First Day of Spring 2022..Guess who’s on Making Contact



In our first story, you have one man from the 80s who wanted to become an NHL star. But Hollywood came to him by accident and he ended up being Sgt.Silar on StarGate SG-1.


Another story of life and history. How she at the tinder age of 5 walked across the Berlin Wall to the west while holding on to Oma’s hand.

How you feeling?

The winter break will begin next week, and some of us are ready to pack our bags and go home. Over the next two weeks, I am sure some of us are ready to rest, sleep and have some quiet time with close family and friends. Over the last three months, you overcame the stress of school life. You are now ready for a physical and emotional cleanse and to have a couple of weeks all to yourself.

The holiday season also brings stress and depression. It is overwhelming with all the cooking, hosting, and entertaining, to name a few. The latest variant of COVID-19 only adds an extra layer of fear and anxiety about yourself and your loved ones. However, you can minimize stress and anxiety during the holiday season with some practical tips by becoming more aware of yourself. You may end up keeping yourself mentally and physically safe and enjoying the holidays more than you would think.

So you ask yourself why depression is so common during the holiday season. There are many reasons why this is a common occurrence. It can either be that some people have either a small circle of friends or lack of friends. People who feel isolated feel disconnected and avoid social interaction during this time of year. Unfortunately,  withdrawing and avoiding social interaction make the feelings of loneliness worst. Communicating and expressing and letting yourself be heard. By holding on to these feelings, it leads to hopelessness and anxiety.

When stress reaches its peak, it is hard to stop, sit back, and re-group. Don’t let the holidays become something you dread. Instead, take steps to prevent the stress and depression that can descend during the holidays. Learn to recognize your holiday triggers, such as financial pressures or personal demands, so you can combat them before they lead to a meltdown. With some planning and positive thinking, you can find peace and joy during the holidays.

Anger is the best way to describe how some people feel during the holidays. The holidays can also be a good trigger point for returning emotions. The first thing to do is acknowledge what is going on internally about yourself. The best thing to do is keep a journal detailing yourself and how you feel.  It is so easy to hold up the emotions that are slowly building inside of you. Take some time for yourself and let it out. Crying is not a submission of being weak. It’s OK to cry and be sad. Who said you have to be happy. Don’t force yourself to do something you don’t want to do or can’t do.

It is effortless to sit and isolate yourself from the outside world. However, seek and reach out, social or club events. Many have weekly outings to get together and offer support and companionship. I am a strong advocate for volunteering. Volunteering brings you out of your shell, and doing something to help others is an excellent way to seek new friendships. Making a difference in someone’s life and positively impacting the community makes you feel good mentally and physically.

It is effortless to get emotional over the little things in life. Doing so becomes a significant hurdle, and once the jump gets too high, you start to trip and fall more. Have you ever had one heated discussion with one person you respect and view as a friend, and you stopped talking to them because of the differences? Now is the opportunity to set aside differences and accept family members and friends the way they are. Be understanding and show compassion when things go the opposite way; stay calm and use your critical thinking skills. You never know what the other person might be going through in their own life.


Learn how to say No! Have you ever agreed to something, and after some serious thought, you said to yourself, why did I decide to do that?.  Do you become resentful and overwhelmed afterward? True friends and family will understand if you can’t participate in every activity.

Keep yourself in top physical shape mentally and physically. I am not talking about going for 20 km runs and then spending two hours performing hot yoga every day. Go outside and get some fresh air, walk around the neighbourhood. Get into the habit of building good eating habits. The first thing to do is lower your consumption of alcohol. Who doesn’t enjoy a few drinks over the holidays but drink moderately.  Lower your consumption of processed food and snacks.  Sleep is vital also because it heals the body and gets you in a better mood. Despite your best efforts, you still can’t overcome the emotions of sadness, physical pain, and hopelessness; go and seek professional help.

Right here at BCIT, we have something called the student health and wellness clinics. The service is free and confidential, offering one-on-one support for those who need it the most. If you cannot schedule an appointment for a one-on-one session, the service provides support through phone or video. Opening up and being vulnerable is very hard for some. Talking to a total stranger about how you are feeling can be overwhelming. But ask yourself? What is worse, holding all these ill emotions until you break? or slowly letting them out and creating feelings of healing. In the end, these are professionals whom you are reaching out to.


