Vancouver Warriors: The team you never knew you needed in your life

Vancouver Warriors

I should be honest. Before Friday, I’d never watched a lacrosse game in my life. But I can confirm it wasn’t the last. I attended the Vancouver Warriors vs Halifax Thunderbirds game at Rogers Arena, and it was so much fun. I didn’t know what to expect going into the game, but it blew me away. I’ve been to many sporting events throughout my life, but never anything even remotely like this. It’s a straight-up party.

As soon as I arrived, I met the team mascot Timbr the Sasquatch in the elevator. He was quite friendly. He told me he came from the forests of the North Shore mountains. One night, he heard a roar that rivaled his own coming from Rogers Arena and came to Vancouver to investigate. What he found wasn’t another sasquatch, but the Warriors and their rambunctious fans! He now roams the halls of Rogers Arena and comes out to add to the fun of Warriors game night.

Image from

Right out of the gate, there was a different kind of energy in the building than a typical Canucks game. It felt a bit more relaxed and carefree. As we got closer to the game, there was an impressive pre-game light show that was on par with what I saw from the Canucks earlier this season. The music was loud and got me all fired up.

Once the game began, that’s when the real party started. Unlike pretty much any other sporting event you’ll see, the Warriors keep the music blasting throughout the entire game. It adds so much energy to the whole in-game experience. I found myself moving and grooving so many times throughout the game. There was even a live band performing!

The first quarter was a little rough for the Warriors. They went down early, allowing four unanswered goals, but they weren’t willing to back down. Head coach Curt Malawsky seemed to fire up his team at the bench during the break because they came out in the second looking much better.

The second quarter went back and forth. I realize why it’s called the fastest game on two feet. The action never stops. It’s constantly moving. Ryan Martel was key early on. He had already scored a hat trick by halftime and added a fourth goal in the second half. The Warriors were slowly getting back into it but still had to make up lost ground. At halftime, they were down 8-5.

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The halftime festivities added a lot to the whole experience. It started with a mini game featuring youth lacrosse players, which the crowd loved. Then came the Hobby Horse Hoedown. It was an obstacle course that three people had to clear while riding a wooden horse. I know it sounds ridiculous. It was, but also hilarious. Then Timbr came out in the back of a Ford pickup truck with the cheerleaders as they danced and shot t-shirts into the crowd! You could tell everyone was having a good time. The people in the party zone by the stage were getting crazy. There were even beer pong and flip-cup tables set up. I told you it was a party!

The Warriors came out in the third quarter looking ready to go! Keegan Bal came out on fire, scoring a hat trick in a single quarter! The Warriors were coming back. Despite a tough start to the game, goalie Aden Walsh settled in and made some key stops to keep the Warriors in the game. A couple of goals from Halifax this quarter, but five from the Warriors gave us a 10-10 tie with one quarter to go.

Halifax scored to go up in the fourth, but the Warriors were prepared for battle and kept on fighting. Down by one late, Adam Charalambides scored a key goal to lock it up, then Keegan Bal got his fourth of the game. That would end up being the game-winner. Bal added another goal to finish the night with five goals!

The Warriors pulled off a huge 15-13 win and have now rattled off four straight wins to keep their playoff hopes alive. It was an incredible game that gave me a newfound love for the sport of lacrosse. The Warriors executed a huge comeback, fought until the bitter end, and let it all hang out. The result of their effort lies in the score.

The crowd was so energetic. It helped their team stay in the game. Adam Charalambides called the crowd’s energy electric and said he wants to hear those “Go Warriors Go” chants at the next game. Ryan Martel attributed their ability to get back into the game to the fans who came out in support. “It’s amazing. Our crowds have been incredible. We love our fans, and we want more in the seats,” said the 26-year-old from Aldergrove, B.C.

Warriors head coach and general manager Curt Malawsky emphasized the impact of the crowd. “The fan support is just outstanding. My heart’s jumping out of my chest when I see the kids and I see all the fans. Vancouver deserves to have a lacrosse team they can get behind.” Believe me, this is a team you should get behind.

They only have one more home game left in the regular season, and it’s a must-win. On Saturday, April 13, they host the New York Riptide for Fan Appreciation Night. It should be another great time. With the momentum they’ve built on this four-game win streak, the energy will continue. If you attend a Warriors game, it won’t be your last. It feels like they’re building something special and I’m excited to see what the future holds.

For Malawsky, it all comes down to setting a culture.  “We believe in sacrifice, commitment, trust, and resiliency. It’s important. You can’t build something unless you have a strong foundation. It will take some time. It’s great we’re on a four-game run but we got to look big picture. But I like where we are now.”

If you’re not convinced that you should go to a game, this might change your mind. You can get into the game for just $15! I don’t think there’s anywhere else you can have this much fun for that cheap. You can pretty much get five Warriors tickets for the price of one cheap-seat Canucks ticket!

You owe it to yourself to blow off some steam and have fun at an affordable price. If you miss the boat, you might not get another chance until next season. Give it a shot. The Vancouver Warriors are the sports team you never knew you needed in your life!

Self-reflection can be challenging, but life-changing

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

There may come a point in your life when you need to evaluate the path you’re going down.

I can’t tell you when it’s going to happen, but it will happen. You may have already experienced it. It’s a time of self-reflection that’s necessary for growth.

This can manifest in a multitude of ways.

It could be something simple like changing your spending habits, or as complex as finding a way off the streets. This world is going to throw curveballs at you. How you react to these curveballs can send you down two different routes.

It’s been said that our decisions make us who we are. I can tell you from experience that all it takes is a few bad choices and suddenly, you’re on the outside looking in on your own life. It can feel like you’re constantly climbing a hill with pressure mounting and weighing you down. It can feel like there’s no way out.

But don’t fret, just as your decisions can put you in a hole, you also have the power to make decisions that allow you to climb out of that hole.

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

In the summer of 2021, the world was in disarray. A year and a half of living in a pandemic that tore the world we knew to shreds had made us all a little paranoid and on edge. With so much negativity and fighting, it felt like there was no end in sight. Many people were getting sick and tired of basically being imprisoned in their homes. It wasn’t a fun time.

Differing views on masks, vaccines, politics, and misinformation were tearing us apart, and all that negativity was extremely unhealthy.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

On a personal level, my entire life was crumbling around me.

I’m a small-town boy. I’m talking SMALL. Growing up in the rural community of Monte Lake, just outside of Kamloops, I had a different kind of upbringing. It’s a place where everyone knows everyone. It’s like a huge extended family. When a crisis hits a member of this “family,” we come together to support each other.

But that summer brought a crisis that nobody was prepared for. The White Rock Lake wildfire ignited in July, just after my 26th birthday, and spread quickly. Fear and panic took over as the fire approached Monte Lake and Westwold in the weeks that followed.

On August 5, 2021, aggressive winds caused the fire to accelerate at a terrifying pace. In a flash, the inferno swept through the community, leaving a path of destruction in its wake the likes of which I’ve never seen before. The fire picked up speed so quickly that people were running for their lives, chased from their homes as everything they worked so hard to build literally went up in smoke.

My entire family was living a nightmare we couldn’t wake up from. The first time I saw the pile of ashes that used to be my childhood home, I was crushed. But what hurt the most was seeing what this was doing to so many loved ones. I couldn’t take it.

Meanwhile, my parents’ marriage was falling apart. It was the most tumultuous time in my life, and trust me, my life has been littered with tumult. Amidst the chaos, I made a post on Facebook that seemed to resonate with many:

“My heart goes out to all my friends and family who have suffered through this horrific fire. It’s hard to believe it’s even real. This is a tragic occurrence, but I am relieved to hear everyone made it out okay. Despite the destruction left in its path, the spirit of this community will live on. It’s not the houses, land, or personal belongings that make it such a special place… It’s the people. I may have left, but Monte Lake will always be home. I can’t imagine what you all must be going through right now. Stay strong… As our province burns, it is more important than ever that we all stay together and support each other. I love you all.”

