I Have A Writer’s Block

I have a writer’s block at the moment. Somebody, please motivate me. I had a long day yesterday, and the day before, but I’m trying to meet the writing quota in the small cracks of time. But I feel so uninspired. I’m pretty sure you know how I feel as I write this down. Why is there nothing in my head when there are plenty of topics I could potentially write about?

The first reason is my laziness. To be precise, I don’t have the desire to search for inspiration. Is it because I feel kind of sick? Too much stress after school restarted? Or because I lacked proper concentration because I had to hang out with my friends, or they would be pretty disappointed unless I had work? I think it’s all of the above.

Secondly, my attention span is in the way. They say that the average human attention span is 8 seconds. Goldfishes have 10 seconds. Am I no better than a fish? I want to finish my game, Elden Ring. I’m pretty invested in it, although I suck at it. But why am I not invested in my writing? Is it because I don’t like writing? Yes. But if I don’t write, will it affect my marks? Yes. Dang it.

My lack of writing skills has been sticking with me since birth. And it’s not because English is my second language (I suck at my mother language more). How can I blame something I do not have? The lack of skill causes a lack of interest thereof.

My bad habits are also to blame, too. I have a tumour in my head called procrastination, which prevents me from being productive and creating a cure for cancer. I tried to fix it by watching life motivation videos, but they only got rich people talking about their good habits. But you can’t rush geniuses, and I’m trying to get by. Maybe I should reduce the amount of decisions I have to make. How about choosing not to write more articles today…

My writer’s block is causing me to question myself as to why I have one in the first place. The reason I’m writing it is for you to write a comment and give me an idea of what to write, or at least give me some encouragement or discouragement. But then again, did I just finish writing an article? Let’s goooo, but how many more do I have to write…

Why I Dislike Harry Potter

Ah, Harry Potter, the literary masterpiece that has captured the hearts of millions of nerds around the world. Among many other fantasy films and books, why that? Let’s see why Harry Potter is, without a doubt, one of the laziest fantasy story settings ever.

To begin with, who needs a compelling plot when you can have a magic school, right? The concept of a young wizard attending a magical school and saving the world is such an original concept. It’s not like we’ve seen anything remotely similar in countless other books and movies. An applause for J.K. Rowling for rehashing cliched themes and presenting them as phenomenal.

Oh, and let’s not forget about the characters. Harry, Hermione, and Ron are the trio that represents mediocrity. A chosen one, a brainiac, and a comic relief sidekick – where have we not heard about this before? It’s almost like these archetypes haven’t been done to death in every other story. And the villains? The main bad guy is a freak without a nose who wants to kill the chosen boy. And his followers’ dress code is all black robes. How colourful.

The magical world of Harry Potter is so awesome, with its spells and rules of magic that make absolutely no sense. Latin-based incantations for spells? Because nothing can be as magical as a dead language. And the weapons? WANDS. A ruler-sized twig has all the power you can channel. How uncool is that. And imagine screaming in Latin for it, too.

Let’s talk about the institution, Hogwarts. First off, ugly name. Secondly, I would hate to go to that school where everybody, including the rip-off Gandalf principal, is glorifying the guy who survived a murder as a baby. Barely any points for other houses other than the survivor’s house. Unfair plus dangerous? Get me outta there.

Not to mention the fans. They tend to talk about it a lot. Most of them think Harry Potter books and movies are the only cool things in the world. They even dress up like the characters and wave wands around. Touch grass, people.

In conclusion, Harry Potter is a literary spectacle that has managed to fascinate readers with its originality, groundbreaking characters, and a world so unique it can only be described as, well, completely unoriginal. But hey, who am I to critique a series that has spawned countless books, movies, theme parks, and a devoted fanbase? Clearly, I’m missing out on the exceptional genius of Harry Potter.

SE SO NEON – First Concert Ever

“If I go back
Where should I go back, go back, go back?” [from Go Back (2019)]

That was part of the lyrics sung by the SE SO NEON during their ‘Hello, World! 2023’ Tour. And I would definitely go back to the time when they first stepped onto the stage at Rickshaw Theatre on Wednesday, September 13.

In 2016, SE SO NEON began as a Korean indie rock band created by the charismatic lead singer and guitarist So Yoon. Joined with her is the bassist Hyunjin Park, and while there were others, they all left due to mandatory military service in South Korea. In 2018, the band received Rookie of the Year and Best Rock Song at the Korean Music Awards. They are basically the face of K-indie at the moment.

My sister introduced me to SE SO NEON’s music two years ago, and their unique music style fascinated me. The genre of the music was labelled as “psychedelic rock.” Not only did the style intrigue me, but also the vocal. The singer sounded masculine when singing low and feminine when she had to hit higher notes, almost like a whisper.

I nervously attended my first-ever concert with my sister as her birthday gift, hearing stories from friends about the weird atmosphere filled with the scent of weed, flashing lights, and creepy men. Fortunately, the concert venue had a strict no-smoking policy and no flashy lights, aligning with the band’s preferences (and no creeps!) We managed to stand only two rows away from So Yoon.

