Places I recommend visiting when COVID ends

As a form of self indulgence, for the girl who wants to see as much of the world as possible, I thought I could write something for those who want to experience other places just as much as I do, but just haven’t been able to. So here are some places that I have been that I completely recommend going to. 

But just as a little disclaimer, I have been very lucky to have travelled as much as I have and most places I have been are considered first world countries where English is commonly spoken (at least as a second language). With COVID and the ramifications of no tourism some places may change drastically. 

Now with that out of the way let’s jump in. 

Verona, Italy: Whenever talk of backpacking around Europe would happen, I would always think how can you do that to Italy? You could spend two weeks just touring around different cities of Italy and be completely content. From vineyards, cliffside beaches, and some of the most indulgent foods and lifestyles, Italy is a must see place. 

Verona is the setting of the infamous play Romeo and Juliet where you can visit Juliet’s balcony, her statue and write her a letter in all the same place. (If you’re a fan of the Rom-Com Letters to Juliet that’ll sound familiar). It is one of the quaintest towns in the world and less busy than other popular tourist cities in the country like Rome or Venice. 

Auckland, New Zealand: A slice of paradise, this place reminded me of a tropical British Columbia, the city feels the same and there is no shortage of natural beauty to see. I’m not just mentioning them because they seem to be one of the only countries who has figured out how to handle COVID, but they are genuinely a gorgeous country with no shortage of stuff to do and things to see. 

Barcelona, Spain: Enriched with culture from beautiful cathedrals to marvelous statues, Barcelona is on the map for a reason. You can wander through the streets and not find a shortage of things to look at. (When I was there that was all I did).

I only was able to spend one day there and all I had enough time to do was eat, tapas, seafood and pastries was my diet and I was in bliss! 

Ever since I have wanted to go back to experience the gorgeous beaches, tourist attractions and the great nightlife (that will hopefully be just as grand when COVID ends). 

Hope this inspired you to keep thinking of travelling and book a trip as soon as we can.

In anticipation of COVID ending

“The light at the end of the tunnel” as it has been so cleverly called seems to be getting closer and closer with each passing day, Dr. Bonnie Henry even suggested that the pandemic could be behind us in the summertime (I mean we will believe it when we see it). This (fantastic) news has everyone reeling with anticipation of actually getting back to normal lives, such as going to concerts, dancing in clubs, traveling (wait for it) internationally?! 

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All these wonderful things that we have been taking advantage of before the pandemic we are all craving to do once again. But how quickly will people actually be wanting to do these things?

My prediction is it won’t be an overnight flip. Even after mass vaccination people will still have to get over the mental hurdle of being around a crowd of people, talking to strangers face to face and being in very public spaces such as airports, malls and stadiums.

Now if I had to make an educated guess I would say that the roll back to “normal” will be quite slow and when COVID-19 is no longer our biggest concern some things will be forever changed. For example, (these are my personal predictions) masks will become more mainstream to wear in the winter months and when you are sick, just like the plexiglass barriers that are in every store will be here to stay as well. 

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I think it’ll be important for those who are more anxious about getting back to normal to be heard and respected. Just like the things that will be forever changed, everyone will also be forever changed from this experience. Whether that just be more people taking care of their personal hygiene or just never taking their relationships for granted again.

Some people will need more time to get back into the flow of things and establish their comfort zone, and we don’t need more violence against people who are wearing masks and keeping their distance. 

So when that day comes my fellow COVID ending anticipators, be kind it’ll be our chance to move steps forward and not back.

Showing Up for Yourself

All this self help talk has me thinking about other ways to take care of yourself that aren’t just slapping on a face mask and going to bed early. This can be perfectly summed up in the phrase, “show up for yourself” and this is most applicable when it comes to career. So here are some ways on how to show up for yourself. 

Committing to Your Future: This starts with being honest about what you want, whether it is your career, your love life, whatever, just really think about what you want. Self reflection is important here and you need to think clearly about what is going to make you happy. 

Write it down, or run through it in your head and then just keep showing up for that dream, whether it is in big ways like going to school or small ways like doing things even when it is uncomfortable. 

For example, I have bad phone anxiety, I would rather email someone like 10 times to get a response than to phone up someone and get an immediate answer and this is one thing I know I am going to have to get over and just do it. 

Sticking Up For Yourself: One of the things I struggle with when it comes to wanting a creative career is when people ask me questions like “Oh well how much does that pay” or “Well where are you going to get a position like that?” and all these (actually kind of rude) questions where if I was going to be a doctor or a lawyer no one would ask. 

It may just come down to me being overly sensitive but I know that other artistic people struggle with the same concepts.

