Young, creative Vancouver-born artist Victoria Anthony is breaking all types of molds and released her first debut album “Real Life” in October 2022. Anthony is featured in a recent article in Canadian Beats as “Top Five Canadian Artists from British Columbia”  Victoria also performed at Vogue Theatre recently.

Anthony’s popularity grew after a video with her singing “Perfect” at Pink’s concert at Roger’s arena went viral. She was 12 years old at the time. Anthony began singing at 2 years of age and remarkably released her first song when she was 13 years old.  She released her latest single on November 4th, and it’s called “Should’ve Known.” She also released another single earlier this year named “Kinda into You” which she co-wrote with indie-pop artist Matthew V, and producer Ryan Worsley, and mixed by Grammy award winner, Tony Maserati.

Victoria’s believes her music can reach listeners struggling with equality and self-love, she quotes:

“Once people are comfortable with themselves, they are less likely to hurt or hate on others because of their own insecurities. I know how hard it is to love yourself, but it is a choice we all have to make every single day. I have struggled immensely with loving myself, but I try to fight back any negative self-talk with positive affirmations and such.”

I can relate and understand to what Victoria is saying and it is a challenge and a choice so many face on a daily basis.

Anthony feels she has a special connection with her audience quoting,

“There is no bond quite like that of an artist and a listener. I love that I get to experience that with those who know me and listen to my new music. Being able to be vulnerable and honest with my music comes from a place of trust.”

To learn more about up and coming musician, Victoria Anthony, check out her website:

“Reminding me” of Shawn Hook

Shawn Hook is a local singer-songwriter and producer from Castlegar, BC who currently lives in beautiful Vancouver, BC. He has released hit songs like “Reminding me” in 2017, featuring (High School Musical star) Vanessa Hudgens, and “Sound Of Your Heart” released in 2015, from his third studio album.

This month alone, Shawn Hook has performed two shows in BC and he also performed at memorial park and live in studio for Virgin Radio Victoria.

Hook did release a little bit of music before the pandemic lockdown. He released a song called “Take me home” and he says although it did cost him a relationship, (Yikes!) he was glad he thankful he finished it,

Hook has teased on twitter about releasing some new music soon. Personally, I would love to hear some new music form him soon, I think he’s very talented and he makes really good music. Just as catchy as all of his song, Hook released a new song earlier this year, with Emily Roberts called “It All Comes Back To You.”

Hook talked about his preferences int terms of performing and the audiences he performs in front of, and while he says he doesn’t have a preference he mentions this,

“I’ve played Rodgers arena to screaming fans and that’s incredible as well in a totally different way. I think people who have a chance to see me when I’m performing solo like that get to see the real me . theres just this intimacy and connection that you don’t really get in the massive audiences.” – Shawn Hook

I think it’s really awesome to see someone from BC as successful as Shawn Hook. I’ve heard his music on the radio, i’ve sang along to his songs. I’m glad that he is still making music and I’m looking to hearing his new music soon. To keep up to date with Shawn Hook and all he’s been up to, check out his website:

Barenaked Ladies come home for the holidays

Barenaked ladies are going on a “hometown holidays” tour, and they’re beginning their tour in Vancouver, on Thursday December 1st.. This Canadian rock band has been active for 33 years!! Worldwide, they have sold over 15 million records.

The iconic hit sitcom “The Big Bang Theory” ran for 12 season from 2007-2019. Barenaked ladies is the same band that sang the theme song for the show. The more you know, hey?

Barenaked ladies gained a big following in Canada, when the released of their self-titled 1991 cassette, became the first independent release to be certified gold in Canada. Their debut album “Gordon” featured singles such as “Brian Wilson” and “If I Had $1000000.” When they released Gordon they gained a mainstream following in Canada. They became popular in the US shortly after, and found worldwide success in 1998 following the release of their fourth studio album, “Stunt.”