The outpouring of love I received back from so many was inspiring. It made me realize that I have a voice. A voice that matters.

Years of tearing myself down and only seeing my flaws had blinded me to my potential. I was trapped under a blanket of low self-esteem and depression for years, and I didn’t even see what I was doing to myself. But throughout all the horror unfolding, something happened inside of me. Something changed. Ironically, the fire had ignited a fire inside of me that had been extinguished for years.

I decided to go back to school and pursue my dreams. I wanted to use my voice to make a difference in the world. I applied to the Radio Arts & Entertainment program here at BCIT, and the rest, as they say, is history.

I left my job which had been sucking the soul out of me for six years and embarked on a journey that has altered the course of my entire life. I’ve learned so much in my three terms at BCIT, met so many great people, and grown into a person I actually like. I spent years hating myself and tearing myself down, and what good did that do? Absolutely nothing.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I’ve shared this story with you today because I know I’m not the only one. But I’m living proof that no matter what darkness is dragging you down, it’s never too late to fight out of it. But it’s not just going to magically happen. You must put in the work, and quite frankly, it’s easier to just give up and drown in your sorrows.

But I beg you, DON’T. What comes out on the other end of that work is beautiful. You are beautiful and you have something to offer this world.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Don’t get in your own way. Let your voice be heard. Put yourself out there. You never know what you’re capable of until you try. You might fail, but that doesn’t mean you should give up. Failure can be the best thing for you.

There’s a lesson to be learned from every mistake, and if you learn that lesson, you’ll be better on the other side. Dust yourself off, get back on that horse, and keep trying. Don’t get so fixated on the destination that you forget to enjoy the journey there. You never know what’s around the corner.

Do you want to end up looking back on your life and wondering how it could have been had you done things differently?

Don’t doubt your potential. If you set your mind to something, you’ll be surprised by what you’re capable of.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay







NFL mid-season awards

How are we already entering Week 9 of the NFL season? It seems to go by faster every year. We’re at that time of the season where you can get a decent picture of which teams are contenders and which teams are looking ahead to next year.

We’re also able to see which players are balling out and looking to take home some hardware at NFL Honors.

It’s probably too early, but it’s interesting to see who’s in the running. In pretty much every award, it’s close right now. That means the second half of the year will be crucial for all players to keep pace.

I’ve provided three contenders for each award. I’ll dissect each nominee and decide on a victor.

Introducing the mid-season 2023 NFL Awards!

Comeback Player of the Year:

Adam Thielen (Wide Receiver, Carolina Panthers)

  • 7 Games Played, 70 Targets, 57 Receptions, 581 Yards, 4 Touchdowns

Damar Hamlin (Safety, Buffalo Bills)

  • N/A

Baker Mayfield (Quarterback, Tampa Bay Buccaneers)

  • 7 Games Played, 158/246 Completions, 64.2%, 1,600 Yards, 10 Touchdowns, 4 Interceptions, sacked 11 times, 89.5 Rating, 31 Rush Attempts for 118 Yards, 3.8 Yards Per Carry

This is a difficult award to decide right now. Thielen has had a career resurgence on the Panthers, while Mayfield has saved his career in Tampa. However, Hamlin’s story is heartwarming.

He’s only played in one game since suffering from cardiac arrest last season, but I still think he’s the favorite. Whether he plays more throughout the season will decide if he wins the award or not.

Also, look out for Kyler Murray, who could return from a torn ACL in the next couple of weeks, and Aaron Rodgers wants to return from his Achilles injury before the year ends. If he does so, it would be hard to deny. But for now….

Winner: Damar Hamlin

Coach of the Year:

Mike McDaniel (Miami Dolphins)

  • Record: 6-2, Offense: 453.3 Yards Per Game, 33.9 Points Per Game; Defense: 329.4 Points Per Game, 19.7 Points Per Game

Dan Campbell (Detroit Lions)

  • Record: 6-2, Offense: 390.6 Yards Per Game, 25.0 Points Per Game; Defense: 296.9 Yards Per Game, 20.6 Points Per Game

Nick Sirianni (Philadelphia Eagles)

  • Record: 7-1, Offense: 387.4 Yards Per Game, 28 Points Per Game; Defense: 313 Yards Per Game, 21.5 Points Per Game

This is a tough award to decide. All three are worthy of this award. It’s going to be a tight race to the very end. You’d think Sirianni would be the favorite with the best record, but there’s just something about the way the other two have changed their teams’ culture. McDaniel’s offense has been explosive all season, and he is getting the most out of his players.

But I’m going with Dan Campbell. He’s helped turn the Lions from a perennial basement-dwelling joke into one of the most exciting teams in the league. He takes the cake.

Winner: Dan Campbell

Offensive Rookie of the Year:

CJ Stroud (Quarterback, Houston Texans)

  • 7 Games Played, 143/237 Completions, 1800 Passing Yards, 9 Touchdowns, 1 Interception, sacked 15 Times, 20 Rush Attempts for 68 Yards, 3.4 Yards per Carry, 1 Touchdown

Puka Nacua (Wide Receiver, Los Angeles Rams)

  • 8 Games Played, 89 Targets, 61 Receptions, 795 Yards, 2 Touchdowns

Bijan Robinson (Running Back, Atlanta Falcons)

  • 8 Games Played, 92 Rush Attempts for 466 Yards, 5.1 Yards Per Carry, 1 Touchdown, 37 Targets, 26 Receptions, 189 Yards, 2 Touchdowns, 1 Fumble

Three young talents stand out above a talented offensive rookie class. Stroud looks to be the future of the Texans and seems to be the best Quarterback of the 2023 Draft class. Puka Nacua, who I like to call Puka NaCooper Kupp. He’s having a historic start to the year, but Kupp’s return from injury has slowed down his production a little bit.

Robinson was the most hyped Running Back prospect in years. The Falcons took him 7th overall, so he was expected to be in the running. His usage has been below what was expected, but I can see some monster games over the second half of the year.

This award tends to favor Quarterbacks, and this year is no different. Stroud is turning around the Texans franchise and should be rewarded for his efforts.

Winner: C.J. Stroud

Defensive Rookie of the Year:

Devon Witherspoon (Cornerback, Seattle Seahawks)

  • 7 Games Played, 33 Total Tackles, 2 Tackles for Loss, 2 Sacks, 8 Passes Defended, 1 Interception for 97 yards and 1 Touchdown.

Jalen Carter (Interior Defensive Line, Philadelphia Eagles)

  • 14 Total Tackles, 5 Tackles for Loss, 3.5 Sacks, 2 Forced Fumbles

Brian Branch (Safety, Detroit Lions)

  • 8 Games Played, 33 Total Tackles, 4 Tackles for Loss, 4 passes Defended, 1 Interception for 50 Yards & 1 Touchdown

Three outstanding young players are battling for this award. New England Patriots Cornerback Christian Gonzalez was looking like a contender, but an injury has slowed down that momentum.

The three nominees have all made a huge impact on their teams. Carter has added more ammunition to the Eagles’ dominant Defensive Line, and Branch has helped shore up the Lions’ defense which is much better than last year’s squad.

But Witherspoon has been all over the field. He looks to be a cornerstone of Seattle’s future and could be a generational talent if he continues to ascend.

