BCIT Building Science Students Benefit from HPO Funding
Building Science Graduate students Barilelo Nghana and Shahrzad Pedram have both benefitted from funding from the Homeowners Protection Office. Barilelo, who graduated with a Master of Engineering in December, 2014 conducted research while at BCIT focused on the impact of using latent heat storage materials on the energy performance of buildings.
Fellow student Shahrzad is coming close to completing her BCIT degree after defending her thesis on managing high indoor moisture issues in social housing developments.
Trailblazing Grad Continues Work on Campus
Rosa Lin, MASc 2014, has the distinction of being the first Master of Applied Science student to graduate from the BCIT Building Science Graduate Program. Rosa successfully defended her thesis entitled, “Sound Living in Vancouver’s Laneway Housing” under the supervision of Dr. Maureen Connelly. Rosa continues her association with BCIT as a researcher at the Centre for Architectural Ecology.
Read an interview with Rosa on what her work has entailed since graduating last fall, and the path that led her to engineering in the first place.
Congratulations 2014 Graduates

Building Science Graduate Program students convocate at the February 2015 ceremony, from left: Daver Bolbolan, Rosa Lin, Dr. Maureen Connelly, James Lee, Julien Schwartz, Ivan Fu, Jacee Tan, and Dr. Fitsum Tariku.
Congratulations to all our 2014 graduates who are listed below with their research topics. Master of Engineering students are required to submit a comprehensive research project in addition to their coursework. The program also graduated the first Master of Applied Science students who, in addition to coursework, undertake a comprehensive research thesis which requires an oral defence for their Thesis Supervisory Committee.
Master of Engineering Graduates 2014
- Daver Bolbolan, MEng Development of a Scaled Method for Testing Scattering Coefficients in BCIT Reverberation Room
- David Croft, MEng A Graph-Based Database for Sharing Building Knowledge
- Ivan Fu, MEng Building Energy Modeling and Future Potential of Improving Accuracy
- James Lee, MEng Real-Time Data Based Simulation and Performance Measurement and Verification
- Barilelo Nghana, MEng Numerical and Field Investigations of Phase Change Material’s (PCM) Impacts on the Energy Performance and Thermal Comfort of Buildings in a Mild Climate
- Jacee Tan, MEng Study on the Improvement of Thermal Performance of Curtain Wall Spandrels
- Julien Schwartz, MEng Comparative Life-Cycle Performance of Insulating Concrete Forms vs. Wood-Frame Constructions
- Jose Rodriguez, MEng Methodology Proposal to Quantify the Construction Moisture Content of Low-Slope Roof Construction Materials in the Lower Mainland
- Nichole Wapple, MEng Air Leakage Through Cross-Laminated Timber Panels
Master of Applied Science Graduates 2014
- Kelvin Y.H. Liu, M.A.Sc. 2014 Multi-Objective Optimization of High Performance Residential Buildings Using a Genetic Algorithm
- Rosa Lin, M.A.Sc. Sound Living in Vancouver’s Laneway Housing
Happy Holidays from the Building Science Graduate Program
Master’s Students Present Research Posters at the BC Building Envelope Council
September 24, 2014 – The BC Building Envelope Council (BCBEC) held its annual conference and AGM at Hotel Vancouver with several hundred industry professionals in attendance. The main theme of this event is the performance of the building envelope. Industry experts and educators present on a variety of topics, including the implementation of the new NAFS window standards, the latest on tall wood buildings, historical restoration, attic ventilation in wet coastal climates, and other emerging trends.
Five BCIT graduate students in Building Science made short oral presentations and met with attendees to answer questions regarding their research.
To learn more about their research, click on the links below:
- Mahsa Akbarnejad, MASc candidate and Ivan Cheung, MSc candidate (UBC) – Influence of Living Walls on Indoor Environmental Quality
- Nima Khalkhali, MASc candidate – Hygrothermal Performance of Super-Insulated Double-Stud Wall Assemblies under Simulated Rainwater Penetration
- Herman Kwok, MEng 2013 – Experimental Investigation of Moisture Transfer Between Concrete Foundation and Sill Plate
- Rosa Lin, MASc candidate – Sound Living in Vancouver’s Laneway Housing
- Elsa Ngudjiharto, MASc candidate – Field Experimental Study of Rain Load and Penetration into Wood-frame Wall Systems at Window Sill Defects
Research on Emerging Building Envelope Technologies
June 27, 2014 – The Vancouver Sun published an article on Dr. Tariku’s research at the Building Science Centre of Excellence. “B.C. at cutting edge of construction concepts” surveys recent research on emerging building envelope technologies.
Q&A with 2013 Master of Engineering Graduate Herman Kwok
We sat down recently with Herman Kwok, 2013 Master of Engineering graduate, to ask him about his experiences in the Building Science Graduate Program. Read on …
International Housing & Home Warranty Conference Coming to Vancouver
The International Housing & Home Warranty Conference (IHHWC) is coming to Vancouver September 7-10, 2014. Held every three years, this prestigious conference brings together warranty organizations, government representatives, home builders and housing professionals from around the world. Experts in building science/construction, finance, insurance, social housing and politics will share their perspectives on the future of home ownership.
Learn more at www.ihhwa.com.
MEng Student Jose Rodriguez Presents his Acoustics Course Project at Citiesalive Conference in San Francisco
Master of Engineering student, Jose R. Rodriguez, presented his acoustics course project at Citiesalive, the 11th annual green roof and wall conference held in San Francisco, October 23-26, 2013. The title of his poster was, “Comparative field test evaluation of the impact insulation class (IIC) of roofs.” Follow this link to read about his course project and view his poster.