It is all about you. Focus on yourself and what needs to be done. Take control and action as soon as possible. You are only getting deeper into the abyss by letting everyday slide. Structure what needs to be done daily and keep a journal or diary. Keep life simple and try not to make things too complicated. Practice gratitude and remember you are strong, and you can do this. It takes a little time and patience combined with the right friends and family. So go out! Smile every day and while you collect your thoughts. Remember, you are loved, and you are beautiful.




Are you ready?

Are you Ready?

In less than two weeks, we say goodbye to the fall semester of 2021 and prepare ourselves for winter 2022. Most of us have looked back with the last few weeks and probably said to ourselves, just one more semester, and we are ready for the world. But let’s be clear coming back to the campus was a challenge, and I am sure most of us have got used to mask life and sanitizing everything we touch. In today’s post, I wanted to discuss making your last semester at BCIT memorable and challenging. However, some new skills on making your career and life in general better.


“No man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity. For he is not permitted to prove himself”…….Seneca

Yes, that is true and well-spoken by the great Seneca. Now how many of you just threw your arms up in the air and quit once you hit a wall? Or better yet,  to surround yourself with friends who do nothing but add more trouble to your problem and complain and not do anything about it. Success comes from the mind, and the more you use your mind, the better it becomes. Another factor to come out from that is that success relates to the people in your circle of trust.


One student, I overheard recently stated, ” BCIT was much harder than I thought. I was pushed to the limit.” After facing adversity, whoever comes back on top will learn a lot about themselves, which builds character and leadership. Another quote that I want to share with you came from a fellow student ” It’s like a kayaking trip over rough seas. At first, your surroundings seem challenging and unacceptable, but over time you become more comfortable.”


Teamwork, teamwork, and more teamwork! Whenever I set up a group, I always tell myself how blessed I am to have these individuals work on the same assignment. I learn so much from them and laugh with them that sometimes I want this project to go on forever.  Another key to success is building solid relationships with people who have mutual respect and common interests. Who doesn’t like to work with people who share common goals and ideas? This only leads to more drama and chaos in our personal and work-life without common qualities.


The three keys of the road to success would be to have a strong mindset. The first is to write down your goals, vision, and a backup statement just in case one works and the other doesn’t. Sit down and think deeply about what do you want right now and bad you want it.


What are some of the distractions that are affecting not only you as a person but your studies? Now, if you have to work, that is understandable. What is essential is understanding that time management is vital. However, do you have friends who are constantly asking you to go out all the time? Authentic friends don’t do that. The real ones understand what you are doing and give you your space. Please sit down and reflect on who is in your circle and are these people making me a better person, or are they pulling me down. Set up milestones and reward yourself. Yes, have an extra pint of beer or an extra shot of vodka. Go out and enjoy the fresh, moist air that Vancouver is known for. But whatever you do reward yourself because your brain elicits positive emotions, realizing that your efforts lead to a positive reward.


You are what you eat, as the saying goes. It is so easy to dive into a diet of fast food. However, once you go straight to that path, don’t be surprised if you have high cholesterol and a tire gut belly. By taking care of yourself, I am talking about making good use of BCIT gym. Lift weights in the weight room and then use the gymnasium and run laps around the room. If not, go run up will along Willingdon avenue and back. Trust me, that is one way of working on your cardio. When you run or lift weights, concentrate on each stride and each lift because it clears up the emotional stress that slowly builds up in each of us.


The following are tips to learn and prioritize what you have to do and how you do it. You will look at this ” task ” and say to yourself how important this is and how urgent that is.

They are into four groups. The first group is what is called urgent and needs attention immediately. Examples would be assignments that need to be this minute right now. The second group would be essential but urgent. Yes, the quiz is only worth 5 %, but you get zero if you don’t do it. 3rd are critical but not crucial, like reconnecting with friends, and that assignment due in three weeks. Last on the list is not necessary and not important. Maybe not going out every day or playing basketball.


Now we all know that color codes are an essential tool to snap yourself into that mindset.  So use the traffic lights as an example. Red is vital and means now. Yellow is necessary but can hold off but no more than a day. And green signals for a later time. If you can do a task alone, then make that a priority and keep yourself away from distractions. Such as social media posting.  Constantly check your phone or visit Tube channels. One of the best things to do when in a team is to make something called a team charter. Where you sit down immediately, talk about goals, what to do, and expectations of each other. What are the consequences of one person doesn’t pull weight? You are building a community that consists of integrity, honesty, and transparency. Treat it like a business, and this way, no one goes away angry.


