BCIT Winter 2021 Convocation Ceremony: A virtual celebration

Winter 2021 Convocation

Congratulations to the BCIT Graduating Class of 2021! On March 23, BCIT celebrated more than 3,000 graduates in the Winter 2021 BCIT Convocation Ceremony, hosted by proud BCIT alumnus Kevin Lim, Morning Host, 104.9 KiSS RADiO Vancouver. This virtual convocation welcomed families, friends, peers, and mentors who have joined in honouring our graduates and their … Read more

Thank you: BCIT 2020/21 Milestones timeline

BCIT 2020/21 Milestones timeline

This week marks a year since our lives, work, and the world changed dramatically as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Together we have demonstrated tremendous resilience, kindness, patience, and innovation within our classrooms and communities. We commend all those who persevered in new learning and teaching environments, and express our deep thanks for those … Read more

Moving Forward: Let’s Talk Anti-Racism

Moving Forward: Let's Talk Anti-Racism

Education, awareness, and dialogue are critical to bringing about change. BCIT — in collaboration with Judy Phipps, BCGEU Support Staff, the BCIT Alumni Association, Broadcast and Media Communications department, Diversity Circles, the Respect, Diversity, and Inclusion Office (RDI) — invites you to participate in Moving Forward – Let’s talk Anti-Racism, a discussion with two high-profile BCIT alumni … Read more

BCIT delivers flexible, relevant, pandemic-resilient education

BCIT delivers flexible, relevant, pandemic-resilient education

The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) was built on a simple premise: that the best way to prepare students for the workforce is to provide hands-on training, in the classroom and in the field. So by all accounts, the global pandemic should have sent the Institute into a tailspin. But instead, one year later, … Read more

BCIT recognizes International Women’s Day

BCIT recognizes International Women's Day

International Women’s Day (IWD) celebrates the economic, cultural, social, and political achievements of women. On this day and every day of the year, it’s also important to raise awareness about women’s equality and take actions to help create an inclusive and gender equal world. This year’s IWD theme is #ChooseToChallenge and we will focus on … Read more

Reconciliation in post-secondary education requires courage and humility

BCIT-Reconciliation in post-secondary education requires courage and humility

(Written by Kory Wilson, this article originally published in Policy Options on February 18, 2021. Kory Wilson is Kwakwaka’wakw, a mum, an educator, and the Executive Director of Indigenous Initiatives and Partnerships at the British Columbia Institute of Technology.) Building Indigeneity into the curricula at Canadian post-secondary schools requires more than just introducing Indigenous history … Read more

BCIT Big Info at-home-edition: Explore programs that lead to your dream job

BCIT Big Info

Embarking on a journey into post-secondary is exciting and momentous but this experience could feel different than usual during the COVID-19 pandemic. BCIT recognizes the challenges many current and prospective students are facing in these uncertain times, and we are here to support you on your educational journey. Big Info, our largest program expo and … Read more

BCIT introduces microcredentials with the launch of three programs

BCIT introduces microcredentials

The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) is launching its first ever microcredential programs to provide learners with an industry-focused, applied education that allows them to rapidly upskill or reskill, build resiliency, and stay ahead of workplace trends. Microcredentials are flexible, short-term programs that help learners quickly master new competencies and gain knowledge essential to … Read more

Services at BCIT to take advantage of while you can

An empty gym with equipment

Student Social Media Contributor and International Student Elin Molenaar, shares her insights on the Student Services available at BCIT and how to take advantage of them. BCIT offers a variety of services that enrolled students can make use of. One of the great things about it, is that most of them are free! Student Health … Read more

Tips and tricks for a successful term start

Student writing notes on a notepad

This article was written by Student Social Media Contributor and Business Management student, Sarah Overacker. Here she shares a few tips that have helped her ease into a new term. A smooth transition is always welcome when starting a new course of studies. When I started my first diploma two years ago, I had moved … Read more