
It has now been 72 hours since the torrential downpour can upon us. If you scan and read every news channel. British Columbia was the number one newsmaker for the past 48 hours. Emotions are running high as we are now seeing the aftermath of mother natures destruction.

Two things that are hitting the news wave and making headlines across the country and something we should all sit back and think about are. The amount of community involvement in helping and assisting those in need. The immediate response by professionally trained teams who specialize in search and rescue are the heroes. However, the everyday person who happens to come across such mayhem and assist those that need are the true unsung heroes.

It is very easy for us to walk and continue our day-to-day lives without thinking about the person who happens to be laying on the ground with a needle stuck in his forearm. Very easy to be judgmental and make a social bias decision and just walk right by. But just think for a minute and use your critical thinking skills. That person who you walked by could be your brother, sister, nephew even your uncle.

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Does it really take a tragic incident to bring out the best in us?  Do we really want another ” KItty Genovese” incident to turn the light bulb in our head and say ” if you see something do something”

Just this morning another heartbreaking incident in regards to the floods in the Fraser Valley. We all agree that animals are man’s best friends. With the authorities urging all residents to immediately evacuate the premises. One man whose living depends on his animals was trying to make the conscious decision to either leave his animals or stay and overcome this situation. What would you have done? pick up and leave or fight this?

Staying Dry and Visual stimulation…..


It is wet and miserable. But what can you do, now that we are entering into the thirty-second consecutive day of rain? The last thing you want to do is to stay all day in a coffee shop. You can only drink so many refills or order so many 8 dollar cups of coffee. Why don’t you go for a nice walk along the many scenic places that Vancouver has to offer? Do you really want to get splashed by cars driving by you or do you hate it when your jeans are soaking wet and the water is slowly rising up to your mid calve?

Well, good news if you want to get out of the house. Come down to Vancouver’s trendy neighborhood of Kitsilano. Now after you purchase your cup of coffee you are wandering and saying to yourself ” where else can I go?”. Head straight towards Chestnut street and just before you reach English Bay. You will see a Crab sculpture made out of reflective metal. You have now entered the gates of H R Macmillian space centre or better known in the neighbourhood as Vancouver Planetarium.

What is this place you may ask? Imagine a place where you feel you are lifted from your feet. Better yet brings you back as a child and wondering what’s it like to float around and see what space exploration is like. Walk to a different section of the planetarium and get a chance to see what is out in space learning about different planets and other worlds.


Learn about cutting-edge discoveries and understand what are black holes and how they are created. My favorite would be math and understanding how mathematics relates to seeing how the universe works. Another fun learning experience would be the earth’s system and why things are the way they are. You ever ask yourself why do we have a summer solstice which is the longest day of the year. Who can forget meteor showers going through the sky every summer? The beauty of science and how man is able to develop technology so we can experience what the outer solar system is.

So grab your compass card come straight down to Kitsilano and to H R Macmillian space centre. Stay warm and dry and enjoy the many things you can do when it’s just wet and miserable.

Look who is coming to town?


Mr. Vincent Van Goh was in town this past year. Guess who is coming to Vancouver until December 23?. Michelangelo, No! not one of the teenage mutant ninja turtles from the 90’s kids cartoon show. The Florentine Renaissance sculptor, painter, and architect exerted the development of western art.

Italy is a magnificent country to visit. You will love the food and watch some of the most magnificent cultural displays. Once this pandemic is over, then book a flight to Italy. Starting at the north and make your way down south. If you can’t wait and want to see what Italy has to offer now. Make your way to the Trade and Convention center in downtown Vancouver.

In the 60 minute exhibit called Michangelo’s Sistine Chapel, the exhibition will showcase the work of some of his achievements. Visitors will experience up close and personal and never seen before perspective.

How does this exhibition work? The paintings from the Sistine Chapel were re-produced using high-definition photography. Each picture is highly detailed. Every brushstroke is seen with the naked eye. As you walk through the exhibition it engages you with all your senses. If you attended Van Goh’s exhibition then this is exactly the same but on a larger scale.


Whether you enjoy western art or not. You heard of Michangelo before and never really know what his work is all about. Then this is the opportunity to get out of the rain and see something have something engaging to talk about with your friends after.

