From BCIT to the Big Apple — practical advice from Katie Klumper, marketing superstar

Update: August 11, 2017: After seven years at KBS, Katie is now heading up Heat‘s New York operation. You can learn more about this move in this Ad Age article. Congratulations, Katie!  — Katie Klumper is impressive. The BCIT Marketing alumna is the president of a major advertising firm, KBS, in New York city. At the age of … Read more

BCIT students stream in from all over the world

It’s the first week of classes, an exciting time on all five BCIT campuses. For some of our new students, the fun started last week.  On September 1, hundreds of international students came to the Burnaby Campus to learn about their new school. The newcomers — some of whom arrived in Canada the night before — were … Read more

BCIT Forensic DNA Lab earns world-class accreditation

Over the last nine years, the Pacific Northwest coastline was the site of a disturbing, unexplained phenomenon. Seventeen human feet washed up on the shores of BC and Washington State—without a body attached. The story received global media attention, with theories about the origin of the disembodied feet ranging from active serial killer to gang … Read more

BCIT researchers receive $153,406 research grant for Indigenous diversity model

A BCIT research team has been awarded $153,406 over two years for Diversity Circles, an applied research project that is creating a model for supporting diversity at BCIT and beyond. The award was provided through the Community and College Social Innovation Fund, a new $15M federal grant program from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research … Read more

Podmore’s Scrapbooks: how the BCIT Trades Discovery programs came to be

David Podmore sits in his boardroom, surrounded by the Georgie trophies his company—Concert Properties—has won over the years. He’s not looking at the building awards, however; he’s reading through a scrapbook. It’s one of five laid out on the table. “Isn’t it great?” he asks. “It’s fantastic.” The carefully constructed scrapbooks are filled with hand-written … Read more

BCIT instructor needs the public’s help to save rare cherry blossom trees

For immediate release: April 26, 2016 Update: All cherry blossom trees are sold! Thank you to everyone who supported this cause. BCIT’s Keith Turner has dedicated the past five years of his career to bringing Vancouver’s rarest cherry trees back from the brink of extinction. Now Keith has taken the project as far as he … Read more

BCIT Alumna hugs the bees in NYC

Earth Day is an appropriate time to honour BCIT alumna, Deanna Fligg. The painter and Interior Design grad is a fan of bees. As her homepage states: “Sometimes, the smallest creature on the planet can have the largest impact. Humans, we share the world, be kind.” Fligg received her Management Certificate in Interior Design from BCIT in 2008. Since … Read more

Earth Day: BCIT both giveth and taketh away

Earth Day is fast approaching, and BCIT has a couple of fun things in the works to mark the environmental date. We will rip out some invasive plants, and then we’ll give out some prizes. BCIT is running an Earth Day contest, with a prize pack up for grabs. From Wednesday, April 20—running through Earth … Read more

BCIT grad masters the science of green building

BCIT - Engineering - Women in Engineering - Nichole Wapple

“I love my job because of the challenges we face,” says BCIT Masters of Engineering grad, Nichole Wapple. “The engineering problems we need to solve are always very different, and even projects that seem similar have their own unique issues.” Wapple is now a project manager at Sense Engineering, a North Vancouver-based firm that offers … Read more

Dal Richards and BCIT: The respect was mutual

Dal Richards - Kathy Kinloch - BCIT

Big Band leader, cultural icon and BCIT grad, Dal Richards, passed away on December 31. He will be sorely missed by those whose lives he touched throughout his many years of entertaining. Dal’s music career began immediately after he graduated high school in 1938. He played swing and dance music full-time for the next three decades. In the … Read more