Winner: Devon Witherspoon

Offensive Player of the Year:

Stefon Diggs (Wide Receiver, Buffalo Bills)

  • 8 Games Played, 90 Targets, 64 Receptions, 748 Yards, 6 Touchdowns, 1 Fumble

Tyreek Hill (Wide Receiver, Miami Dolphins)

  • 8 Games Played, 87 Targets, 61 Receptions, 1014 Yards, 8 Touchdowns

Christian McCaffrey (Running Back, San Francisco 49ers)

  • 8 Games Played, 137 Rush Attempts for 652 Yards, 4.8 Yards Per Carry, 9 Touchdowns, 37 Targets, 32 Receptions, 292 Yards, 4 Touchdowns

This is the easiest award to decide. Tyreek Hill is on pace to set the record for most receiving yards in a single season. He could be the first-ever player to top 2000 receiving yards!

Because of this, it’s undeniable. While Diggs and McCaffrey are both having strong seasons, there’s nobody on Hill’s level this year.

Winner: Tyreek Hill

Defensive Player of the Year:

Danielle Hunter (Outside Linebacker – EDGE)

  • 8 Games Played, 37 Total Tackles, 12 Tackles for Loss, 10 Sacks, 2 Passes Defended, 3 Forced Fumbles

Myles Garrett

  • 7 Games Played, 24 Total Tackles, 7 Tackles for Loss, 8.5 Sacks, 1 Pass Defended, 4 Forced Fumbles

T.J. Watt

–  7 Games Played, 18 Total Tackles, 7 Tackles for Loss, 8.5 Sacks, 6 Passes Defended, 1 INT for 24 Yards, 2 Forced Fumbles, 3 Fumble Recoveries for 34 Yards & 1 Touchdown

These are three absolute game-wreckers. All three have been a nightmare for opposing offenses to deal with. It’s tough to nail this down. Hunter has the most tackles for loss, sacks, and tackles, but he’s also played one more game. Garrett’s numbers are comparable, and he’s been cooking lately. If he continues to ascend, he could be the winner by the end of the year.

But T.J. Watt has been on another level, making an impact at every level. In many ways, he’s carried the Steelers this year. If Watt stays healthy, he’ll continue to be the biggest impact player in the league. Watt comes away with his second DPOY award.

Winner: T.J. Watt

Most Valuable Player:

Tua Tagovailoa (Quarterback, Miami Dolphins)

  • 8 Games Played, 193/274 Completions, 2416 Yards, 18 Touchdowns, 7 Interceptions, sacked 11 Times, 21 Rush Attempts for 26 yards, 1.2 Yards Per Carry

Patrick Mahomes (Quarterback, Kansas City Chiefs)

  • 8 Games Played, 209/304 Completions, 2258 Yards, 15 Touchdowns, 8 Interceptions, sacked 10 Times, 36 Rush for 234 Yards, 6.5 Yards Per Carry

Tyreek Hill (Wide Receiver, Miami Dolphins)

  • 8 Games Played, 87 Targets, 61 Receptions, 1014 Yards, 8 Touchdowns

I considered putting Kirk Cousins in here. He’s been playing at an MVP level, but the torn Achilles will put him out for the season. I’m surprised Mahomes has been having such a good year. It feels like he’s struggled a bit, but that’s a testament to how good he is. Mahomes will be in the MVP race to the very end of the year, but I don’t think he should win.

The connection between Hill and Tagavailoa is undoubtable. They’ve been electric all year. Hill’s 2000-yard receiving pace is incredible, but I think some respect needs to be put on Tua’s name. The Dolphins Quarterback has been playing on another level and deserves to be recognized for his efforts.

Winner: Tua Tagovailoa

So, there you have it! It’s been an exciting first half of the season and it will be fun to watch these exceptional players throughout the remainder of the season.

Some of these award races are tight, so it will be crucial for each player to continue to produce at a high level. Plus, we could see some players rise and enter contention.

Do you think I got this right, or did I miss someone who should be in the mix? Let me know in the comments!




The life and times of Matthew Perry

This past Saturday, Matthew Perry tragically passed away at 54 years old. He’s believed to have drowned in his hot tub.

You never really know how death is going to affect you until it happens. This one feels like a punch to the gut. I didn’t realize how influential he was to my childhood until now, and I can’t be the only one who feels this way.

The Actor was best remembered for his role as Chandler Bing in the mega-hit sitcom Friends. He also produced and starred in several other TV shows and films.

Born in Williamstown, Massachusetts on August 19, 1969, Perry was a bit of a troubled youth. His parents separated when he was one year old. His mother raised him in Ottawa, Ontario. She was the press secretary to then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.

Matthew went to school with our current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. When they were in grade five, Matthew and his friend beat up Justin. Small world! The two eventually worked out their differences and appeared to be friendly later in life.

As a youth, he stole, smoked, and drank a lot. He claimed he was drinking every day by 18 years old. Addiction would go on to haunt him for much of his life.

He started acting at 15 when he moved to Los Angeles with his father. It didn’t take him long to find success. He landed guest appearances in Not Necessarily the News, Charles in Charge, and Silver Spoons. This led to some recurring roles in Second Chance, Growing Pains, Sydney, Home Free, and Beverly Hills, 90210.

His big breakthrough came in 1994 when he was cast as Chandler Bing in what would become one of the most successful sitcoms of all time, Friends. Its series finale in 2004 was watched by 52.5 million viewers.

Growing up, I watched this show a lot. I’ve seen every episode multiple times.

This started at a very young age. Probably around 5-6 years old. That’s a formative time in a child’s life. Kids tend to pick up traits from the media they consume, and it becomes a part of their identity, intentional or not. If you think about it, you’ll likely see how the shows you watched growing up affected your development. This is why we have Parental Control settings.

Friends was harmless though, and many of the more mature jokes probably went over my head. What didn’t go over my head though was Chandler’s sarcasm and dad jokes. I thought they were hilarious! As I got older, I adopted that same sense of humor, which remains to this day. This happened to my brother too, and we both watched Friends and loved Chandler. We would fight constantly, but watching Friends was one of the few things we could do together that wouldn’t end in a fight.

It’s such a funny, quotable show. If you’ve never watched it, you should check it out. It’s a classic! Each character is funny in their own way, but Chandler always made me laugh the most. His comedic timing and delivery were unmatched. Are you with me, or do you have a different favorite character?

Everyone always talks about the Ross and Rachel relationship, but I think Chandler and Monica took the cake for the best relationship. “He’s her lobster!”

If you’ve never seen Friends or just want to relive some classic moments, here are a few of Chandler’s best episodes:

  • The one where Heckles dies.
  • The one where Chandler can’t remember which sister.
  • The one with the embryos.
  • The one where everyone finds out.
  • The one with the proposal.
  • The one where Chandler can’t cry.
  • The one with the Halloween party.

The show grew in popularity, and by 2002 the cast was making $1 Million per episode. Considering there’s 20 plus episodes per season, that’s a whole lot of cake. His success led to film roles in Fools Rush In, Almost Heroes, Three to Tango, Serving Sara, The Whole Nine Yards, and The Whole Ten Yards.

After Friends came to an end in 2004, he slowed down. He would appear in the odd movie or TV show, but for the most part, stayed out of the spotlight.

Perry’s substance abuse issues became a serious problem over the ten-year lifespan of Friends. After a jet-ski accident in 1997, he became addicted to Vicodin. At one point, he was 128 pounds and taking up to 55 pills every day. He would frequently show up on set drunk, high, or hungover. His co-stars staged an intervention and even halted filming so he could go to rehab, but his problems persisted. He’s said that he remembers nothing from a three-year stretch during filming.

It seemed no matter how hard he tried to get clean, he just couldn’t fight off his demons. His drug and alcohol issues led to many health problems. The biggest scare came in 2018 when he spent five months in the hospital for a gastrointestinal perforation. Doctors told him he had a 2% chance of survival, but Perry was a fighter and survived.

People who suffer from addiction shouldn’t be shamed and judged; they should be helped. Can you imagine how difficult it would be for your problems to be so public?

