Self sabotage: what it is and more ways to stop it

Before writing the first article on self sabotage it felt like I had little idea about what it actually was. We hear that term being tossed around as a passive joke or as a way to get a friend out of self destructive patterns, like going back to a toxic relationship. But what actually is self sabotage? 

A very vague (and Googled answer) is when we consciously or unconsciously do things that hold you back from doing what you actually want. Procrastinate that final assignment to the last day? Self sabotage. Not sending in that job application because it’s not quite right? Self sabotage. 

We all do it whether it’s noticeable or not, but it does hinder us in the long run and keeps us away from our dreams and feeling happy. 

In an oversimplification, people tend to fall into two categories of self sabotaging behaviour especially when it comes to work, and that is perfectionism and procrastination. If you heard either word and was like “yep that’s me” here are some ways to help. 

Procrastination: Avoiding it and doing it later can be fantastic until it’s 11 pm and you have a final project due in an hour, when you know you have had time to work on it. It can make you feel more stressed than the original stress of the project. 

Some simple ways to help are to create to do lists so things stop piling up on top of you and reward yourself when you complete a task that has to get done. 

Perfectionist: Equally just as bad as those who avoid are those who make simple things feel a lot bigger than they actually are and can’t complete a task until it is perfect in their mind.  (I fit right in here). 

A way to help is to actually break down what needs to be accomplished and make things that are small tasks stay small. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. 

Hope to follow through with this myself!

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