Gotta catch them all!

Pokémon has a multi-media empire that is recognized by the world. There are video games, trading cards, tv series and movies that have entertained us throughout the years. The first introduction to Pokémon was through the video game. The popularity of the series has made it one of the most popular series in the gaming world. Pokémon has influenced us fans for so many years. The fictional world is intriguing in the best possible way. What started off as a Nintendo game has become a multi-media franchise that has different ways of engaging with fans. The shift from a Nintendo game to trading cards was a success.

When the trading cards first released, we were so excited to buy a pack of cards with hopes of getting our favourite Pokémon. The thrill of opening a pack of cards is kind of like opening your Christmas gift. Some of the fanatics equate some cards to treasure. There are glossy cards that are completely look and feel different than most cards. Chances of finding a shiny card are incredibly low. There are a few rare cards that are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. The worth of some cards grows with time. Hardcore fans would never sell their treasured cards no matter how much money they are offered.

In the world of Pokémon, there are trainers who explore forest and find Pokémon to capture. The cards collected by fans can be used to play a game. It’s a serious duel in the eyes of Pokémon aficionados. There’s a Regional Championship happening in Vancouver this month and thousands of fans are participating. They’re looking to showcase their skills and knowledge of the game. Not to mention, there are several cash prizes and other rewards that they have a chance of winning. Spots to participate in all the fun are limited but you can still be entertained by all the intense match-ups that are going to go down.

You see what they want you to see

Facebook’s shift from likes to emoji reactions is an experiment that exposes people to more disturbing content on the platform. The algorithm used to promote certain posts to users was purposely used to expose people to more violent/disturbing content. The purpose was to encourage people to use the angry emoji reaction. Instead of a like or dislike option, a range of emoji reactions can gauge the general opinion of the public. An emoji reaction holds more weight than a like. Purposely using the algorithm that decides what shows up on a person’s news feed to promote disturbing content only to get people to use the angry emoji reaction to the posts is a questionable decision from Facebook.

There are a few employees from Facebook that have stated their disapproval of the use of the algorithm. The ethical dilemma is that people are forced to be exposed to disturbing content for the sole purpose of encouraging them to use emoji reactions. After the reaction emojis were implemented by Facebook, people started noticing the disturbing content that they were exposed to. Understandably, Facebook received a lot of criticism over their decision to experiment with people on the platform. There was clearly an issue with the algorithm that needed to be addressed. They still have the emoji reactions on the platform but the issue of people being exposed to disturbing content on purpose cannot be brushed under the rug. 

There should be a clear set of rules and regulations for social media platforms on the use of their algorithms. When users are exposed to certain kind of content, it can influence the users to form a perspective that’s forced onto them. Social media has a lot of benefits but there are many questionable methods that social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok use based on the data it collects about you. 

Don’t call it a comeback – Cineplex

The pandemic caused issues for many industries. The movie industry was impacted because theatres were shut down. People couldn’t go out to theatres and experience watching a movie that was recently released. Luckily, we don’t get to be robbed of the experience anymore. Theatres are back in action like before the pandemic. To make up for lost time, Cineplex is offering a deal at select theatres across Canada this month. The deal is designed to entice us to get back into the habit of going to the theatres to watch a movie. Every Saturday of March, you can watch family friendly movies for an incredible bargain! There are only a few Cineplex theatres that are offering the deal so it would be a good idea to check the closest theatre that is offering the deal. The price of admission might be lesser than the price of snacks at the theatres!

There’s got to be at least one Saturday of the month where you can find time to enjoy watching a movie. The movies that are available to watch are suitable for all age groups. Whether you take a child or an adult with you, you’ll be pleased to enjoy going to the theatres. Movies like the Secret Life of Pets 2 and the Minions are going to be airing at certain times and at certain theatres.

Saturdays just got a lot more interesting because of this deal. We’ve become used to the habit of watching a movie in the comfort of our homes and have forgotten the feeling of watching a movie for the first time at a theatre. When a movie is recently released and you’re one of the first people to watch it, you get a feeling of being part of an exclusive group of people. If you’re not going to watch a movie on any of the Saturdays of the month at a Cineplex theatre, you might regret it later when others have.

The the Holi celebrations begin!

Holi, the festival of colours, sharing and love is celebrated around the world. It’s a Hindu festival that’s mainly celebrated in India and Nepal but there are communities in other countries that take part in the festivities. The festival represents the start of a new season. Spring season is coming up and celebrating Holi is a great way to welcome the new season. Holi also represents the concept of good taking over evil. Laughter, dance, and music are part of the festival.