 So how do we stick up for ourselves? Well, I’m not even too sure, and it could look different to everyone. Whether that means not letting these questions affect you, or being prepared to answer them or just reversing those questions on the same people. It could also just mean knowing your worth and letting all those people wait and see what you will accomplish. 

It’s a struggle, I get it, but you can be your biggest ally or enemy in getting what you want, so be an ally.

New and Girly Shows filmed in BC

Here are some new, romantic and fun shows/ movies that have been dominating Netflix and you may not have known are shot in British Columbia.

To All the Boys: Part 3: This Netflix original movie trilogy has been stealing the hearts of audiences since the first movie where we all saw the (refreshing) chemistry between the lead characters, Peter and Lara Jean. The final instalment, like the previous two, was shot in and around Vancouver. This includes all the home scenes being shot at a real house in Langley and school being filmed at Point Grey School in Vancouver (also previously used in shows like Riverdale).

Firefly Lane: This recently added show follows the lives of two best friends, Kate and Tully over the course of their 30+ year friendship, it keeps the viewers always wanting more at the end of every episode (not to mention that final cliffhanger, ugh, if you know you know).

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 Set in Seattle/ Washington this show with every scene screams Vancouver. You can instantly tell when they are on the Waterfront or when they are in downtown Vancouver for their city scenes. But some other interesting filming locations include, Tully’s talk show is filmed in the CBC Broadcast Centre in downtown Vancouver and the house scenes when the two best friends were children is filmed on the outskirts of Langley. 

Virgin River: A little on the older side of newly released Netflix shows, as the second season was released in November. But this feel good show is worth the watch even if you have already seen it advertised to you a million times. 

Filmed all around BC, the most prominent filming locations have been Vancouver, New West and most frequently, Squamish where you can also see shots of Shannon Falls.

Spring Activities to do to get into the spirit early

Spring has almost sprung (pun intended) and while we can’t go frolicking through tulip fields to get perfect Instagram photos just yet, there are still fantastic spring activities to do to make it feel like it is here. 

So here are some fun spring-like activities to get you out of the house and still be socially distanced. 

Go For a Hike/ Walk: Breathing in that fresh air and seeing all the vegetation slowly perk up back to life are just a few of the reasons you should start walking. Some places with higher altitudes will still have snow this time of year, but if you are looking to do low incline walks then it’s the perfect time to get your walk on.  Check out places like Lighthouse Park, Seymour River or Deer Lake Park in Burnaby for easy, yet beautiful walks. 

Start with Patio Season: Patio season is rumoured to be coming earlier this year, with less indoor seating than usual, restaurants are itching to open their patios up again. So look out in April for those doors to start opening again, it could mean nice, relaxing meals outside for you. 

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Try A Class (Virtual or Not): Spring is all about fresh beginnings and welcoming new patterns into your life so try something new you have alway wanted to. With the monotony of COVID and all the restrictions we have become accustomed to, trying new things (even at home) will make your life feel less mundane. As things open more this can be a chance to slowly (and safely) introduce yourself to normal activities again. Try an online baking class, or an in person yoga class.

How to bring spring into your space

Spring feels like it may actually be here to stay (knock on wood). What a relief too, from the isolation of stay at home orders it’s nice to see the shades lifting to find that there is so much nice weather to enjoy and activities we can do in it. 

So here are some ways to get ready and welcome spring, so all you have to do is enjoy the sunny weather (and muddy grounds) when spring is finally here.

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Open the Windows: This might sound frankly, too simple to add it to this list, but I think everyone underestimates the power of natural lighting on our mood. (That’s why we are recommended Vitamin D in the winter as we are not getting enough sunlight). So open the windows and blinds to get that fresh air and gorgeous light into your home. 

Clean Your Space: Why not start your spring cleaning while we can still have some gloomy days so when it is nice out you can just enjoy. Decluttering and cleaning your space will give you a clean slate as the warmer weather comes in. 

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Get Yourself Some Flowers/ Plants: Nothing screams spring more than a bouquet of flowers, with their vibrant spring colours and fresh, sweet scents. They are able to bleed life into a room even on the darkest of days and is a kind, little way to show yourself some love. Plants are also a great way to bring greenery into your space (if you can keep them alive long enough to enjoy them, unfortunately that just ain’t me). 

Let’s stay hopeful that we have seen the last of the winter blues and spring is on its way!

What to do this week

Another week in the life of this pandemic era, (there is no way but up my friends). So thank goodness for great food and nice weather to get us through these times! Here are some activities to do this week if you are looking to enjoy the nice (dare I say) spring weather we are having. 

Dine Out Vancouver: There are only four days left to experience Dine Out Vancouver for yourself and take advantage of the great deals at over 300 restaurants for breakfast, lunch and dinner. There is literally something for everyone, whether you want to dine in or take out, or try a different culture’s cuisine or stick with your basics. The options are endless, so take advantage while you can. 