Barenaked ladies helped form the Canadian Music Creators Coalition with other successful Canadian artists. Steven page, who was the former lead and backing vocals for the band said that the Canadian Music Creator Coalition (CMCC) was formed following major labels suing fans for file sharing as he thinks that was the wring way to handle the situation.

Barenaked ladies have their own ice cream flavour. How cool is that?! They are the only Canadian band to receive their own flavour.

Barenaked ladies have also collaborated with “Reverb” in hoped to inspire people to go more ‘green.’ They have also helped with awareness campaigns against racism and have made multiple appearances on WE charity.

The current members of the band is Ed Robertson, Jim Creeggan, Tyler Stewart and Kevin Hearn. Tickets are still available for their show in Vancouver on the first of December. Be sure to grab them if you’d like to see this legendary band live. Tickets and more on their website:

Blue Rodeo touring for their new album

Blue Rodeo is a Canadian rock band and they have released 16 studio albums. This band has integrated several different genres into Rock. They have been making music for 38 years!!! The current members are Jim Cuddy, Greg Keelor, Bazil Donovan, Glenn Milchem, Michael Boguski, Colin Cripps and Jimmy Bowskill.

Blue Rodeo released an album in December of 2021 called “Many a Mile.” Consisting of 12 songs. With the decline of the COVID-19 pandemic The band has decided to do a national tour for their album. Blue Rodeo performed in Kamloops last night. Their tour will continue outside of BC. They are performing in Banff on the 29th and 30th of December.

When looking back on three decades of success, this is what Jim Cuddy (vocals & guitarist) says:

“Success seemed really real when we were entertaining people at The Horseshoe. That was the top of the heap for us, when you look back, you realize that it has just been this beautiful dream.” – Jim Cuddy

Blue Rodeo has a lot of success. They were inducted into the Canadian Music Hall Of Fame in 2012 and got a star on Canada’s walk of fame. They obtained a Governor General’s Performing Arts Award in 2014, received several JUNO award nominations and wins and they performed a live concert at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver and sold over four million records. They have performed over two thousand shows and counting.

If you are interested in learning more about Blue Rodeo and everything they have been doing for music in general and in Canada, check out their website:

Fletcher’s concert and her new album

Cari Elise Fletcher, is a singer. She released a song called “Undrunk” in January of 2019, which became her break-through song. Fletcher came to Vancouver on the 10th of November. She performed at the Vogue Theatre for her “Girl Of My Dreams” tour.

Fletcher released a surprise single on November second, called “Suckerpunch.” I love the song, it’s an upbeat tune about feeling bad. It’s hard to be sad about the situation, when you hear the beat in suckerpunch.

“Girl Of My Dreams” is the Fletcher’s debut album. The album falls under the genres of R&B, Pop and Rock. In “Girl Of My Dreams” Fletcher tries setting up spaces where she can be vulnerable in her music, but never fully articulates the feeling of vulnerability. The vulnerability she does speak about remains very vague and not too specific.

Fletcher wrote Girl Of My Dreams about her. She wanted other women to see themselves in her. The girl of her dreams is someone like her. Fletcher feels deeply, but in her album she skips the feelings of intense heartbreak.

Fletcher’s show in Vancouver was sold out at the vogue theatre. Fletcher ended her Canadian dates in Vancouver on her North American tour. Doors opened at 7pm, she came to the stage at 9pm. Chappell Roan opened for her.

During her concert Fletcher alternated between multiple sets. One was a built-in-bed and she had the stage, high platform and the barricade. Her set was a good way to showcase the thoughts of not her new album but also her older EP’s.

This was Fletcher’s fist show in Vancouver. Her fans got to pick their setlist and had the chance to vote one a “Dream sequence” before the show.

If you want to hear more of Fletcher check out her new album, and her website:

What is Nelly Furtado up to now

Nelly Furtado was one of the it women in the early 2000s, but what is she up to now? Nelly Furtado released hit songs such as, “I’m Like a bird.” “Say It Right” and, “Promiscuous.” She has sold over 40 million records worldwide which makes her one of Canada’s most successful artists.

