Showing Up for Yourself

All this self help talk has me thinking about other ways to take care of yourself that aren’t just slapping on a face mask and going to bed early. This can be perfectly summed up in the phrase, “show up for yourself” and this is most applicable when it comes to career. So here are some ways on how to show up for yourself. 

Committing to Your Future: This starts with being honest about what you want, whether it is your career, your love life, whatever, just really think about what you want. Self reflection is important here and you need to think clearly about what is going to make you happy. 

Write it down, or run through it in your head and then just keep showing up for that dream, whether it is in big ways like going to school or small ways like doing things even when it is uncomfortable. 

For example, I have bad phone anxiety, I would rather email someone like 10 times to get a response than to phone up someone and get an immediate answer and this is one thing I know I am going to have to get over and just do it. 

Sticking Up For Yourself: One of the things I struggle with when it comes to wanting a creative career is when people ask me questions like “Oh well how much does that pay” or “Well where are you going to get a position like that?” and all these (actually kind of rude) questions where if I was going to be a doctor or a lawyer no one would ask. 

It may just come down to me being overly sensitive but I know that other artistic people struggle with the same concepts.

 So how do we stick up for ourselves? Well, I’m not even too sure, and it could look different to everyone. Whether that means not letting these questions affect you, or being prepared to answer them or just reversing those questions on the same people. It could also just mean knowing your worth and letting all those people wait and see what you will accomplish. 

It’s a struggle, I get it, but you can be your biggest ally or enemy in getting what you want, so be an ally.

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