This BC singer-songwriter is about to take over!

I’m about to dive into a world of music here in BC, l that I wasn’t prepared at all. AT ALL.

The first time I met Haleluya Hailu was at the recording of Live At Evolution at BCIT at Burnaby and one thing for certain, I wouldn’t know who she was and stuff. She’s a self-taught producer, singer-songwriter, and performer that is on the alternative/indie, pop genre, and that is super cool.

I tried to listen to her discography before she arrived on set but I couldn’t because of some tech issues, and I didn’t know her Spotify profile because I only got “Haleluya” and there’s a lot of others with similar names, so I didn’t but it turned out to be way better for me than I expected.

The interview went great! I’m not gonna spoil anything about it. Just wait for the episode on our Youtube. You won’t be disappointed! Thank you to DJ and the crew for inviting me to be there and just witness the beginning of something amazing.

Listening to her story was awesome, and listening to her play with just a guitar with such feeling and passion, it took a lot of focus for me to take photos and videos of her performance because I just wanna listen and drop my jaw. The songs she performed were so good, afterwards we asked again for the titles because we wanna just binge it nonstop, but she said she unperformed unreleased tracks yet I guess we’ll find out sooner.

Now, I can’t leave you hanging right now, so I went through her Spotify and give you my casual, definitely-not Fantano take on her current discography as of this writing.

Pinball is wow. Just the first few notes and it took me somewhere like that critic in Ratatouille when he ate the title dish. I think the chord progression and how the song starts is what got me hooked, line, and sinker. This is LSS vibes for sure. In this chaotic time of my life, this song is a 2 minute 47 second break that I need. I can’t wait for new music.

Also if you want to see her play live, she’s going to be on March 2nd at The Fox Cabaret. Now I’m looking for anyone to come with. Let me know if you are though. I am seriously thinking about it. Lol.

All in all, Haleluya Hailu is such a kind and gentle soul, with a savage side. How savage? “No comment.”

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