Want to set yourself apart in a packed job market? Specialize

o set yourself apart in a packed job market? Specialize

When training or searching for a job, people often want to cast the widest possible net. If your skill sets have a little of everything, then surely you’ll be hired somewhere. But that logic is flawed for a couple reasons. First, you have to compete with a large number of fellow job seekers with similar … Read more

Reconciliation in post-secondary education requires courage and humility

BCIT-Reconciliation in post-secondary education requires courage and humility

(Written by Kory Wilson, this article originally published in Policy Options on February 18, 2021. Kory Wilson is Kwakwaka’wakw, a mum, an educator, and the Executive Director of Indigenous Initiatives and Partnerships at the British Columbia Institute of Technology.) Building Indigeneity into the curricula at Canadian post-secondary schools requires more than just introducing Indigenous history … Read more

A letter of hope to our BCIT community

We made it. The new year is at our doorstep along with a promise of the beginning of the end of the pandemic that locked us in its clutches much of this past year. There’s not much more to say about the world’s shock, horror and struggle in response to COVID-19. I extend our thoughts … Read more

Changing careers? These Flexible Learning courses can help you pivot quickly

BCIT Part-time Studies

Workplaces today may be unlike anything we’re used to, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any employment opportunities out there. Our digitally connected world allows people to continue working in productive, meaningful careers even in the midst of economic uncertainty. There are myriad ways to future-proof your career and shift to more relevant, resilient, or … Read more

Court vision advantage: BCIT alum and former pro basketball player Brent Charleton helps lead quest for COVID-19 symptom relief

Brent Charleton stands in front of grey backdrop in a suit

What does EnWave Corporation, a technology company servicing the organic food and legal cannabis industry, have to do with treating COVID-19 symptoms? The answer lies in the company’s patented Radiant Energy Vacuum (REV™) technology, which offers a gentle, low-temperature drying technique with the potential to help develop a new medicine for COVID-19 symptoms. Leading EnWave’s … Read more

BCIT Combined Honours in Biochemistry and Forensic Science student: navigating the way to success

“I always knew that I wanted to go into science. But I also knew that I wanted to have a lot of variety during my undergrad, and ideally after graduation. And that’s what really attracted me to this program. You get all your theoretical knowledge from UBC, but then you go to BCIT, and you … Read more

COVID-19 contracted our environmental footprint by three weeks: Earth Overshoot Day 2020

Earth Overshoot Day 2020

When you think about global pandemics and environmental catastrophes, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged. But Dr. Jennie Moore is both optimistic  — albeit cautiously — and practical when discussing the impacts of COVID-19 and the health of the planet. “How do we pivot now, and make sure we don’t recreate mistakes that put us … Read more

Master your EV etiquette: the Do’s and Don’ts of EV charging

We live in a rapidly changing world, supported by rapidly changing technologies. It takes time to develop social norms around the use of new technology; the use of an electric vehicle (EV) charging station is one example. Until becoming accustomed to new electric fuel, new EV drivers risked feeling “range anxiety” and a need to … Read more