Have you read everything you need to read on the learning hub. Believe it or not, the learning hub has a lot of information that can help you. We are all adult learners, and what does this mean. Communication is the key to your success. Understanding not to take things personally and immediately talk to the person you have an issue with or management when conflict arises. Be professional at all times and understand that 80% of your success is based on building relationships with people. Communicate professionally with everyone at all times because this will lead to habit.

The path to success is not easy. However, it will be less hard with the proper mindset and people in your corner. So enjoy the well-needed rest and prepare yourself as the new year comes upon us.








Want to work on your aerobic endurance?

Dancing sounds good!


As the cold and gloomy weather sets in, many of us will stay inside most of the time.  Instead of lounging and watching television all day, why not do something fun that helps you stay in shape. Now, what can help you lose up to an average of 400 calories an hour? Combined with a proper diet and attending three classes a week, what do you think you can do? To lose up to 3 pounds a week!  Try dancing, and I will talk about dancing styles and recommendations of what type to choose.

When you think about Brazil, the first thing that comes to mind is the weather, food, and people.  What if I was to tell you that you could enjoy a piece of Brazil in Vancouver. Why not try and learn Brazilian samba dancing right here in your backyard. Now, what is  Brazilian samba dancing, you ask? Quick rhythmic steps and a swaying, rocking motion from the dancers connected to heavy drum beats. The dance is mostly in 2/4 time, but it can be done in three steps to create a 3/4 rhythm.  Brazilian Samba dance is rich in African customs and has incorporated other cultures throughout its development, mainly from Latin America.  Brazilian samba dancing has three main genres.


Samba dance evolved particularly in Rio de Janeiro, then it spread throughout Brazil to the rest of South America and eventually to other parts of the world. Brazilian Samba dance started as a solo dance and evolved as it found its way through outdoor dance halls,  discos, and ballrooms.  Brazilian Samba dance took many forms and included various types such as,

First on the list is Samba Gafieira. The focus is a partner dance, mainly in a ballroom setting. The dance is very gentle and elegant, taking many elements of Argentine Tango.

Coming into second place is Samba no pe. The focus is dancing solo, and it starts soon as the music comes in. Women will land on the balls of their feet while men land on their heels. Samba no pe is the form of dancing you will see during the Brazilian carnival season.

Number three on the list is  Samba Axe. This focus is solo and is very similar to Samba no pe. One thing that sets this apart from the rest of the pack is the music. Combination of lambada, funk, and African beats.


Next on the list is Salsa dancing. Your hips are swinging side to side, and your arms and shoulders are moving back and forth.  So graceful, and when executed, the dance is elegant and fun. How would you describe salsa dancing?

Salsa dancing is a partnered dance where the man takes the lead. He follows through with a combination of spins and turns patterning to the music. The second style of Salsa dancing is called circular Salsa. The dancers are circling each other. This area of dance is about fast footwork combined with rapid swinging movements of the arms and shoulders.

Salsa dancing is very beneficial to the heart. It improves circulation, increases respiration, and strengthens various muscles and bones to keep your joints flexible. And all this combined is what gives you the dancer’s glow! With Salsa dancing, you can have fun and not worry about aging!

Salsa dancing helps us with our balance and coordination. Mastering the techniques takes a lot of time and effort.  The secret is practice, practice, and more practice to focus on technique. Next thing you know, you’ve developed the dancer’s posture. You’re standing erect, with total concentration and spinning your partner.


The last on the list of dancing ideas would be country line dancing. Put on that cowboy hat and cowboy boots. Have a few drinks and build up that liquid courage because line dancing is entertaining and friendly. A line dance is a formation in which a group of people dances in one or more lines facing the same direction and executing the same movements in synch simultaneously. Are you the type of person who wants personal space? Line dancing is proper for you because no one is in physical contact with each other during the dance.

Line dancing is practiced and learned in country and western dance bars, social clubs, and ballrooms worldwide. It avoids the imbalance of male/female partners that plagues ballroom/swing/salsa dancing clubs. It is seen on other forms of country-western dance programs, such as two-step, shuffle, western promenade dances, and western-style variants of the waltz, honky-tonk, and the electric slide. There may be only one line in a smaller group, but there are usually several parallel lines, one behind the other. In this similar line formation, the dancers are in a synchronized manner but independently of each other. There are usually no moves that require any interaction between the dancers other than they execute the maneuvers simultaneously.


