Copperleaf CEO calls BCIT “one of the finest institutions in the country”

The CEO of Copperleaf Technologies, Judi Hess, gave an entertaining and inspiring keynote address at BCIT’s winter convocation. She spoke of the importance of accountability. “When you are a CEO,” she said, “there is no one else to blame for a failure, a missed opportunity or things that just didn’t go right.” This speaks to … Read more

An embarrassment of riches for BCIT Professional Sales students

Students and employers converge at BCIT Burnaby campus for the Professional Sales career night on February 2, 2016.

On February 2, the BCIT School of Business hosted a career night for its Professional Sales students. More than 60 employers were there to court 49 students. “The students are in demand,” says program head, Bruce Anthony. “It’s the employers that need to convince the students – to sell their companies, sell their positions, sell the job … Read more

BCIT takes Legion program to the capital

On January 25, a team from the BCIT SITE Centre went to the #Cannexus16 conference in Ottawa. The national event explored innovative approaches to career counselling and development. BCIT was on hand to talk about the Legion Military Skills Conversion Program and how it is going to be expanded across the country. The industry-leading program helps military personnel transition into the civilian … Read more

BCIT looks to the future at BC Tech Summit

More than 2,500 techies gathered at the Vancouver Convention Centre on January 18 and 19 for Vancouver’s first-ever BC Tech Summit. Sponsored in part by BCIT, the sold-out event showcased some of BC’s best new ideas and developments in tech. Keynote speakers included futurist and Google Director of Engineering Ray Kurzweil and president and CEO of … Read more

Dal Richards and BCIT: The respect was mutual

Dal Richards - Kathy Kinloch - BCIT

Big Band leader, cultural icon and BCIT grad, Dal Richards, passed away on December 31. He will be sorely missed by those whose lives he touched throughout his many years of entertaining. Dal’s music career began immediately after he graduated high school in 1938. He played swing and dance music full-time for the next three decades. In the … Read more

BCIT welcomes Kory Wilson as Executive Director, Indigenous Initiatives and Partnerships

The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) is pleased to announce the appointment of Kory Wilson as Executive Director, Indigenous Initiatives and Partnerships, effective January 18, 2016. Kory comes to BCIT most recently from Vancouver Community College where she served as Director, Aboriginal Education and Community Engagement since 2011. Kory is Chair of the National … Read more

Burnaby students use the Force to…write computer code?!

Taylor Park Elementary School students were guided by the Force last week when they wrote their first line of computer code. They were joined by thousands of Jedi (ahem…students) around the world in the largest learning event in history—The Hour of Code. The Hour of Code is a simple introduction to computer science – designed … Read more

Goard Way project renews Burnaby Campus

For Francisco (“Cisco”) Arguello, a BCIT alumnus, BCIT’s Goard Way Infrastructure Renewal Project was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. At $11 million, it was a complex, major reconstruction project. The main purpose was to replace the BC Hydro feeder lines, and a receiving station and substation that powered the entire south half of the Burnaby campus. In … Read more

Ray Kurzweil tells the future at BCIT

BCIT, the BCIT Alumni Association, and the BCIT Student Association hosted leading author, inventor, and futurist Ray Kurzweil at the Burnaby campus November 16. “I think there’s going to be a revolution in higher education,” said Kurzweil to a packed space of nearly 1000 students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Kurzweil offered a glimpse into the … Read more

Aboriginal Services honours 2015 graduates and unveils 50th Anniversary Housepost

Last September, BCIT commissioned a local Squamish First Nations artist to design and carve a Housepost, to be installed in the lobby of SW1 as part of our 50th anniversary celebrations. On June 11, 2015 that vision was realized, and the Housepost was officially unveiled in a unique celebration that coincided with the BCIT Aboriginal … Read more