Pistol Whip The Devil | A Country Band You’ll Love

Do you like to listen to different kinds of music genres? Sometimes you may get sick of the same stuff you listen to every day and want to change it up and listen to something a bit different and new. We’re spoiled in Vancouver as we have so many artists who make different types of music and the options are endless. You will not have any trouble finding something you like in the Vancouver music scene. But a genre people tend to have a bit of trouble getting into is country. But to that, I’d say maybe you just haven’t found the right type of country music that works for you.

One I discovered recently that I think you might enjoy is Pistol Whip the Devil. This band plays music which they like to call badass country and when you listen to their music, you definitely get that kind of vibe. It has many of the same elements as most country songs would, but it has a bit of that badass kick to it.

I recently interviewed one of the vocalists, Shane Jolie and asked him about this band and how they got started. They had a very interesting start to their band as they started during the pandemic, which you would think would be a tough thing to do, but it actually ended up working pretty well for them in the end and they’re still going strong today.

Pistol Whip The Devil only has one song released currently which is Welcome to The Show which is a very fun song that you will absolutely enjoy even if you’re not that into country. It’s just a very fun song to listen to and you will have a blast listening to it.

Pistol Whip The Devil mostly does shows currently and they do have a show coming up on December 3rd at the Roxy for country night. They also have a new song called One Red Light that will be coming out very soon and if you want to hear a bit of a preview of that, check out the podcast I did with Shane Jolie.

They’ve also done some performances at the Evolution 107.9 studios and that is definitely worth a listen if you want to hear more from them.

If you haven’t heard of Pistol Whip The Devil then you should definitely give them a listen because they are a very enjoyable listen and they’re going to be doing a lot of cool things soon. Man, we are so spoiled with some great musicians in this city!

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