSPIRE Campaign. The donation, which represents the second-largest total contribution to the campaign to date, will support campus redevelopment and new teaching and learning innovations as well as expand the use of … Read more

Ask BCIT Alumni: Wryan Colin Chan, Membership Account Manager, Burnaby Board of Trade

Metro Vancouver is a beautiful place to live and play. While many visitors come to Vancouver and ravels at the majestic beauty of this modern city surrounded by beautiful nature, mountains, forests and the sea, some individuals fall in love with the place and decide to stay and work here. That is the story of … Read more

BCIT recognized as Top Performer by CICan ImpAct-Climate project

Congratulations to BCIT for being recognized as the number one Top Performer in a new milestone report from Colleges and Institutes Canada’s (CICan) ImpAct – Climate initiative. Released in September 2022 during Global Goals Week, the “Are We Ready?” report details the role played by CICan members in addressing climate change and supporting Canada’s transition … Read more