Jose Rodriguez and Dr. Maureen Connelly, who teaches the BCIT Advanced Acoustics course, at the 2013 Citiesalive conference. Dr. Connelly was honoured with a 2013 Green Roof and Walls Award of Excellence for her research relating to the acoustical characteristic performance of green roofs and walls to reduce noise pollution and enhance natural soundscapes.
Congratulations, Jose, on this great opportunity to share your work and network with building science professionals from around the globe!
MASc Student Loveleen Atwal Presents Research Paper at ASHRAE Conference in Vancouver
BCIT Master of Applied Science student, Loveleen Atwal, presented her research at IAQ 2013, an international conference that took place October 15-18.
IAQ 2013 is the 17th in the series of ASHRAE IAQ Conferences that started in 1986. IAQ 2013 was the second time the IAQ conference was held outside of the United States as the conference travelled to Vancouver, BC. This year’s focus was on, “Environmental Health in Low Energy Buildings”.
Loveleen’s paper, entitled “Sensitive Homes: Remote Sensing and Monitoring Integral to Homes“, was co-authored by Dr. Rodrigo Mora, Loveen’s research thesis supervisor, and Gamal Mustapha from SMT.
The conference was co-sponsored by ASHRAE (American Society for Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditional Engineers) and ISIAQ (International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate).
Congratulations, Loveleen, on sharing your research and networking with building science professionals from around the globe!
Dr. Maureen Connelly Honoured for her Green Roof Research

Dr. Maureen Connelly has been honoured with a 2013 Green Roof and Walls Award of Excellence for her research relating to the acoustical characteristic performance of green roofs and walls to reduce noise pollution and enhance natural soundscapes.
We have a pioneer in our midst! Dr. Maureen Connelly was instrumental in establishing the BCIT green roof research program, with its dedicated research facility, in 2002. Considered a pioneer in green roof research, Maureen was recently recognized with the Research Award from Green Roofs for Healthy Cities North America.
The Green Roof and Wall Awards of Excellence recognize outstanding projects in seven different design categories, as well as accomplishments in research, policy development, and corporate support. This year’s awards ceremony took place on October 25 at CitiesAlive, the 11th Annual Green Roof and Wall Conference in San Francisco, CA.
M.A.Sc. Student Loveleen Atwal Presents at the IAQ Conference in Vancouver
Building Science Blogger Rosa Lin
BCIT has a number of student bloggers sharing their experiences at BCIT, and you can follow their adventures throughout the year. Read about their experiences both inside and outside of the classrooms, labs and shops. Discover BCIT from our students’ unique perspective.
Congratulations Master of Engineering Graduates

From left: Alden Kung, Rocky Tam, Dr. Fitsum Tariku, and Luke King at the BCIT convocation held February 21, 2013.
Three building science students crossed the stage on February 21 to become the first master’s graduates at BCIT ever to do so. Many congratulations to our three graduates: Luke King, Alden Kung and Rocky Tam. (Graduate Derek Yan was not present).