Throughout these struggles, Perry used his struggles to help others suffering from addiction. In 2011, he lobbied US Congress in support of funding for Drug Courts, which are programs designed to scrap incarceration for a rehabilitation program to help people recover.

He also opened Perry House, a rehab center in his former mansion, and was awarded a Champion of Recovery Award by the White House in 2013. He gave back in the hopes that others wouldn’t endure what he did. That’s a hero in my book.

Speaking of books, Perry released Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing in 2022. His autobiography looks like a great read. The opening line of the book states “Hi, my name is Matthew, although you may know me by another name. My friends call me Matty. And I should be dead.”

Those are haunting words.

Friends: The Reunion was released in 2021. The six co-stars were back together one final time. The original sets were rebuilt, they re-enacted several classic scenes and were joined by many guest stars and celebrities. This would end up being Perry’s final on-screen appearance before he passed away.

His five co-stars, Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, David Schwimmer, and Matt LeBlanc released a joint statement in the wake of his shocking death.

“We are all so utterly devastated by the loss of Matthew. We were more than just castmates. We are a family. There is so much to say, but right now we’re going to take a moment to grieve and process this unfathomable loss. In time we will say more, and when we are able. For now, our thoughts and our love are with Matty’s family, his friends, and everyone who loved him around the world.”

Through all the ups and downs of his life, Matthew Perry was a cultural icon who brought smiles to millions of people, and as younger generations discover Friends, will continue to do so for years to come.

Even though he may no longer be with us anymore, Perry’s legacy will live on in the laughter, the moments, and the memories.

Rest in peace.






The Legion of Boom

Boom Pro Wrestling is taking the Vancouver wrestling scene by storm!

If you’re unaware, it’s a newer indie wrestling fed that started up last September. So far, they’ve experienced success to a level they only dreamed of.

They hosted a doubleheader this past Friday and Saturday night, and both shows were fantastic!

Boom takes a different approach to wrestling than most other indie companies. The production is usually subpar if you’ve ever been to a random wrestling show over the years. But that’s where Boom separates from the rest of the pack. They put so much effort into producing a show that looks fabulous.

The lighting, the stage, the smoke, the ambiance, and the atmosphere combine to make Boom the place to be! It’s so much more than just a wrestling show. It’s an experience unlike anything else you’ve ever witnessed.

I interviewed Boom owner Max Mitchell earlier this year and he described Boom as “a wrestling show designed for a non-wrestling fan that is still a wrestling show.” That’s exactly what it is. You don’t have to like wrestling, but after you go to a Boom show, you will.

After selling out both shows this weekend, they’ve now sold out all 13 shows they’ve ever produced!

That’s such an incredible feat. Boom is only just getting started though. Big things are on the horizon.

It feels like there’s magic in the air for these Boom shows. The crowd is electric, and the wrestlers never fail to make it an incredible show! The Saturday show was one of the best I’ve seen so far, which says something because every single show I’ve seen has been good.

Every single match was great! Literally not one letdown on the whole show. That’s rare.

I’ve been hyped up about Boom since its inception. I went to their very first show last September and knew it was something I wanted to be a part of.

I emailed the owner Max to see if he wanted a volunteer. Since then, I’ve been to most of the shows, and I feel like I’ve become part of the Boom family.

A big difference between Boom and other indie feds is the episodic nature of their “seasons.” Each show threads into the next, and it makes the fans who attend want to come back to see how the stories progress. It’s a smart strategy as opposed to the typical format, which usually just means having a set number of matches isolated to one night with minimal carryover from one show to the next.

That’s fine if you just want to go out for a single night, but there needs to be a hook to bring you back to the next show. Boom’s track record has proven that their system works.

Boom is more along the lines of WWE than your typical indie. The focus is on the characters and storytelling more than the wrestling itself. It’s brilliant. It’s easier to get invested in a match when you’re already into the characters. It’s simple storytelling, but it works.

Well, it might not be that simple. There’s been some crazy stories told throughout Booms’ short existence. Perhaps the craziest of all involves a time machine!

Did you know that Abraham Lincoln used to wrestle?

Let me correct that statement. Did you know that Abraham Lincoln still wrestles? Yep, that’s right. He stepped into a time machine and entered the Boomiverse! Honest Abe is one of, if not the most beloved wrestler in Boom. He stands up for what is right and fights off the dastardly villains of Boom.

There have been two “Loser Leaves Time” matches. Sounds ridiculous, right? Well, that’s because it is. But it’s awesome. Basically, whoever loses the match gets put into the time machine and sent back to the past. Last year, Abe defeated Billy Suede and sent him back to the 1970s. When he returned, Billy Suede was no more. He came back as the disco-inspired Shaolin Funk, who now fights beside Abe, fighting the good fight.

There are so many colorful characters. There’s the Baywatch-inspired Brady Malibu and the first Vancouver City Champion. He leads a group called The Entourage with Malik Mello and Sachin Sahel, an actor who has appeared in The 100, X-Files, Supergirl, and Maid, among others. On Saturday, it was revealed that Brady had poached Abe’s protégé, Parm Singh Man, and turned him into a rip-off of The Rock, called The Parm. It was hilarious!

Speaking of rip-offs, we also saw the debut of Stone Cold Steve Autumn, who delivered a flurry of Stunners to anyone within reach and capped it off with a water bash!

The amount of incredible talent in Vancouver right now is astounding! The entire wrestling scene is thriving. Boom has taken full advantage of that. Some of the talent includes Nicole Matthews, Evan Rivers, Jacky Lee, Shareef Morrow, “Golden Boy” Travis Williams, “The Rhinestone Cowboy” Steven Crowe, “Uncle Daddy” Tony Baroni, Taryn from Accounting, Coco Flash, Judas Icarus, Casey Ferreira, “Big Cat” Scott Hensen, Cat Power, Rose, and others who show up sporadically.

Plus, so much great young up-and-coming talent from the Lions Gate Dojo. This school has been pumping out some incredible talent and has helped fuel this wrestling resurgence in the Pacific Northwest. It’s been fun to watch some of them progress as they work on their craft. The Friday show featured more of the younger talent, and I was blown away by how far many of them have progressed.

The most hated man in Boom is 50% owner Kyle Fines. This scoundrel has a big mouth and uses it to berate the fans of Boom. He’s duped Max to get control and almost succeeded in taking 100% ownership, but thankfully Cat Power stepped in to defend Boom from the forces of evil! Kyle had her arrested last season, but she returned last month to exact revenge. She wiped the floor with him, but he was back on Saturday to resume his dastardly behavior.

Currently, the Vancouver City Championship is vacant, so we have a tournament to crown a new champion. The two semifinal matchups took place on Saturday. Evan Rivers defeated Coco Flash, and Taryn from Accounting defeated Nicole Matthews to end her undefeated streak. The two winners will square off at Royal Royale on November 25th to determine the champion.

Tickets for this show went on sale Sunday morning and sold out only a few hours later! That makes 14 straight sellouts. The momentum of Boom just won’t slow down.

After raving about Boom to my family for over a year now, my brother and parents came to the Saturday show. With how much I’ve hyped it up, their expectations were high.

They were blown away! They all had smiles plastered on their faces the entire show. In fact, if you looked around at the crowd, you’d see smiles on everybody. Every single person there was having a great time. My Mom called it “a night she’ll never forget.”

You owe it to yourself to check out a Boom show this season. The next show may be sold out, but there will be many more in the months ahead. Follow @BoomProWrestling on Instagram and X to stay in the loop. If you snooze, you lose. There are highlights of past shows on their YouTube channel if you want a little taste of what Boom has to offer.

It’s time to break out of your comfort zone and join the Legion of Boom!