After a five-year hiatus of not performing. Furtado joined fellow Canadian artist, Drake on stage in Toronto for the latter’s October World Weekend concert. Furtado and Drake performed “Promiscuous” and “I’m Like A Bird.”

My personal favourite song by Nelly Furtado has got to be ‘”I’m Like A Bird,” that she released 22 years ago (TWENTY-TWO YEARS). In fact, when I figured out I passed Math in grade 10 it was my go-to celebration song.

Nelly Furtado took a step back from her music in 2006, for multiple reasons. She was exhausted from being on the road at the peak of her career and, also being a mother to her daughter who was three at the time.

Furtado spoke about what it was like performing before she took a step back in 2006.

“One night I went on stage and I suddenly realized how stressed out I was. I actually cried my way through the first two songs. I took a break from music and went home. And I realized that being at home and having the whole family experience was what I was seeking. After two years of intense touring and partying, I’d spend hours alone in my LA home, just staring at the floor. I felt like a fraud, believing that people liked me for my image and not my music.”- Nelly Furtado

Nelly Furtado is in Columbia right now, and is rumoured to be working on new music with some Columbian artists via her Instagram stories. You can check them out here:


Carly Rae Jepsen has released new music

37 year old Canadian singer-songrwriter, Carly Rae Jepsen has released a new album called “The Loneliest Time.” You probably know Carly Rae Jepsen from her iconic hit song she released in 2012, “Call Me Maybe.”  After narrowing down over 100 song ideas, Jepsen wrote and recorded 16 songs for her sixth album.

Jepsen’s new album isn’t as much about being lonely as it is about the spaces in between relationships. If you listen to The Loneliest Time, you’ll realize the songs are very upbeat. Less about the self-pity in loneliness, and more about how the remedy for loneliness.

Jepsen wrote her album during a “lonely” time for many of us; during the COVID-19 pandemic. As for many artists, Jepsen’s creative process underwent changes during the pandemic. For her new album she wanted her genres to broaden, rather than just sticking to pop.

“Every human being battles with loneliness in their life. I wanted to have an album that got to tap in on what different reactions to loneliness look like.”- Carly Rae Jepsen


Track number six on the album, “Beach House” is about horror stories of dating. During the pandemic Jepsen mentioned she had downloaded a dating app- something she swore she would never do. Beach house is a song about experiences, some may have while on a dating app.

“They can be wonderful and sometimes the easiest way to meet people that might not be in your community. But I think that people who are out there to play a game with you and play with your feelings — those people need to be called out. This is what that song is for.”- Carly Rae Jepsen

Jepsen really wanted to take her time with this album, and she also wanted to showcase her versatility in it. Check out ‘The Loneliest Time’ on all streaming platforms.

Nickelback Inducted Into The Canadian Music Hall of Fame as part of the 2023 JUNO Awards

Rock band Nickelback, (Chad Kroeger, Mike Kroeger, Ryan Peake and Daniel Adair) will be inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of fame, according to The Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (CARAS) and CBC. This news was announced during a press conference in Edmonton, at Rogers Place, where next years JUNO Awards will be taking place.

On Monday, March 13th, 2023, the JUNO Awards ceremony will be broadcasted and live-streamed across Canada at 5 p.m.(PST) / 8 p.m.(EST) on CBC TV, CBC Radio One, and more.

Nickelback has won 12 awards, winning their first one back in 2001 for ‘Best New Group.’ This will be the sixth time Nickelback has performed for the award show. The ceremony will include looking back on the 20+ year career of Nickelback and the influence they have had on rock music, globally.