The origins of the festival are based on Hindu mythology and the purpose of the festival is to celebrate life with the people you love. Traditionally, people in a community come together and throw coloured powders on each other. They dance, sing and bond. It’s a chance to wipe the clean slate with the ones you’ve got issues with.

Schools in India celebrate the festival at the end of the school day and kids come to school prepared with the powders and clothes that they can spare. When everyone is throwing powders at each other, laughing and dancing, the spirit of Holi is embraced.

Everyone who celebrates the festival look forward to the day where they can start the new season with happiness in their hearts. There are several reasons why Holi is a special celebration. The festival encourages people to fix their troubled relationships, it celebrates colours and the traditional food are all great reasons to look forward to Holi. If you’ve never celebrated Holi before, you should consider attending an event where the festival is celebrated. When you celebrate a festival from a different culture, it helps you understand and appreciate other cultures. In the process, it helps you grow as a person. You’ve got to experience the food, dance, music, and playful exchanges that Holi offers. It’s a memorable experience that you’ll want to experience every year.

On Tap – East Side Beer Fest

One of the ways to unwind after a hectic day of work or studying is to go out for a couple of drinks with your friends. It might be on the weekends or at the end of a weekday. We all have our dedicated times for relaxing. The East Side Beer Fest is happening this month and it’s the perfect opportunity to relax with friends. You can spend the day tasting different brews and have a laugh while you’re at it.

This will be the 9th annual East Side Beer Fest tasting event. Liberty Merchant Company is supporting the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society by hosting this event. The purpose is to help provide food to those in need. This event is a great opportunity to enjoy a few beers with friends and at the same time, support community. Several local brewers will be at this event and even more options of beers to taster. Normally when you go out for a beer with friends, you end up spending more money than you thought you would when you decided to go out for drinks. The beauty of this event is that once you buy a ticket, you can enjoy tasting different beers for a set price. You’re going to get your money’s worth. Not to mention, you’re going to help your community at the same time. It’s really a win-win scenario.

The East Side Beer Fest happens only once a year, so it deserves a place in your calendar. The event is supporting a good cause so it would be a good idea to know your limits and be mindful about how to conduct yourself at the event. Make sure that you’re accompanied with friends and look out for each other. Attend the event to show support for your community and have a great night out. Cheers!

March fun – CelticFest Vancouver

CelticFest Vancouver is one of the many reasons to look froward to the month of March. It’s a special celebration of Celtic nations’ culture. There so much to look froward to! On the days of the festival, there will be live performances of dance, music, and sports. So many food trucks with delicious food. There are so many reasons to get out of your house and participate in the festivities.

Vancouver is home to many cultures and the diversity is what gives the city character. The CelticFest is an example of the cultural diversity that everyone can celebrate together. It helps people from different cultural upbringings to recognize and appreciate Celtic culture. The festival is celebrated at different venues over a span of 8 days. There will be at least one event that you’ll find entertaining. It’s just a matter of finding it.

If you’re the kind of person who enjoy adventures and celebrating, this festival should be on your mind. One of the main highlights of the festival is the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The energy of the crowd and their passion needs to be experienced in person. The friendly conversations and interactions with everyone will make the day memorable. If you’ve never experienced Celtic culture, this festival is the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in Celtic culture. Every year the festival has new events that embodies the spirit of the festival. There are so many creative and entertaining artists that showcase their talents in the name of cultural expression.

Once you’ve experienced the CelticFest, it gives you a reason to look forward to next years festivities. It’s an experience that connects you to Celtic culture and traditions. Another reason to engage in the festivities is the prizes! Even if the chances of winning the prizes are slim, the festivities will make the experience memorable.

Celebrating mountains – VIMFF

The Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival (VIMFF) is a ten-day festival that’s all about film, culture, and the outdoors. If you are the kind of person who has an active lifestyle and you love being outdoors, this festival is for you! There will be lots of films, photographs, presentations, and workshops. The central theme of the festival is to celebrate outdoor adventures. It doesn’t get better than that if you love a good adventure. It’s also a good reason to be outside.

There are six different venues where you can celebrate the festival. If you’re excited about the thought of celebrating this festival, you could find a way to make it to one of the six venues and if you’re feeling bummed out because you can’t go to the festival, don’t worry about it! They’ve also got an online film pass that you can use to feel like you’re not missing out on the festivities. The workshops offered at this festival teach valuable skills like Wilderness First Aid, search and rescue, avalanche awareness and much more. Some of the other workshops are centered around capturing moments of a mountain adventure. You can find at least one workshop that interests you.