From left: Dr. Rodrigo Mora, Luke King, Alden Kung, Rocky Tam, Dr. Fitsum Tariku and Wayne Hand, P.Eng., MBA, Associate Dean, School of Construction and the Environment.
Vancity CEO Tamara Vrooman was recognized with an Honorary Doctor of Technology. During her keynote address, she challenged the audience to ask lots of questions.
“A good education requires taking nothing for granted, continually challenging assumptions, and asking lots of questions,” said Tamara. “The ability to ask insightful questions is one of the hallmarks of a successful career—and a connected life.”
Building Science Graduate Seminar Series
An Introduction to Project Management within Design-Build-Finance Projects
Speaker: Prof.Dr.-Ing Alexander Glock
Dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering and Project Management
University of Applied Sciences
Place: NE01 – 248
BSCE Hygrothermal Material Property Laboratory (HMPL)
Time: Friday, March 1st, 1:00 to 2:30 PM (1 hour presentation; ½ hour questions)
Everyone Welcome! Please feel free to extend this invitation to students and colleagues.
Current Job Postings
Faculty – Regular Full-Time
The Building Science Graduate program has an opening for a full-time faculty member.
Construction Drawings Seminar Series
Everyone Welcome!
Speaker: Michael Currie, Program Head, BCIT Architectural and Building Engineering Technology
Date: 4 Sessions – Thursdays – Jan 24, Jan 31, Feb 7, Feb 14
Time: 12:00 – 1:30 pm
Place: NE1-410
These seminars provide an introduction to the relationships between drawings and building construction, essential skills for further studies in building science. The goal is to enable students to interpret construction drawings. Students will be able to derive necessary information from graphical construction documents in conformance with general practice in the industry.
January 24, 2013 – Introduction
The Design-Construction process and design professionals, orthographic views relationships and types of drawings, scales, symbols and linetypes .
January 31, 2013 – Site Plans and Surveys
Industry & graphic standards, legal description, building orientation & layout, property lines, setbacks, building grades, and site services.
February 7, 2013 – Architectural Drawings
Industry & graphic standards, relationship of plan, elevations, sections, reflected ceiling plans, details, and schedules, overview of construction specification, principles, purpose and precedence of construction documents.
February 14, 2013 – Consultant Drawings
Overview of Structural, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing drawings and systems, coordination and relationship of architectural and each of the consultant drawings.
About the Speaker:
Michael started working at BCIT in 2000 and since then has been an assistant instructor, instructor, Part Time Studies (PTS) coordinator, PTS Program Head and presently the Program Head of the Architectural and Building Engineering Technology Program (ABET) Full Time program. Prior to this, he worked for 12 years at a large commercial architectural firm as an Architectural Technologist. He is the chair of the Architectural Technologist Committee at the Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC), member of the Architectural Technologist Admissions Committee, and Liaison to AIBC Council. Michael graduated from the University of British Columbia with a BA in Urban Studies and maintains a keen interest in architecture, design and urban planning.
Prof.Dr.-Ing Alexander Glock
Dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering and Project Management
University of Applied Sciences
Friday, March 1, 2013
1:00 – 2:30 pm
Everyone Welcome!
2012 Building Science News Archive
Q&A with Alden Kung, MEng Graduate 2012
Shahrzad Pedram wins first-ever master’s degree award at BCIT
Award-winning students conduct summer research projects at BCIT
Journal of Commerce features Building Science Centre of Excellence
Dr. Fitsum Tariku’s paper receives Best Paper Award from Building Simulation journal
BCIT launches first-ever Building Sciences master’s degrees in Western Canada