Week 8 NFL preview

The Buffalo Bills defeated the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 24-18 on Thursday Night Football to kick off week 8 of the NFL season. It was a hard-fought much-needed victory for the Bills who have stumbled a bit over the opening weeks of the season. They’ve already lost as many games as last year.

The win put them back on track and extended their record to 5-3. They now sit one game behind the Miami Dolphins for the top spot in the AFC East. The Buccaneers fell to 3-4, but they’re still in the hunt for the NFC South crown. Buccaneers QB Baker Mayfield has proven to be a solid option throughout the year and the Buccaneers have already outperformed their expectations. However, after a 3-1 start, this was their third straight loss.

But the week has only just begun. There are no teams on bye this week, which means we’re set for a full slate of games tomorrow and Monday. I hope you’re as excited as I am for week 8 of the NFL season!

Today, I’ll preview the schedule and make some predictions as to who will come out on top.

Image by eileenploh from Pixabay


Philadelphia Eagles (6-1) @ Washington Commanders (3-4)

This is a big divisional game for both teams. The Eagles have gotten off to another great start. Anchored by their dominant defensive front, they’ve proven to be one of the most complete all-around teams in the league this year.

This could lead to some problems for Washington, who have allowed the most sacks in the NFL to this point with 40. I expect the Commander’s QB Sam Howell to spend a lot of time on the ground in this one. The Commanders have been a plucky team, but the mismatch on the line could prove to be the difference.

Winner: Philadelphia Eagles


Jacksonville Jaguars (5-2) @ Pittsburgh Steelers (4-2)

Here we have a battle between two teams on the uprise. After getting off to a tough 1-2 start, the Jaguars have rattled off four straight wins to lead the AFC South. Meanwhile, the Steelers have looked uneven throughout the year. But they’ve gotten the job done when it matters.

This should be a pretty close game between two teams who have a lot of room for improvement on offense. That could be the difference. It’s a tough game to predict but I’m going with the hotter team. The Jaguars make a push to establish themselves as a legitimate contender.

Winner: Jacksonville Jaguars


New England Patriots (2-5) @ Miami Dolphins (5-2)

This one could get ugly. But then again, I thought the Patriots would get creamed by the Bills last week and they managed to pull off a big upset. Can they make it two-for-two?

They put up a good fight in their earlier matchup with the Dolphins so I think they can make a game out of this. But the Dolphins are coming off a big loss to the Eagles last week and are likely to come out firing on all cylinders.

They currently lead the league in offense with a whopping 462.3 yards per game and 32 total touchdowns. They lead the second-place Chiefs by 66 YPG and 13 touchdowns. The Patriots’ offense has been abysmal for much of this year, and while their defense may slow down the Dolphins’ offense, they just can’t keep up with the firepower.

Winner: Miami Dolphins

Image by Ralph from Pixabay

Cincinnati Bengals (3-3) @ San Francisco 49ers (5-2)

It’s crazy, two weeks ago the 49ers were 5-0 and looked unstoppable. Now, they’ve lost two straight to the Browns and Dolphins and are the walking wounded. Quarterback Brock Purdy has come down to earth and is dealing with a concussion.

On the flip side, the Bengals started 1-3. Joe Burrow looked out of sorts dealing with an injury, and the season seemed to be a write-off.  But they’ve now won two straight and are climbing back into the playoff hunt.

But I can’t see the 49ers dropping three straight games. They’re too talented to lose to Cincinnati’s last-ranked offense. It should be a good game, but the 49ers will get back on track.

Winner: San Francisco 49ers


Kansas City Chiefs (6-1) @ Denver Broncos (2-5)

Straight up, I’m predicting a massacre here. The Broncos pulled out a close win against Green Bay last week, but the Chiefs are a whole different animal.

The Chiefs have won six straight, and that’s not going to stop now. They have the second-ranked offense and seventh-ranked defense. Compared to the Broncos 21st-ranked offense and the 32nd-ranked defense. The Broncos have shown some fight but I expect to see Mahomes and Kelce go off in this one.

Winner: Kansas City Chiefs


Atlanta Falcons (4-3) @Tennessee Titans (2-4)

We have a revenge game on our hands. Falcons head coach Arthur Smith is the former Offensive Coordinator for the Titans.

The Titans have been plucky, but they’re just not a good team. Plus, rookie Quarterback Will Levis is set to make his first career start. This could get ugly. The wildcards of this game are both Running Backs. Derrick Henry and Bijan Robinson should both see a lot of work here.

Both teams love to run the ball, so this may come down to which defense can shut that down. I think the Falcons will do enough to win a low-scoring affair.

Winners: Atlanta Falcons


New York Jets (3-3) @New York Giants (2-5)

The battle of New York. We only get this matchup once every four years, and I’m sure the city of New York is divided.

This season has been a disaster for both teams.

Both New York teams will be without their week one starter, which could spell an ugly game. I think the Jets’ elite defense will be the difference in this game. We may see some defensive scoring here. It could be a long day for Tyrod Taylor.

Winner: New York Jets


Los Angeles Rams (3-4) @ Dallas Cowboys (4-2)

I think this one will be a close matchup. The Rams have been up and down all year, but they have talent on their roster.

Dallas has shown flashes of dominance this year but lost some tough matchups. They tend to shoot themselves in the foot at times.

Still, there’s too much talent on the Cowboys. Especially on defense. I think they’ll get a big win at home.

Winner: Dallas Cowboys


New Orleans Saints (3-4) @ Indianapolis Colts (3-4)

We have a former Super Bowl rematch on our hands here. It should be a good game as these two teams match up well.

The Colts have a slight edge on offense, but the Saints’ elite defense should be the difference maker. That should be enough to cause some problems for Quarterback Gardner Minshew. If the Saints can win the turnover battle, they’ll win the game.

Winner: New Orleans Saints


Houston Texans (3-3) @ Carolina Panthers (0-6)

It’s the battle between the first and second-overall Quarterbacks in the 2023 draft. So far, Texans Quarterback CJ Stroud has looked much better than Bryce Young. The Texans have been plucky and are showing signs of building a strong future.

I predict this to be a good game. Carolina should put up a fight and it could go either way. But I’ll go with the better-performing team so far this year.

Winner: Houston Texans


Minnesota Vikings (3-4) @Green Bay Packers (2-4)

The Vikings got off to a brutal 0-3 start to the season and things looked bleak. But they’ve fought back and won three of four since. After upsetting the 49ers this past Monday, they’ll try to build on their momentum and get to a .500 record.

The Packers have been a tough team to project this year. They seem to fall apart when it matters most. Though growing pains were expected with Quarterback Jordan Love in his first year as a starter. Still, they’re a better team than their record suggests, and Minnesota being without star receiver Justin Jefferson will make a difference.

Winner: Green Bay Packers


Cleveland Browns (4-2) @ Seattle Seahawks (4-2)

The Cleveland Browns seem to be better without Deshaun Watson. His run on the Browns has been a disaster. He’s been dealing with a shoulder injury all season and will be missing another game. This puts former XFL star PJ Walker in the driver’s seat as they try to take down the Seahawks.

I feel like Seattle has flown under the radar this year. They’ve quietly gotten off to a hot start. The issue is the offense hasn’t exactly been explosive and the Browns’ defense is elite. Even though they’re home, I think Myles Garrett keeps cooking in this one.

The Seahawks haven’t been that good on offense or defense. If Walker can manage the game, that should be enough.

Winner: Cleveland Browns


Baltimore Ravens (5-2) @ Arizona Cardinals (1-6)

Despite an uneven start to the year offensively, the Ravens have come together and won games when it matters. They lead the AFC North and will look to keep building momentum to keep ahead of their division mates nipping at their heels. They have momentum on their side after blowing out the Lions last week.

The Cardinals, despite their record, have been a scrappy team. This could be a potential trap game for the Ravens. However, I don’t see that happening. I think Baltimore proves that they’re legit.