The line dances can be are relatively simple, as with the 18-count 4-wall beginner Electric Slide, increasing complexity movements can be created through several means. In general, higher-count sequences are more complex. The inclusion of unusual or unfamiliar sequences of steps also makes a dance more challenging. Body movements other than steps, such as hand gestures, can add more fun. These gestures require dancers to be more conscious of the music and not simply repeat the identical sequences of steps for an entire song. In the final segment about line dancing, we focus on the style called Contra line dance.  Contra line dancing has two sets of lines with the dancers facing each other.  Line dancing is more than simply getting some exercise. While many may start to take classes for a few weeks, many more find themselves becoming addicted because they love the music, the people they meet, the confidence that grows from mastering a dance, the friendships that start to form.


So after reading my last post where I talked about making good use of your compass pass. Hopefully, this post will make you get out of your comfort zone and do something fun, exciting, and crazy. Dancing is not easy but not hard also. Life is about continuous learning so learn a new skill and just dance.

Where the mountains meet the sea…..

It is the end of the fall semester of 2021. Some of us will go home while some will stay in Vancouver. If you plan to relax and enjoy the sites and sounds of Vancouver, here’s my first question for you: Have any of you made good use of your Compass Card lately? We pay good money for it- So with today’s post, we’ll be offering you some suggestions and possibilities on where it can take you! It is easy to hibernate and stay indoors during the winter months, especially when it’s as wet and rainy as it has been. But if you make the effort to get out and explore something new, we guarantee you’ll be glad that you did.

When was the last time you visited Londsdale Quay? Capilano Suspension Bridge? What about Cleveland dam? Maybe you’ve heard of some of these places, but never actually visited. North Vancouver may be known for its multiple ski hills, but it’s more than just skiing during winter and hiking during summer.  We are talking about a place with million-dollar views, amazing craft breweries, and nature around every corner.

If you want to see bright lights, extensive untouched natural rainforest, and eat some of the finest in the culinary arts, then I suggest you make a day trip to North Vancouver. In today’s list, we are going to start from the top and down.


First on the list would be Capilano Suspension Bridge on upper Capilano Road in North Vancouver. Do you love lights and nature? If you love the feeling of being outside and surrounded by holiday decorations, then this is the place to go now that the Christmas season is upon us.


The Capilano suspension bridge Canyon lights run from November 20th to January 23rd. Over 500,000 thousand lights and decorations across the park. They attract over 1.2 million visitors annually, and feature everything from floating snowflakes to Santa Claus and Rudolph the red noise reindeer, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. When was the last time you had a west coast style dinner? What is a west coast style dinner, you may even ask? How about Halibut steak with your choice of vegetables and mashed potatoes? If that sounds appealing, then step inside Capilano Suspension Bridge Park’s Cliff House restaurant offering a refined dining atmosphere. Enjoy your dinner with a glass of chardonnay from the Okanagan. Suppose you love taking pictures and posting them on social media. Let me tell you; Capilano Suspension Bridge is the place to be. Every corner of the park has a new theme, making you take countless amount of photos.  Street food-style kiosks are plentiful and inexpensive. Single tickets for students are only $41.95. After seeing all the bright lights and taking all the selfies with Santa and Rudolph, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed with all the sights, sounds, and people.

Now, what would you do after all that walking, now that you want some alone time where it is quiet and serene? Head over to Cleveland dam located on Capilano road. Now, why would you want to go to Cleveland dam, you might ask? Well, it is not just any ordinary dam.


The dam itself was built in 1954, and blocks Capilano Lake, which supplies fresh drinking water across the Lower Mainland. It sits atop the Capilano River Regional Park. Capilano Lake and the peaks of the Lions provide a spectacular view.

View an impressive spillway nearing 300 feet, holding back the 670-acre artificial Capilano Lake.  If you like running, go for a quick sprint along the Capilano-Pacific Trail which stretches 5 miles (8 km) north from Ambleside Park to Capilano Lake.


Aside from the history of the Dam, this is the place to be if you want nothing but serenity. The smell of fresh air mixes in with the cool breeze of the water. Wild birds soar above the clouds and old-growth forests are right at your fingertips. Cleveland Dam is the place to be and to be seen.