Whether you love hiking up a mountain or skiing down one, you’ve got the chance to share your passion with others at this festival. Even the cold weather can’t stop you from enjoying the festivities of VIMFF because you can partake in the all the fun from the comfort of your sofa. Every year the festival has new additions to their schedule. This year’s schedule looks like it’s packed with entertaining films and activities. It’s the perfect opportunity to convince your reclusive friend to have fun with you at this festival. Once they see the films about mountain adventures, they’re going to want to go on an adventure with you.

The show about lives of lawyers

Suits is a TV show that’s different than all the other shows about the law. The characters have unique background stories that make us invested in the show. One of the main characters has a photographic memory and never went to law school but he manages to charm his way into a job. He breaks the law to practice law. You’re at the edge of your seat the entire time. Some shows usually end an episode on a cliffhanger and it can be so frustrating because you have to wait an entire week or however long before the next episode releases. When you think about it, it’s actually a smart idea. They persuade the audience to tune in for their next episode release.

The show has instances where they make references to other popular movies and songs. It’s a subtle way of making the characters from the show seem relatable to the audience. If you’re someone who appreciates TV shows with suspense, comedy, and drama, you’d like this show. We all know someone who becomes an expert on a topic after watching a TV series or documentary series. That friend who just came to your mind would miraculously become an expert on the law. They’d slowly start to pick up some of the phrases and lingo from the characters of the show and use it as part of their daily dialogue. Then, they’d reach a point where they start to believe that that’s how they’ve always talked.

The series is officially completed and if you haven’t watched it yet, it should be on your list of TV shows to watch. It’s the kind of show that you can binge watch on a Sunday. If you know a friend that’s watched the show before, be careful when you talk to them about the show because they might accidentally spoil it for you.

Exploring the hype around The Last of Us

The Last of Us is a new TV show about a post-apocalyptic world. It’s one of the most watched shows this year. Fans of the show patiently wait every Sunday for the new episode. The show follows the story of a video game that was released almost 10 years ago. The fictional world in this show is chaotic and scary. Humanity is grasping at straws to survive, and the fate of the entire world depends on a girl named Ellie. For some reason, she’s immune to the disease that most of the world is susceptible to. Her path crosses with an old man named Joel, who used to be a soldier. Together, they try to find a way to save the world.

Ellie’s relationship with Joel is like a father’s relationship with his daughter. For the most part, the show follows the same storyline of the game but there are a few instances where the show goes into more detail about a scene. If you’ve played the video game before, you’ve got high expectations for the TV show. There’s also a deeper level of anticipation for the next episode. Even if you haven’t played the video game before, you’re interested to see how the story ends.

There are other TV shows and movies that are based on video games but none of them are as interesting as the Last of Us. The plot, characters and dialogue make the video games and TV show special. If you’re the kind of person who enjoys spending their downtime by watching TV on the weekends, this show should be on your radar. The fictional world of the Last of Us can quickly become a realistic situation and that’s why you’d watch the show even if you haven’t played the video game before. Either way, you should find out what all the hype is about.

The hype around detective series

There are so many genres of TV shows that people can choose from when they’re about to select a new show to watch. One of the most popular genres is the detective series. There’s a combination of crime, drama and mystery that keeps the watcher at the edge of their seat. The natural reaction to watching a detective series is to guess who’s the bad guy along with the characters in the series. The suspense of finding out if you were right all along is why this genre of tv shows is so popular. In between episode releases, people are discussing their theories on social media. That’s when you know that the series is really good.

Some of the most watched detective series are Sherlock, Fargo and Mindhunter. Sherlock is one of the most famous detective series. Originally, it was a series of books written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The stories were so detailed and interesting that they’ve made several movies and TV shows based on the books. The art of deduction is showcased in the series. The way that Sherlock Holmes analyzes a person accurately is fascinating. He can tell a lot about a person even though they’ve never met before. This kind of intelligence is incredibly rare. It’s also not out of the realm of possibility. This is why people become fans of the series.

In reality, this fictional character has traits and skills that most people would like to have. That’s one of the main reasons that people like the series. Over the years, the TV series and movies have evolved to relate with current audiences. The original series of books had descriptive details that the readers could imagine in their own way. This is not the case with the TV series and movies because there’s already a visual representation of the imaginary world. With that being said, people should read the series of books and watch the TV series to make up their minds on which is better.