GADFLY, rebel with a passion

To describes someone as a GADFLY means they are someone who breaks the rules of status quo and questions those of authority through rebellion. You can’t get anymore metal than that and this Vancouver based band brings all of that and more.

GADFLY roots are embedded in challenging the social norm. At the age of 16, lead vocalist and guitarist Homa Khoshnavez put her safety and freedom on the line in Iran playing in punk bands pursing her passion for music. After her and her family moved to Canada as refuges GADFLY was formed with now fellow bandmates Zahra Miremadi (drummer and digital artist) and Peter Quelch (Bassist). With a shared passion for music and expression they break through the feminine stereotyping laid in metal and punk history.

Taking inspiration from 90’s grunge, metal like Nirvana and Sleep, while uniquely mixing with Persian melodies they break away from tradition. GADFLY’s self titled EP released earlier this year in January is a must listen for any fan of metal and punk a like. With their unique style GADFLY creates a truly a transcend sound that takes you to new places and revitalize the rebel in all of us leading with there strong female presence. GADFLY is a  must for any alternative rock playlist!

GADFLY is currently working on a full-length LP to be released later next year. Straying away from their punk roots going in a heavier more progressive direction. For a taste of what is to come check out there cover of “Let There Be More Light” by Pink Floyd hints at that their new sound

To keep up to date with GADFLY check out there Instagram, Facebook and Bandcamp for new releases and future possible tour dates.

GADFLY is also available on the streaming service Spotify and YouTube.