Are you are senior, military personnel, or a student. You will be happy because tickets are only for 21.60$ all taxes included. Do you want an experience like no other? Purchase the VIP package where you get to listen through an App telling you what each painting is about and the history of Michelangelo’s thinking pattern.

So what are you waiting for?  Buy your tickets. COVID 19 protocols are in effect.

‘Heat wave to rain storm’ when will it stop?

From 40 plus degree temperatures this past summer to the current state of flooding across the southern coast when does it stop? What is going on with our weather patterns? Well, you can blame it on climate change or you can use the stoic approach and say that’s the way mother nature balances and heals herself.

Think about it for a second. We did have 40 plus days of consecutive sunshine and during that time the news stories were reporting about drought and how to conserve water. Let’s look at the past month and a half. Counting today as I write this piece. We are now heading to 31 days of rain throughout the south coast.

However, today’s post is not about dreaming or wishing we can have our classes taught through Zoom or Bongo at some sunny destination and drinking an alcoholic beverage of your choice. Today I will discuss what to wear to keep yourself dry for the next five months.

Are you a Vancouverite? Then you know as the weather starts to get dark and wet. All you need is a good fleece jacket to stay warm and what the outdoor industry calls a jacket ‘hard shell’ to keep yourself dry.



The choices can go from as low as a hundred dollars up to one thousand dollars. However, they are all the same when it comes to the construction of the jacket. The following are some pointers.

Always start by looking at breathable jackets and waterproof. The gold standard in the industry is jackets that use GORE-TEX. Next, you want solid craftsmanship. Always look and test the zippers on the jacket nothing is worst when you can’t zip your jacket up during a potential downpour.

Last on the list is ventilation. If you are an active person and enjoy hiking, biking, or just a walk. You want to stay warm but also prevent yourself from overheating. So are you ready to walk out into the rain now?




Violent assaults on the rise against health care professionals.

As the fourth wave of COVID 19 continues across the country. The increase in assaults against health care workers has risen. The BC nurses unit is calling for immediate action from the Ministry of Health Adrian Dix.

Vancouver General Hospital Allison stated ” it’s a problem that the union has been addressing.

Overall, the quality of work to get the job done is very important. Times are tough right now and understanding the importance of compassion in our job helps deal with the many stresses that come with the profession.

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An increase in better training, appropriate staffing, and immediate reporting of attacks has been called for since 2015.

Being an athlete is more than talent!

It takes more than talent to become a professional athlete. It’s about the person and the journey of self-sacrifice.

“ a lot of guys have the skill. But what it comes down to is commitment. How much you want and how much you put in. That’s really the difference. It’s the commitment in-order to get into that next level”.

More than Talent to win!



Personal characteristics such as integrity, humility and, perseverance are the ideal traits that professional teams look for in a prospective hockey player. Without these traits, you are inviting a locker room cancer into the workplace.


A boom in luxury home furniture sales during the 4th wave of COVID 19!

Sales in the luxury furniture market are to outpace pre-COVID 19 this year. Retail sales slumped during the start of the COVID 19.


“ Quite similar, it’s a high-end product. For the wealthy, it doesn’t matter if it’s a pandemic or not.


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The holiday shopping season upon us. Retail sales in the luxury furniture market are bouncing back to pre-pandemic levels. Make no difference for the wealthy who continued with extravagant spending habits.


Protecting the buyers? Cooling off periods for those wanting to back away!

Legislation is being drafted as the province wants to protect consumers when purchasing a home.


“The ideal. The intent. The information they are putting out there is that it is so tough so unaffordable and it’s not fair that buyers have to go into multiple offers. You are moving all the conditions. Where is the safety net for the buyers”?


Always find a professional


The Covid pandemic has impacted the real estate market.  Preventing first-time homebuyers from purchasing. The BC government will introduce legislation by spring 2022.

” Violent crime is going up” in Vancouver. Is it the Pandemic?

Residents of downtown Vancouver are voicing their concerns over violent crime. From random attacks to violent robberies.

” That is a common narrative. We are hearing from residents of downtown Vancouver. They are afraid. There is an increase of crime that has gone up for various reasons”

Experts say the assaults are a combination of drug addiction, mental health and homelessness. COVID 19  only added fuel to the mix.