How can I describe the show? It was absolute BANGERS. So Yoon’s amazing vocals were expected, but her performance was crazy. She was playing her guitar with rockstar energy, and she even threw her glasses on the floor and bent backwards while shredding her electric guitar. The bassist and hired drummer were passionate, but the leader foreshadowed them. But when they had to talk after songs, they would get all shy, which was cute and funny (especially the drummer.) They all had exceptional showmanship.

One of the biggest highlights for me was when So Yoon threw the merch bandana she had on her mic stand, and I CAUGHT IT.

The concert by SE SO NEON was phenomenal, delivering an electrifying performance that left me anticipating their return to the Vancouver stage (just as they had promised). The vibes, the music, and the showmanship were all on point, making it an unforgettable experience that I hope to go back to.

Best Batman Ever?

Batman is undoubtedly the most beloved superhero from DC comics of all time, which is also weird because he doesn’t have superpowers. Or parents. But he’s a billionaire and has an IQ of around 192. Many actors have donned the iconic cape and cowl, but which one played him the best?

Starting with the third spot, we have Christian Bale. The Dark Knight, a film released 15 years ago, is often hailed as one of the best Batman movies ever made, according to IMDb and Metacritic (9.0 out of a scale of 10 and 84 out of 100, respectively). Bale’s portrayal shines due to the captivating narrative and realistic Gotham setting. The setting of Gotham is too close to home, and the villains have realistic and reasonable motivations. Bale’s villains are what elevated this rendition of the hero, especially the likes of Joker, Two-Face, and the Scarecrow. But it also has some flaws, such as his Batmobile being a tank (when he’s supposed to be discreet) and Bale’s annoying Batman voice. It sounds like a growl and hardest to understand.

Securing the second position is Robert Pattinson, whose Batman in “The Batman” is praised for its realism and accuracy. Despite initial backlash about his casting, Pattinson’s performance won hearts when the film hit theatres in March 2022. His portrayal reflects a younger, less experienced Batman, with a surprisingly good physique and detective skills. The movie emphasizes Batman’s fallibility and human nature, making it stand out.

However, my personal favourite is Lego Batman, brought to life through the voice of Will Arnett. This version of Batman is far from the serious and brooding character we are used to. Instead, Lego Batman is hilariously cute, incredibly immature, and an absolute delight as a Lego minifigure. Despite the comedic elements, this representation retains the essence of Batman, the billionaire playboy who fights crime, and adds a unique charm with brick batarangs.

Christian Bale and Robert Pattinson are undoubtedly outstanding actors, portraying Batman in powerful and dramatic ways that have left a memorable impact on cinema. Bale’s dark and intense movies, along with Pattinson’s more practical and grounded portrayal, have their own appeal. However, the adorable and quirky Lego Batman, with his childish yet charming personality, steals the spotlight for its unique approach. In the end, the best Batman portrayal remains a matter of personal preference, reflecting the diverse and fascinating interpretations of this beloved superhero.

Live-Action Treatment.. or Sickness?


The Little Mermaid. One Piece. The Last Airbender. What do these movies have in common (other than all three movies being water-related – wasn’t intentional)? They are all beloved animated movies that got the live-action treatment. Are they good? I would be lying if I said yes. Some things are good the way they are, yet people are always trying to find ways to make more money.

Live-action movie does not quite have the time to capture everything in the source material, whether it be an animation, book or manga. But people won’t stop making those films, nor stop watching them.

Plus, some elements in animation don’t look great in real life, because making anything that is too unrealistic to look authentic is… just terrible. Have you seen Michael Bay’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? They look like Shrek on steroids. Moreover, most animations defy the law of physics. For instance, to make Road Runner run vertically up a cliff from Wile E. Coyote will be hard to translate into live-action screens. And I’m pretty sure coyotes don’t even eat cuckoo birds. Animation wasn’t supposed to be realistic, so making it live-action will cause it to lose its original magic.

Let’s talk about the new show that is popping off right now. One Piece fans love the new live-action show on Netflix. Me, being surrounded by die-hard fans, kept convincing me to watch it, saying it’s better than expected. So I tried it out, and wow, I can’t believe I trusted those idiots. I forgot that they will protect Oda’s legacy till the titular treasure is finally found, which is still a couple of years away. We still don’t even know what One Piece is. But hey, I guess it’s better than expected when you don’t even expect it at all.

Disney, man, they are rebooting everything because they ran out of ideas or something. From Alice In Wonderland to the upcoming Moana and Snow White, they could just save their hefty budget and make a new princess animated movie with a talking animal or something (surprisingly, there is a new one coming out called Wish – it also incorporates 2D animation so I might check it out.) But Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, or should I call it, Non-White Princess and the Seven Magical Beings. After Peter Dinklage commented on Disney’s choice to cast a Latina actress for the role of Snow White but kept the dwarves in a stereotypical setting, The Magical Kingdom changed dwarves to magical “creatures” from German folklore. Not to mention the romance between the Prince and the titular character will be non-existent or one-sided (from the Prince in my speculation, like Ken from Barbie.) Do you see where this is going? It’s proceeding further away from the source to “appease” the modern crowd, but I don’t think it’s working.