Walk along the main trail, and you will come upon a free attraction called the Capilano Salmon Hatchery. As you walk deeper into the trails, some areas can be challenging. Don’t be surprised if you catch a Great Horned Owl staring at you. If you love taking pictures and posting them on social media, then the Cleveland dam is another place for you to take some great shots. Just walking into the park and seeing the old-growth forest itself is a treat and the lush green lawns make you feel like you are in the scenes from the movie The Sound of Music. However, sit back, collect your thoughts and reflect upon the last year. Just say to yourself how lucky we are to have a place called the Cleveland Dam in our backyard. You have completed your stops at Capilano Suspension Bridge, then headed south to Cleveland Dam. What to do next?

Only a bus ride away, you hit the Shipyards district next to the Lonsdale Quay. In 10 years, this place has changed from an old boat factory into an oasis of high-end condominiums, coffee shops, and refined casual restaurants. The Shipyards district is more than just restaurants and coffee shops. Walk south along the boardwalk, and at the very end, you see spectacular views of Vancouver. Walk west, and the first thing you will encounter is the Polygon Art Gallery, where the focus is on photography and media-based art.

Keep on walking because the next stop you will make will be the Londsdale Quay. Do you want fresh-made pizza? Fresh spices or, better yet, how about new dog treats for your pup. If your feet are hurting, you can get a foot massage from one of the vendors. If you happen to stumble by during Happy Hour, the selection of food and drink is phenomenal. From popular bar-and-grill style chains to food trucks, this place has it all and more. Let’s say you love skateboarding or rollerblading- try the mini-open skate park. If you love to take photos, then the views of the Shipyards district and the Quay are the place to be. You see old icons of ship-making machinery and the enormous neon lights of the Quay signage, but it is the architecture that stands apart. As a relatively new development, the modern buildings stand out.  You mix a bit of new with the old. You are limitless in the number of ideas in the pictures that you take.

What are you waiting for? Finish those final projects and make good use of your Compass pass.




What to do?

Do you ever wake up and ask yourself why this world can’t be a better place? Or what can I do to make my community and my world better? So many of us have questions, but few answers to why things are the way they are, and how we can mold things into what we’d like them to be.

You can sit down over a couple of drinks with friends and classmates, trying to figure out what to do and what to say. Some of you may have some good ideas, and some may have ideas that don’t make sense. However, it’s good that you’re thinking about it. Just thinking about what you can do to make our world a better place is a good start.  There are some things in life that you can’t control. But one thing you can control is yourself. How? I’ll tell you what I’ve learned.

Let me tell you my story and how I encountered this form of philosophy and way of living. Three years ago, I began my journey into martial arts. The first year was learning basic concepts and movements. Every night after class, I would go home exhausted. However, it wasn’t the physical exhaustion that got to me- it was the emotional rollercoaster I was going through. Every night while driving home, I would ask myself how this 140 lb classmate could throw me down and strangle me, when I outweighed him by 30 lbs!

Now my instructor is a very intelligent individual who can read people. He also keeps a close eye on his students—evaluating every movement you make and listening to how you speak. It didn’t dawn on me that through this, he was secretly managing his school but in a subtle, covert way. Then one night, just before going to bed, I was on social media and came across one of his posts. It read:


“Circumstances don’t make the man. They only reveal him to himself”


Now, after reading this quote, I kept asking myself- What is this, and where did you get this? That night I kept nodding my head back and forth and repeating the quote repeatedly. The wheels in my head started to spin, and it made sense. This one little quote introduced me to the world of STOICISM.


Stoi- what? Stoicism. How would I describe it in plain simple language? I would say that it is words of wisdom, ethics, and consequentialism, meaning that the conduct of oneself is the ultimate basis for judgment about the rightness or wrongness of that conduct. As I dug deeper into the world of virtue and ethics, I kept asking myself why I wasn’t introduced to these topics back in my younger days. I would have saved myself from embarrassment and shame from saying wrong, inappropriate things. But thanks to Stoicism, I tell myself that everything happens for a reason.

The following are a couple of quotes to keep and read once in a while, and hopefully, they will help you in your day-to-day life.

“Do not correct a fool, or he will hate you. Correct a wise man and he will appreciate you”


Is that a quote out from a fortune cookie, you ask? No, because fortune cookies weren’t invented when Confucious was alive. However, this saying is nothing but the truth, and something that I learned the hard way. Are you the type of person who wants to help someone when in need? Do you believe that it is your calling, when a friend or acquaintance needs help, to immediately give advice?  Those who know me know that I have been in positions of leadership and authority. I remember one new employee who I had to train. I gave him more of my time and attention because he was young and came from the place where I grew up. Next thing you know, he was talking behind my back, stating how I was trying to use him to beef up my own image as supervisor. So my lesson for you is to know your audience and don’t give advice unless you are asked.


