Built Environment Data Analytics
Goal – Develop methods and tools to clean, analyze, interpret, and communicate time-series data on: building occupancy, occupants’ interactions, occupants’ responses, outdoor-indoor environmental quality, and climate systems.
Under Construction...
- BCIT Gateway building occupants dimension
- Research team: Rodrigo Mora, Rohit Upadhyay
[Cartoon by David Somerville, based on a two pane version by Hugh McLeod.]
Levels of intelligence in dealing with building occupants (adapted from Labeodan et al. 2015):
- Presence (detect)
- Number (count)
- Location in room (space)
- Activity (work, sleep, etc.)
- Identify (individual)
- Track (time in space, transition/move between spaces)
- Interact (with building)
- Feedback (satisfied? preference? issues? improvements?)
Why is this important? Think about nurses and patients in hospitals… Think about the sick, elder, disabled, mentally impaired… Think about our own experiences and behaviors at home… Think about energy waste…
- Labeodan T, Zeiler W, Boxem G, and Zhao Y (2015). Occupancy measurement in commercial office buildings fordemand-driven control applications—A survey and detection system evaluation, Energy and Buildings, Elsevier, Vol. 93, pp. 303-314.