But this article doesn’t mean it’s wrong to watch a live-action reboot. All I’m saying is that film companies should leave the masterpieces as they are, not milking them. Original content will always wow people instead of watching the same plot in a different setting.

Beau Is The Craziest Movie. Ever (SPOILER FREE)


When Ari Aster announced a new movie with Joaquin Phoenix in 2021, fans were marking their calendars. The director of Hereditary and Midsommar collaborating with the Joker. The hype was crazy for film maniacs. Initially titled Disappointment Blvd., it eventually became Beau Is Afraid. The basic synopsis is that an anxious man named Beau sets off to see his mother. Literally.

When the movie was released, however, the A24 horror film only made $11 million on an approximate budget of $35 million. My favourite theatre chain (Landmark Cinemas – they got the best seats ever) did not even show the movie (at least in Surrey and New Westminister.) I was shocked the film did not get the spotlight it deserved. I mean, everyone basically watched Hereditary and Joker (unless you’re a Marvel fan.) How did it become a box office bomb? Because Super Mario Bros. was attracting audiences at the time?

(Actually, that does make sense now that I put it into words – the PG-rated Nintendo-based movie was released exactly two weeks earlier than Beau Is Afraid, which was R-rated. Mario made over a billion dollars. And Evil Dead Rise was released on the same day.)

Anyway, I watched it with two of my friends in downtown. It was a long movie too because it was clocking about three hours. But the film didn’t feel like that long to me because the scenes were constantly shifting. Things were happening quickly, yet had lingering impacts. But what did I feel about the movie?

I have exactly five words to sum up my review of Beau. WHAT. WAS. ARI. ASTER. ON. Aster did say in an interview that his film is like “a Jewish Lord of the Rings, but just going to his mom’s house,” and as “if you pumped a 10-year-old full of Zoloft, and [had] him get your groceries.” I don’t think the film could be compared to the One Ring trilogy, except for its runtime.


“Insane” is a light word for this movie. My Letterboxd account says I’ve watched 754 movies so far, but none could top this bizarreness. I can’t explain how crazy this movie is without spoiling, but imagine you’re having a psychedelic dream of Joaquin Phoenix trying to reach his mother in abnormal horror-comedy scenarios. And you keep asking yourself, “Is this real??” That’s the movie for you. It does have tons of symbolism, but I couldn’t decipher any of them. Let me just say that logic doesn’t exist in the film.

I liked it for its arthouse-y ambition, incredible acting from Joaquin (as always), and the unpredictable storyline. For me, it’s my favourite film among Ari Aster’s filmography. I strongly recommend watching the movie and sharing your experience. But I just know you will say it’s the weirdest movie you’ve ever watched. Same bro, same. But at least it’s a masterpiece.

Sports Article By A Non-Sports Fan

Heavenly Father Above, why have thou given me the suffering to write articles on sports?? (I mean, I could also write about culture and media, but I felt like I needed to write at least a couple based on sports.)

I’m not a sports guy at all. I used to play for the middle school volleyball team, but I hated the competition and pressure they gave me when I was barely 5 feet tall. I just joined because my buddies joined, and I like to whack balls. I also used to cheer for the Canucks during the 2011 Playoffs, but they lost and never won again since, so…

But watching sports, that’s a different breed. Why do people enjoy watching sports? Playing sports, I totally get it, it’s healthy for you. Watching it and screaming your lungs out when the referee gives your favourite team a yellow card while letting out that alcohol breath, that I don’t really get.

Let me state my reasons before you start saying I don’t understand the feeling (but you are right, I don’t, and I won’t.)

One, there are millions of other things to watch. Or do. Haven’t heard Mr. White call Jesse to “cook” every two episodes? Witness the winter finally come to Winterfell (after saying “Winter is coming” every ten minutes or so for the past five seasons)? Don’t feel like watching those? Then pick up a healthy hobby, like cooking or skateboarding. Stop watching the Canucks game. They won’t ever win the Stanley Cup. Why endure and hope for something that will never happen?

Secondly, some sports are way too boring to watch. I cannot recall any of my friends who actually watch golf. Except for my ex-roommate, but that’s because I took his PS5 to play Elden Ring, and he had nothing else to do. Watching golf is like watching the paint dry. Nothing interesting happens in football or basketball except for some highlights. But it’s the same feeling as watching a dull movie with a 23% on Rotten Tomatoes for a plot twist you expected.

Thirdly, sports fans tend to be toxic. But that applies to most fandoms, too. But teams can lose, and people get too upset. They start blaming the moves the player did, then the coach, then the referee, and eventually, the weather. In the case of TV shows, you can partially blame the creative choices in shows hated by mass audiences because that is 100% the producer’s intentions and their control, but how can anyone control reality? People lose, and sometimes they win, it’s life. Plus, you don’t even PLAY for the team.

But on the other hand, being a sports fan have its pro. It creates a community, supports thousands of sports-related jobs, and encourages people to play the sport they are watching unless they have no talent. But that won’t convert me. I need to finish watching Jimmy McGill become Saul Goodman.