“It is in the character of very few men to honor without envy a friend who has prospered.”


Wow, I wish someone had told me about this when I was younger. This one quote would have saved me from a lot of false friendships. We all have our insecurities, regardless of how confident we are. Do you have a friend who jabs you with passive-aggressive words once in a while? My story with the above quote occurred while attending a functional fitness gym. I remember how this new classmate introduced himself, and at first I was skeptical of him, but eventually, I gave in because I wanted to build community. Finally, his true colors came out, and he would try and sabotage me.


“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero

In life, we don’t always get what we want, and we must accept this because we don’t live in a perfect world. Do you wake up and start complaining about why things aren’t the way you wish they were? Waking up, breathing, getting up, and walking without pain is a gift itself. It is sometimes tempting to sit back, get caught up in our emotions, and be negative about it. However, just practice gratitude and being humble, and know that if things don’t go your way, something else will come in to fill that void.

Not that long ago, a wise man said to me that “health is wealth,” so many people in this world wish they could jump, pull and push everyday things just like you without any pain. That’s when I sat back and looked up into the sky, and without even a second thought, I thanked my lucky stars.  So my final words and my way of leaving a mark on you is: Do the right thing regardless. Practicing gratitude and living a life of integrity will bring years of beautiful memories, irrespective of where you are. Take life to the limit and show appreciation in every aspect of your journey.













1st it was Squid Game and now…….?

What a week it has been. With all that has been going on for the last 5 days, I am sure many of us are looking forward and getting ready for the weekend. However, for us, students, it’s crunch time as the end of the semester is slowly coming creeping toward us. Hopefully, you will go out and enjoy some of the sites and sounds that Vancouver has to offer, better read some of my postings this past week to give you a good idea of what to do.

Now I am not a huge fan of sports entertainment but I am a fan of “The Rock”. In regards to Ryan Reynolds, I have nothing but respect for this man. Our hometown favorite star who I actually had to the opportunity to cross paths with back in 2018 while he was taking a red-eye flight to New York. The man actually passed me his smartphone and asked for further instructions on what to do.

As my title stated the one tv show that is trending was Squid game with over 1.6 billion hours watched. To slowly take over the number one spot is the new film called Red Notice. No spoilers but the movie center on a good guy trying to catch a bad buy with a twist in between.

If you want to watch a movie with good dialogue and good acting I highly recommend this movie. How about huge explosions, massive gunfire, and action-packed fighting sequences then this is it. What about a sophisticated beautiful temptress who uses her seductive looks to lure you into her arms? then this movie is for you.


So what are you waiting for? make it a date night with you and your significant other sit back and have a cozy warm evening with lots of blankets and a bottle of wine. I usually recommend a glass. Cheers.

The ” Lights of Hope” are back!

Another month and a half and we officially say goodbye to the year 2021. The year 2020 was a blur and 2021 felt like the four horsemen swept across the earth leaving a wrath of destruction. However, some good news and if you are like me and enjoy walking and keeping a mental note of what is happening in your community. Look no further, the Lights of Hope are back this year at St. Pauls Hospital in downtown Vancouver.


What are the Lights of Hope? Collection of beautiful lights that surround the exterior of St.Paul’s hospital. However, the lights are also a charity event that raises money to support our health care heroes. The money raised will be used to purchase new equipment, community programs, and life-saving research.


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Over the years I have seen the amount of hard work that our health care professionals perform. The process to take care of one individual is very long and shortcuts are forbidden. It is unfortunate that we are not able to look into the lens of our health care professionals and see what they see. I am sure if we did. We would have a greater appreciation for the work they do.

So if you are happening to be heading to downtown Vancouver. Checking out the sites and sounds of the West End. Then why not make your way towards St.Pauls hospital. For all you Instagram fanatics. This year at the Lights of Hope they have constructed a selfie station for you and your friends to take selfie pictures. Most importantly the lights are about hope and giving back to the community and what better way to do that. All donations big or small make a huge difference. You can also use your smartphone! How? just walk up to the living light located at the entrance and scan the QR code to donate. How easy is that?

Have a great rest of the year and even a better year for 2022. Give back to your community. It is good for the heart and good for the soul.