Lead singer of Nickelback, Chad Kroeger, reflects on the location the Awards take place and what that means to him and the band,

Returning home to Alberta, where everything started for us, is truly a full circle, milestone moment for the band, we take so much pride in our Canadian roots and are extremely humbled by this honour.” – Chad Kroeger


The band’s sales of over 50 million albums sold worldwide, as well as their multiple hits, locks them in as the second best-selling ‘foreign act of the 2000’s in the U.S.,’ only behind the Beatles. The band’s hit song “How You Remind Me” was named ‘Top Rock Song of the Decade’ by Billboard; which, not long after, led to Nickelback obtaining the title of ‘Top Rock Group of the Decade.’

Other than the groups JUNO Award wins, the band has also been up for nine Grammy Award nominations, seven MuchMusic Video Awards, three American Music Awards, One World Music Award and A People’s Choice Award.

In 1978, CARAS established The Canadian Music Hall of Fame to give recognition to artists that have made an everlasting contribution to not only Canadian music, but to the whole world of music, nationally and globally.


Vancouver Record Label Approaching Creativity In A New Way

Local record label by the name of “Chaos Club Digital” opened in Vancouver in May of 2020 with hopes to open up opportunities for the hip-hop community in Vancouver.

The record label was launched by Buk Nkosi and Zac Dolesky. The creative director, Natasha Dion along with Buk and Zac saw an opportunity to open up a label and a platform for artists to really display their talent after being frustrated with Vancouver’s lack thereof.

Chaos Club Digital is taking a different approach in a creative aspect. Exploring different ways to do things, which can be a crucial part in any creative process.

“What sets us apart from other labels is our unorthodox approach to creativity; almost anything goes, we are not disillusioned into thinking we know everything, which is the most exciting part for us because it allows us to try different things.” – Buk Nsoki


Chaos Club, labels name is very fitting. Nkosi explains the process,

“We believe authentic creativity is inherently chaotic, it’s difficult to tame, and that is what inspired the name.”  – Buk Nkosi (Daily hive)


Chaos club digital is a record label in which artists can thrive, really challenge themselves and find what works best for them. A major purpose of this label is the chance to experiment with different sounds, genres, and people. Community in this business is so important.

The talent in Vancouver has always been there. It’s just a matter of artists finding a platform in which they can build on their potential. It’s exciting to see Vancouver represent some hip-hop talent. Co-founder Nkosi notes that even though Chaos Club is focused primarily on the Canadian Scene at the moment, it would be nice to see it represent artists on a global scale.

To learn more about Chaos Club Digital, and the talent represented there, here’s the website:


Josh Ramsay Honouring His Mothers Music

Lead singer of Marianas Trench, Josh Ramsay recorded a song called “Christmas Angel” last year and released it on all streaming platforms on the 18th of November, this year. Ramsay’s mother- Corlynn Hanney (Ramsay) composed the song that Ramsay did his own version of.

Corlynn passed away in December of 2020 from COVID-19, which ended her lengthy battle with Lewy Body Dementia. Corlynn wrote many songs of her own, she was a really musically talented woman who was very involved in the musical community.

Josh Ramsay wrote a few songs about his mother in Marianas trench’s fourth studio album “Astoria.” The basis of the song “forget me not” explains how he isn’t ready to say goodbye to her. Ramsay has talked briefly about what he wants his songs about his mom to be like. “I didn’t want it to feel like grief. I wanted it to feel like love.”

Ramsay gives insight on why he chose to record this song of his mothers:

“This song, written by my mom, was always a favorite of mine. I wanted to share some of my mom’s work with people who never got the chance to hear it. It was a classic in our house and it always reminds me of her, and our family and friends being together for the holidays.” – Josh Ramsay


I’m glad Ramsay can remember his mom through this song and I’m glad he shared it with the rest of us. He really did the song justice. Doing all the production and vocals on his own.

I think it’s a very beautiful thing, singing his mother’s song. The song itself is beautiful and the love you can hear he carries for her while singing her song is even more beautiful. It’s just two minutes and ten seconds of beauty.

This song will one hundred percent be on repeat at my house this Christmas season.