Winner: Baltimore Ravens


Sunday Night Football – Chicago Bears (2-5) @ Los Angeles Chargers (2-4)

Coming into the year, these two teams looked to be a lot better than they’ve turned out to be. The Chargers just always seem to find a way to lose. Three of their losses have been by three points or less.

However, they now face the Bears who will be without Quarterback Justin Fields. It’s going to be tough for them to match the explosive Justin Herbert-led offense. I think the Chargers get a big win here to save their season. Whether they capitalize on it going forward is a whole other story.

Winner: Los Angeles Chargers


Monday Night Football – Las Vegas Raiders (3-4) @ Detroit Lions (5-2)

After Detroit was looking like a dominant force in weeks prior, they got knocked down a few pegs last week when they were dominated by Baltimore.

Sometimes, that needs to happen to a team. I think they’ll get back on track this week.

The Raiders are a hard team to gauge. They seemed to be building some momentum but lost last week to the Bears. They have the potential to challenge the Lions, but I think the high-powered Lions offense is too much to deal with.

Winners: Detroit Lions

Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay

It should be a fun week for football. Although I’m not exactly thrilled for the primetime games. There’s a lot on the line as we approach the halfway mark of the season.

The postseason always sneaks up, and every win counts when you’re in a tight divisional or wildcard race.

Don’t miss this exciting, important week of NFL action!



Ten classic horror movies to watch before Halloween

Image by Enrique from Pixabay

Halloween is only four days away! Boy did that sneak up. With the spooky season comes scary movie season. If you’re a horror aficionado, you probably already have your favorites that you like to watch in preparation for the scariest day of the year.

However, some aren’t as privy as to where to start and which ones are worth your time. If you’re looking to have a horror movie marathon, or just watch one or two, this list will detail some of the best classic scary movies of all time.

There are so many terrible horror movies out there that it can be tough to sift through the muck. Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan, anybody? This will make sure you don’t get stuck watching hot garbage.

Introducing ten classic horror movies you should watch before Halloween.


A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

This was my favorite childhood horror movie. Wes Craven’s Freddy Krueger is the stuff nightmares are made of. Literally. Basically, Freddy preys on the fear of teenagers. He haunts their dreams and kills them.

“If you die in your dreams, you die in real life!”

The concept of this movie is truly groundbreaking. It broke the mold of what a horror movie could be and its legacy lives on to this very day. A must-watch.


The Blair Witch Project (1999)

Another groundbreaking horror movie. Blair Witch was based on three film students who went into the woods to make a documentary about the “Blair Witch.”

The found footage style of this movie makes it feel so real. You really feel like you’re a part of the action and that brings with it a whole different kind of fear.

The guttural screams, shaky camera, and desperation from the victims feel so real. I’d highly recommend this one but be prepared to jump out of your seat a couple of times.


Scream (1996)

Another Wes Craven creation, Scream was such a change of pace from what was expected from a horror movie. The 90s represented a downturn for the horror movie genre and Scream was a necessary creation to break from the shackles.

Scream was basically a parody of the horror genre. It was self-aware. They point out certain tropes and “rules” from horror movies that need to be followed. I’d highly recommend this one. Plus, the whole series is good, whereas most other horror franchises become a shell of their former selves.

The more recent films are pretty good too. If you’re looking to watch an entire series in order, Scream is a great choice.


Saw (2004)

This movie haunted my dreams as a child. It’s horrifically gory and disturbing. Jigsaw’s game of torture is unsettling.

I haven’t seen Saw in a while but now that I think about it, I might have to rewatch before Halloween. It’s a highly successful franchise that is still going to this day. Saw X came out a month ago and is still in theatres so if you want to go out for a scare, check it out!


The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

This psychological thriller is gripping from start to finish. The most well-written story on this list, and the only one to win an Oscar for Best Picture.

Anthony Hopkins’s portrayal of Hannibal Lecter is brilliant. He’s so creepy and unnerving. Rather than other movies on this list, I felt more unnerved by this one than scared. Don’t get me started on Buffalo Bill, the crazed serial killer who skins his victims and wears their flesh as a suit.

It gives me the willies just thinking about it.


Alien (1979)

Alien is sort of a blend between Horror and Science fiction. Basically, a space crew receives a distress call from aliens. They investigate the matter and find a nest of eggs inside the ship.

You can imagine where this is heading. Alien is a top-notch film that I’d highly recommend. It’s another successful franchise that still holds up today. Considering how old it is, that’s quite an accomplishment.

The sequel, Aliens (1986) is just as good, so I’d recommend checking them both out.


The Thing (1982)

I just love John Carpenter. He’s a creative mastermind who knows how to prey on your emotions.

The Thing follows a group of scientists in Antarctica who make a terrifying discovery: An alien that can take the form of its victims.

This leads to trust issues and the scientists fighting with each other. The Thing is gripping from start to finish.

I just watched it for the first time a year or two ago, and I was missing out big time. If you must pick one that you haven’t seen on this list, watch this one. It’s such a well-crafted story.


Final Destination (2000)

Now this was such a novel idea. A group of teens are taking a class trip. When boarding the plane, one of the students gets a terrifying vision. He vividly sees the plane crash and has a full panic attack. This causes the class to miss the flight.

Moments later, the plane crashes.

The issue is that they were supposed to die, and you can’t cheat death. Incidents begin to happen, killing off every student who was supposed to die in the crash.

It’s the only movie on this list where the killer isn’t a physical being. It’s death itself.

I’d recommend watching the sequel too. But beware, you may never feel comfortable driving behind a logging truck ever again.


It (1990)

Pennywise the Clown is an iconic predator that has made kids terrified of clowns for generations. Based on the book by Stephen King, this might have been the first horror movie I ever watched.

Pennywise terrorizes the town of Derry, preying on the children of the town every 27 years.

It is a classic. See what I did there? They remade the movie a few years ago, and the two-part reboot is also solid. But I prefer the original.


Halloween (1978)

The original slasher movie. This one has created such a powerful, long-lasting legacy that lives on in so many other franchises.

The tale of Michael Myers is a terrifying ordeal. After killing his mother, he was sent to an institution. But on Halloween night, he escapes and unleashes terror.

John Carpenter created a masterpiece that may not pull as much weight as it did back then due to the overuse of this style of movie, but it’s still a classic and should be revered.

They get so much out of so little. Rather than relying on blood and gore, this movie makes use of theatre of the mind to instill fear. Plus, the theme is iconic.

Image by Sandy Flowers from Pixabay


There have been many classics throughout the years in the horror genre. But on the flip side, there have been some huge duds too. I hope this list helps keep you on track, only watching the best of the best.

I tried to pick movies that were different to cater to whatever type of horror you’re into. There’s a little something for everybody on this list. Some might not be for everybody, but hopefully, there’s something that’s up your alley in here.

With Halloween on the way, get into the spooky spirit with some of the greatest scary movies of all time!

The toxicity of dating apps

The advancement of technology throughout the 21st century has been incredible.

The World Wide Web was released to the public in 1991. That’s not that long ago when you consider how far we’ve come since then.

It didn’t take long for home computers to start to become more prominent. However, dial-up internet made things difficult. But by the 2000s, broadband internet became popular and internet speeds have just gotten progressively faster ever since.

As much as the internet has helped us in terms of innovation, it has also stripped something away from us as a society: the human connection.

Now, in 2023, we are all connected to the internet. At all times. We couldn’t escape it if we wanted to. We take our phones with us everywhere we go, without fail. I don’t know about you, but I feel naked without my phone.

This is a stark contrast to the days of old when we all had to go outside or make a phone call to see each other. Times sure have changed.

Image by Solen Feyissa from Pixabay

One thing the internet has drastically changed, and not for the better, is dating.

