These Two AI Editing Tools For The Financially-Impaired

AI is slowly rising and adapting to human tasks, but as humans we gotta stay ahead especially when it comes to editing, there’s so much tools that I know on the onset that it’s getting creepy because how good they’re getting but we should also take advantage of it as they’re making our work a bit easier but not to the point of autonomous, and we all know those quality ones need money but these two ones are by far bang for your no buck.

CapCut is a free, all-in-one video creation and editing app with everything you need to create stunning, high-quality videos. Beginners can get started with CapCut in  seconds, while advanced users can enjoy all the features they need for video editing. Express your personality with exclusive video creation and editing features. Once your video is created, you can share it on social networks with just one click, attracting likes, comments, and people’s attention.

CapCut gives easy-to-use video modifying functions, unfastened in-APP fonts and effects, unfastened superior capabilities which includes keyframe animation, clean slow-movement, chroma key, and stabilization, that will help you seize and snip moments.

Create fancy films with different particular capabilities: vehicle mobile captions, text-to-speech, movement tracking, and heritage removal. Show your character and move viral on various social media like TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook.

Capcut is THE best free AI editing tool around with so many things you can do in making content. It’s perfect for those who don’t have much cash to spend on Adobe Premiere Pro or Filmora.

Enhance Speech uses machine learning to clean up your recording and make your audio sound like it was recorded in a professional studio. Enhance Speech isn’t generative AI and isn’t synthesizing new audio.

Audio recorded with  low-quality microphones (phones, online meetings, in-camera microphones) tends to be improved with Voice Enhancement.  This doesn’t always work well with: Very poor quality audio (e.g. recordings from  old VHS tapes have lots of artifacts), multiple speakers overlapping, and whispering Background music strong Singing.

For anyone looking to tell their stories and sound good doing it. This is one of the best speech enhancement tools out there. I can’t believe that Adobe is willing to give away this tech for free. I hope that it stays that way and it won’t be locked away on a paywall because it’s a really great tool for those who can’t really edit or mix audio very well, and this is a one-click solution.

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