Science World: Science World is dawning a new exhibition called Arctic Voices that takes a look at the world’s most northern and cold area. The immersive experience will educate you on its people, animals, and ecology.

The regular exhibits are still open so wander through and pretend you’re a kid again! Tickets can be purchased at the door or online, but it is always encouraged to book online for availability reasons and COVID safety protocols. 

Check Out Local Plays: The arts are suffering right now, there is no doubt about it. Not being able to have a live audience to experience their shows means that ticket sales are down.

Creating a virtual space is one way that they can survive this so a great way to spend the weekend (especially if you are looking to stay in) is to buy tickets and watch these plays virtually. There are tons of theatre companies in our area, find a play that sounds most intriguing to you and have a virtual night out! 

That’s all for now, have a great rest of the week everyone!

Good habits to get into

Habits can be good or bad and with COVID and the negativity it emits, it is easy to form bad habits surrounding anything from over consumption to laziness (which are all things needed every now and then but not everyday). If you are looking for something new to try here are the beginnings of my list of good habits to get into. 

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Practicing Gratitude: When you are constantly only looking at the negative you begin to attract negative things (hey, I don’t make this stuff up). It’s all about the Law of Attraction, so when you are thinking about positive things then you begin to attract positivity into your life, a great first step is to be more grateful. 

Think about the things you love in your life, your mom who cooks for you, your dad who makes you laugh, the feeling you get when you are watching a new movie and you just know this will become a favourite, the list can go on. Turn these things into

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appreciation and you will notice how mundane things become a lot more beautiful.

A good first step in doing this is to create a gratitude journal. It does not have to be much, just a notebook where you can write down a few things you’re grateful for each day. It’s a great habit to get into to form positive outlooks on life. 

Asking For What You Want: This one hits close to home, and I’m sure a lot of people out there would agree that it can be difficult to ask for what you want. Whether that be from your partner, work or even from yourself. It can be huge though for getting fast results and making your overall self happier (obviously).

 If this one seems kind of scary to you (I feel you),then try out smaller things first like, asking for help when you need it. It’s all about building self-esteem and prioritizing yourself. 

Self sabotage: what it is and more ways to stop it

Before writing the first article on self sabotage it felt like I had little idea about what it actually was. We hear that term being tossed around as a passive joke or as a way to get a friend out of self destructive patterns, like going back to a toxic relationship. But what actually is self sabotage? 

A very vague (and Googled answer) is when we consciously or unconsciously do things that hold you back from doing what you actually want. Procrastinate that final assignment to the last day? Self sabotage. Not sending in that job application because it’s not quite right? Self sabotage. 

We all do it whether it’s noticeable or not, but it does hinder us in the long run and keeps us away from our dreams and feeling happy. 

In an oversimplification, people tend to fall into two categories of self sabotaging behaviour especially when it comes to work, and that is perfectionism and procrastination. If you heard either word and was like “yep that’s me” here are some ways to help. 

Procrastination: Avoiding it and doing it later can be fantastic until it’s 11 pm and you have a final project due in an hour, when you know you have had time to work on it. It can make you feel more stressed than the original stress of the project. 

Some simple ways to help are to create to do lists so things stop piling up on top of you and reward yourself when you complete a task that has to get done. 

Perfectionist: Equally just as bad as those who avoid are those who make simple things feel a lot bigger than they actually are and can’t complete a task until it is perfect in their mind.  (I fit right in here). 

A way to help is to actually break down what needs to be accomplished and make things that are small tasks stay small. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. 

Hope to follow through with this myself!

Ways to help with work life balance

With our work lives and personal lives blending into the same spaces it can be hard to separate ourselves from work/ school during our personal time and vice versa. Work life balance is something incredibly important to our overall happiness and yet (at least for myself) that it is becoming less and less of a priority as I squeeze one last thing to work on before the end of the day. 

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I’m sure a lot of others are dealing with this as well, prioritizing personal life as well as career during stay at home orders can be challenging, so I have found some ways to help us all get a little more structure to this. 

Unplug From Devices: On top of the fact that we are constantly on our devices when we work from home, a lot of our devices are connected to our work/ schoolwork.

 Whether you have your work email attached to your device, or get notifications when a new assignment criteria sheet has dropped, you can never completely be away from

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work when you are around your computer or phone. Completely unplugging at the end of the work day can help you stay focused on your personal life.

Set Your Hours and Prioritize: There is no regular 9-5 now and being able to wake up whenever you want may not actually be as great as it sounds. Setting up hours when you actually do work with a proper (and long) break in the middle will make this balance easier. 

Setting up your priorities can be beneficial as well, it’s okay to put your personal life ahead of your work life for a day. 

It can be challenging, be kind to yourself!