Dating in the modern world is so frustrating. Personally, I’m basically at my wit’s end and so fed up with it. At this point, I’m pretty much done with it. I can’t deal with the superficial nature of it.

The abundance of choices is not a good thing. It allows us to swipe left or right on people with no actual idea of who they are or what they’re about.

And it’s made meeting someone in real life more difficult. With the way apps like Tinder have taken over the dating world, it’s become a struggle.

Online dating has contributed to poor self-image, trust issues, depression, and overall mental damage. Not to mention how awkward

The Pew Research Center conducted a study in 2020 that has some staggering numbers:


  • 45% of users reported that online dating left them feeling more frustrated than hopeful.
  • 60% of women aged 18-34 say someone on a dating app continued to contact them after they said they were not interested.
  • 57% report that another user sent them an unwanted sexually explicit message or image.
  • 44% report that someone called them an offensive name.
  • 19% say they have had someone threaten physical harm.
  • 53% of women say that dating apps are an unsafe way to meet people.
  • 26% report the experience was mostly negative.


Many other studies have been completed in recent years and they all come up with similar results. It’s not pretty. It seems to affect men’s self-esteem the most, and for women, it damages body image. For men, issues stem from a lack of matches and attention, while many women tend to be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of matches. An abundance of choice isn’t a good thing. It becomes so much easier to give up on a prospective relationship when there are so many options at the swipe of a finger.

Image by Sammy-Sander from Pixabay

While there are some apps like Hinge that match you more based on personality matches, there is still a lot of work to be done.

We’ve got to find a way out of this because this is not a healthy environment for young people to be stuck dealing with.

I can tell you from experience that this just isn’t a sustainable system. But I don’t see a way out.

Other studies from the Pew Research Center show some haunting numbers:

  • 88% of online dating users NEVER find a relationship.
  • 15% of people say they’re addicted to the process of finding a date.
  • Millennials and Gen-Z are 125% more likely to feel addicted to dating than older generations.


Dating apps are also filled with so many scammers as well. You really need to be aware of sketchy profiles that aren’t what they say they are. The dreaded catfish. Catfishing is when you misrepresent who you are on these apps. Sometimes the profile pictures are stolen from the internet.  It’s scary, but you really don’t know who you’re talking to until you meet them in person. Even if it is the right person, their profile could be filled with lies or the pictures could be outdated.

My advice: NEVER give out your personal information, don’t send pictures, and ALWAYS be careful. It’s easy to think with your heart over your head, but you must slow down and assess the situation.

Here are a few signs to look out for:

  • Avoiding calls
  • No online presence on other platforms
  • Very few friends or followers
  • A very recently created profile
  • “Professional” pictures

Beyond catfishing, there are other things to look out for, like ghosting.

Ghosting is when someone seems interested, but suddenly, they just drop off the face of the earth. This leaves people feeling like they did something wrong when really, it’s usually more to do with the other person’s commitment issues.

If you’re going to use dating apps, you’d better be prepared for a It’s not an easy thing to deal with and can negatively impact your self-worth and overall mental well-being. It’s no wonder that the younger generation suffers from depression at a scary rate.

I can tell you from experience, this isn’t a great generation to grow up in. I’ve struggled with depression for many years, and it took a lot of effort to climb out of that dark pit of despair.

It’s crazy. We have so much at our fingertips, which you’d think would make life easier. It does, but it also makes everything so much more complicated.

Despite all the potential drawbacks that come with online dating, I think that there are ways to use it in a healthier way. For one, I’d recommend not using Tinder and opting for apps that match you more based on compatibility than the basic swiping left or right based on looks.

But really, I think you’re better off leaving the dating apps and trying to find a partner the old-fashioned way. There’s so much out there to see in this world and our overreliance on our phones to get us through the day has become a serious problem. I worry about the path we may be heading down as a society.

At its core, this problem extends well beyond dating apps. Social media fosters so much negativity and bullying. Whenever I go on these sites, I always see people fighting, bickering, and tearing each other down. It’s sad.

We’re living in an important time in human history. But hopefully, we can figure out a way to use today’s technology in a more positive way. The current system just isn’t cutting it.

Not to get too off track there, but I think it all goes together.

Image by Mircea – All in collections from Pixabay

The Bottom Line:

If you want to use dating apps, they can be fun. But you just need to be careful about the way you use them. There are better alternatives to Tinder, such as Bumble, Hinge, Match, eHarmony, and Plenty of Fish. These apps all use a personality algorithm to find more suitable potential matches.

So go ahead and see what’s out there if you want. But I think we’d all be a lot better off if we had to leave our homes to find a date. Convenience isn’t usually the best thing for us.

Whether you use these apps or not, I wish you good luck.






Top 10 video game consoles ranked

Growing up, I was lucky enough to have a lot of older family members who would give me and my brother their old video game consoles. Because of this, throughout my childhood, I owned an NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Gameboy, PS2, and Xbox 360 at various times.

Plus, I had siblings and cousins with other consoles that I got to play. This gives me a pretty good vantage point to rank the top ten classic video game consoles. Keep in mind, that this is subjective and based on my experience of playing.

Let’s get into it!

Image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay

10. Sega Genesis

Now, I’ll admit that this is an unfairly biased ranking. I’ve only played the Genesis a few times in my life so I can’t give it an honest assessment. However, I do appreciate the legacy that this classic console holds, and it deserves to be on this list.

It was released in 1988 and was a revolutionary console that dwarfed the original Nintendo in capabilities. It was the first 16-bit console and allowed the games to have more depth. The darker feel to games like Mortal Combat was unlike anything Nintendo had ever produced. I wish I got to play this one more growing up because it’s a classic.

Image by WikiImages from Pixabay

9. GameCube

Released in 2001, the GameCube was considered a commercial failure. It struggled to keep up with the PS2 and Xbox, which were game-changing. This had to be the apex generation of consoles because I think the GameCube was a lot of fun. It just struggled to keep up with the big two.

This was Nintendo’s first disc-based console and had far superior graphics to the N64. Unfortunately, it just doesn’t boast the legendary collection of games like others before and during its time.

Image by Welcome to All ! ツ from Pixabay


In 2001, Xbox was the new kid in town. Sega had been toppled by Sony during the previous generation, but Xbox made an impact out of the gate. It had some unique and revolutionary games like Halo, Forza, and Fable.

While it stood out, there was still a lot of work that needed to be done by Microsoft, and they took it to the next level a few years later.

That controller was FAT through. One of the strangest controllers ever, and it may have held the whole console back. Later controllers were better and not quite so bulky.


Image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay

7. Gameboy

Rather than choosing one, I think the entire line of Gameboys needs to be mentioned here. They each were an important evolution into the Switch we know today.

Nintendo always had a penchant for handheld systems, dating back to before the NES. The original Donkey Kong was a handheld game. But the Gameboy, released in 1989, was the first to feature swappable cartridges, changing the handheld game forever. Now all the NES classics could be played anywhere. The Gameboy was a perfect companion for long car or bus rides.

Its successor, the Gameboy Color, was released in 1998. It had backward compatibility and you guessed it, full color. It was a positive step forward for the Gameboy.

The Gameboy Advance, released in 2001, was a significant step forward with much better graphics and processing. It used new smaller cartridges but could still play the older Gameboy games.

The Gameboy Advance SP came out two years later in 2003 with a sleek flip design and a backlight which made it a lot easier to play games in bed. The SP was a precursor to the Nintendo DS.

The Gameboy’s success over the years is tied to the incredibly successful series of Pokémon games.

Image by Robin from Pixabay

6. Nintendo Entertainment System

The NES changed everything in the video game world. Probably the most influential console of all time.

