Look who is coming to town?


Mr. Vincent Van Goh was in town this past year. Guess who is coming to Vancouver until December 23?. Michelangelo, No! not one of the teenage mutant ninja turtles from the 90’s kids cartoon show. The Florentine Renaissance sculptor, painter, and architect exerted the development of western art.

Italy is a magnificent country to visit. You will love the food and watch some of the most magnificent cultural displays. Once this pandemic is over, then book a flight to Italy. Starting at the north and make your way down south. If you can’t wait and want to see what Italy has to offer now. Make your way to the Trade and Convention center in downtown Vancouver.

In the 60 minute exhibit called Michangelo’s Sistine Chapel, the exhibition will showcase the work of some of his achievements. Visitors will experience up close and personal and never seen before perspective.

How does this exhibition work? The paintings from the Sistine Chapel were re-produced using high-definition photography. Each picture is highly detailed. Every brushstroke is seen with the naked eye. As you walk through the exhibition it engages you with all your senses. If you attended Van Goh’s exhibition then this is exactly the same but on a larger scale.


Whether you enjoy western art or not. You heard of Michangelo before and never really know what his work is all about. Then this is the opportunity to get out of the rain and see something have something engaging to talk about with your friends after.

Are you are senior, military personnel, or a student. You will be happy because tickets are only for 21.60$ all taxes included. Do you want an experience like no other? Purchase the VIP package where you get to listen through an App telling you what each painting is about and the history of Michelangelo’s thinking pattern.

So what are you waiting for?  Buy your tickets. COVID 19 protocols are in effect.

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