Wedding mishap into honeymoon adventure: alumni couple says BCIT prepared them for a complex world

man in blue shirt embraces woman in floral dress, both with a hand on the woman's pregnant belly

Stuart Budd and Nadia Dobrianskaia rehearsed tirelessly for months to perfect their wedding first dance in 2018. But when it came time for the big reveal, the wrong song played. Nadia, a trained dancer, says that when they heard the incorrect song, they were stunned. Looking at each other in disbelief, in front of all … Read more

BCIT introduces microcredentials with the launch of three programs

BCIT introduces microcredentials

The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) is launching its first ever microcredential programs to provide learners with an industry-focused, applied education that allows them to rapidly upskill or reskill, build resiliency, and stay ahead of workplace trends. Microcredentials are flexible, short-term programs that help learners quickly master new competencies and gain knowledge essential to … Read more

Microcredentials fast track to high-demand jobs for British Columbians

Microcredentials are a key part of a new initiative that will fast-track British Columbians to gain the education and skills they need for high-demand jobs. “Microcredentials are an exciting new initiative for BC post-secondary education that will enable learners to get the education and skills they need to access high-demand jobs,” said Anne Kang, Minister … Read more

Love conquers all: BCIT alumni couple share the secret to a 30+ year relationship

woman in pink sweater kisses a smiling man on the cheek in front of a diner

More than 30 years ago, BCIT alumni Lynn and Simon Wong were young students at BCIT when their relationship bloomed in 1987. It was a classic romance that survived the rigours of BCIT and led to marriage in 1992 and produced their two children, Joey and Emma. But in 2015, their life took an unexpected … Read more

BCIT SMART Team wins ECO Canada Community Impact Award

And the votes are in….. BCIT SMART team was awarded the 2021 ECO Canada Community Impact Award for their project on Master your EV etiquette: the Do’s and Don’ts of EV charging. The ECO Canada Community Impact Award recognizes positive environmental projects from across the country by groups that have displayed environmental advocacy, sustainable initiatives, … Read more

Extended COVID-19 Provincial Orders – February 5

Electrical engineering student on campus

The Provincial Health Officer has announced an extension of the current COVID-19 province-wide restrictions. All public health orders are continuing until further notice. The timeline for easing restrictions depends on our individual actions and factors like the spread of the COVID-19 variants, vaccine supply, and hospitalization rates within the province. The Orders that continue to be … Read more

BCIT alumnus and tea expert Matt Chong brings ancient tea practices to a modern world with Virtual Tea Tasting event

Matt Chong sits at a table with tea tasting cups and a kettle

Chong Tea Company Founder Matt Chong says his passion for tea bloomed when his aunt introduced him to an ancient Chinese tea known as Tie Guan Yin or Iron Buddha. Fascinated by the tea’s rich history and flavour profile, Matt explored Vancouver’s Chinatown to learn more. A Vancouverite of Chinese decent, he shares that browsing … Read more

Considering a career in engineering? Hear from these three engineers

BCIT Women in Engineering Karen Kan

Lenissa Pereira wanted to find a career that allowed her to work with her hands, see the world, and earn a good wage. Like more and more women, she decided on one of the many engineering options offered at BCIT, a choice she’s glad she made. “This was an excellent career choice for me”, says … Read more

BCIT instructor Rob Nason: Five decades of empowering students and shaping the world of television

BCIT Robert Nason

Rob Nason has a lot to say about working in the world of television. After 50 years teaching students at British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), it’s clear the straight-talking instructor is still passionate about the craft of storytelling on screen, and the ever-changing medium itself. “I’m just part of the process,” says Rob, speaking … Read more

Laura Vail joins BCIT as Senior Director, Student Success

BCIT is delighted to announce the appointment of Laura Vail as BCIT’s Senior Director, Student Success. As Senior Director, Laura will lead BCIT’s Student Success division in the development of strategies, programs, and broad initiatives aimed at promoting student success, well-being, and resilience. This role provides senior leadership to our teams in Counselling & Student … Read more