You see what they want you to see

Facebook’s shift from likes to emoji reactions is an experiment that exposes people to more disturbing content on the platform. The algorithm used to promote certain posts to users was purposely used to expose people to more violent/disturbing content. The purpose was to encourage people to use the angry emoji reaction. Instead of a like or dislike option, a range of emoji reactions can gauge the general opinion of the public. An emoji reaction holds more weight than a like. Purposely using the algorithm that decides what shows up on a person’s news feed to promote disturbing content only to get people to use the angry emoji reaction to the posts is a questionable decision from Facebook.

There are a few employees from Facebook that have stated their disapproval of the use of the algorithm. The ethical dilemma is that people are forced to be exposed to disturbing content for the sole purpose of encouraging them to use emoji reactions. After the reaction emojis were implemented by Facebook, people started noticing the disturbing content that they were exposed to. Understandably, Facebook received a lot of criticism over their decision to experiment with people on the platform. There was clearly an issue with the algorithm that needed to be addressed. They still have the emoji reactions on the platform but the issue of people being exposed to disturbing content on purpose cannot be brushed under the rug. 

There should be a clear set of rules and regulations for social media platforms on the use of their algorithms. When users are exposed to certain kind of content, it can influence the users to form a perspective that’s forced onto them. Social media has a lot of benefits but there are many questionable methods that social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok use based on the data it collects about you. 

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