Released in 1983, the NES was the first 8-bit console sold in stores and fostered generations of gamers. I was lucky enough to have one given to me and my brother when we were young. It was the first console I ever had. Countless hours were spent trying to beat my high score in Super Mario and many ducks were hunted in Duck Hunt. It even came with a gun!

Despite how much it has been passed by graphically in the 40 years since its initial release, it’s still just as fun as it was then. Its legacy lives on in successful franchises like Mario and Zelda, which are just as popular now as ever.

Image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay

5. PlayStation 1

Sony’s first console: The PS1, was released in 1995. It was the first disc-based console, which allowed much better graphics which put the gamer into an immersive gaming experience.

Its most successful game, Gran Turismo was a revolutionary racing game that is still one of the standard bearers. Other classic franchises like Final Fantasy and Crash Bandicoot began on the original PlayStation.

Its dual analog controller was a game-changer at the time. Nothing anywhere close to the PS1 had ever been seen before. Its processing power blew the N64 out of the water, but I just don’t think it has quite as legendary a catalog of games.

Image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay

4. Super Nintendo Entertainment System

Nintendo’s answer to the Genesis: The Super Nintendo, was released in 1990. This was their first attempt at a 16-bit console and boy did they ever knock it out of the park. I spent a lot of hours playing this one.


Games like Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, Chrono Trigger, and Mario Kart were a blast and had a lot of replay value. The SNES games are perfect to just pick up and play.

3. XBOX 360

The 360 was a big upgrade over the original. It was released in 2005, giving it a year up on its counterparts, the PS3 and Nintendo Wii. It took online gaming to another level and proved that Microsoft was here to stay in the console world.

Call of Duty blew up online and everybody was playing it. Unfortunately, I’m not a big fan of first-person shooters and didn’t have high-speed internet anyway so online gaming wasn’t an option for me.

The 360s controller was a MASSIVE upgrade. I think the best controller on this list. It was comfortable and fit in your hands perfectly.

However, the dreaded Red Ring of Death plagued many of the earlier released consoles. The only negative to the 360. I was lucky enough to never have to deal with this issue though.

Image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay

2. Nintendo 64

The N64, released in 1996, might have been the most fun console to play of all time. The first 3D Nintendo with four controller ports opened a world of possibilities. Perfect for a group of people, late-night gaming was common with the N64.

Mario Party, Mario Kart 64, Super Smash Bros, Donkey Kong 64, Zelda, Golden Eye, WrestleMania 2000, No Mercy, Super Mario 64, Star Fox, Diddy Kong Racing, Pokémon Stadium, and on and on and on. It still had that arcade feel to it but with 3D technology.

I still own an N64 to this day and I love it. It’s a legendary console that holds up today, despite the blocky graphics.

What holds the N64 back from the top spot, is the controller, which I’m not a big fan of.

Image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay

1. PlayStation 2

The PS2 is in my opinion the quintessential video game console of all time. Released in 2000, the PS2 is the highest-selling video game console of all time with over 155 million units. It was the first console that could play DVDs, had HD graphics and was a monster at the time.

The console capabilities were never more noticeable than in the Grand Theft Auto franchise. The open world seemed endless.

There are over 4,400 PS2 games, and over 1.5 billion total game copies sold throughout its lifespan. I just don’t have a single negative thing to say about the PS2.

Straight up, the PS2 is THE greatest video game console ever made.


So, what do you think? Did I get it right or do you disagree? Respond in the comments and let me know what your favorite consoles are!

Vancouver: The bad & the ugly

In my last article, I talked about the best parts of living in Vancouver. What I came up with really told the story of just how awesome this city is. If you want to read about the good of Vancouver, click the link below:

Vancouver: The Good | Evolution 107.9 (

That’s a lot of positives. Vancouver has so much to offer, but it’s not perfect. Far from it. There are a few issues though that could stand to be corrected. In this article, I’ll detail the bad and the ugly, and I’ll decide if the negatives outweigh the positives. So without further adieu, let’s get into it.

Image by 12138562 from Pixabay


The Bad:



It’s literally called rain city… need I say more? Well, I probably should. Overall, the rain doesn’t bother me too much, and it’s not as bad as I expected it to be when I moved here over a year ago. It didn’t rain at all the first two months after I arrived.

But the rain did come. There are times when it just rains. And rains. And rains. And rains. For days. Sometimes weeks on end. It does get old after a while, but I think I kind of got used to it.

It’s not the constant rain that bothers me. It’s those atmospheric rivers that really suck. The other day, I walked from my dorm to the BCIT campus. In about 3-4 minutes, I was soaked from head to toe.

But at the end of the day, I’ll take rain and humidity over dry heat any day of the week.



This is a big one. I find it to be maddening driving around in Vancouver. While I know, it’s really not that bad compared to other huge metropolises, but it still can be frustrating. ESPECIALLY at rush hour. I go out to Langley and Abbotsford for PA announcing, and it usually times out perfectly with the busiest times of the day.

I’ve found the best way to counteract that is to avoid those busier times. If you leave a little bit earlier, you might have to wait around a little bit. But you’ll save yourself a lot of headaches, which will help reduce stress.

Traffic is probably my most hated part of Vancouver. Let’s look at some other negatives to see if that holds up.



This goes together with traffic. This city is just not built for driving. If you want to go downtown, good luck finding a spot. I’ve circled around blocks for LONG periods of time just trying to find a spot, and I wind up walking 10-15 minutes anyway to wherever I want to go. It’s not fun.

I’d highly recommend taking the bus or Skytrain if you must go downtown because it’s never a fun time. Plus, it’s SO expensive.

It can cost up to $11 per hour in certain places. Just not worth it. What if you’re parking for the whole day? That’s going to run up to a massive tab that is just not affordable.

If you’re on vacation and looking to find a way around this, I’d recommend parking at Coquitlam Central SkyTrain station and just riding the Skytrain into town. You can park for only $3 per day, or if you’re staying for a while, you can get a monthly pass for $60.

Now that’s a lot more manageable.


The lack of community

This is one that I really noticed when I moved here. When you live in a small town, you get very close with other members of your community. In many ways, it almost becomes like an extended family.

But in a big city like Vancouver, you don’t get anything like that. It’s quite a culture shock. People seem to always be so busy and in their own world. They’re not exactly easy to approach.

Now don’t get me wrong, not everybody is like that. There are a lot of wonderful people. It’s just that the pace of life is so different and can take a bit to get used to.

As I get more used to it though, I’ve met some incredible people in my time here who I’m lucky to call friends.



Coming from a place with a snow-covered winter, the Vancouver winter is laughable. All it takes is about half an inch of snow, and the whole city shuts down. It looks apocalyptic when we get these snowstorms. The primary reason for this is because of the lack of winter tires. This causes cars to slip and slide all over the place. Cars go sliding down streets and into other cars or whatever else lands in the path of destruction.

People basically forget how to drive when it snows. You’d think they would learn.


The Ugly



There is so much garbage on the streets of Vancouver.

Some places are better than others, but in those bad spots, it’s disgusting. We need to figure out a better way to handle street garbage. Go walk down Commercial Drive, and you’ll know what I’m talking about.

The garbage is a blemish on the beauty of Vancouver, and it should be dealt with. There’s no excuse. There are certain areas where there are piles and piles oof garbage “hidden” in ditches and other fairly obvious locations. Gross.


The Cost of Living

Now this is the big one. The cost of living in Vancouver is absurd. It’s not going to get any better.

As of October 2003, the average one-bedroom apartment costs an astounding $2750 on average! What!? That’s ridiculous. And it’s gone up 10% in the last year. It’s a slippery slope.

If you want to buy, the average home costs a hair under $1.3 Million. Good luck if you’re just starting out and trying to get ahead. It’s nearly impossible if you aren’t financially stable.

Vancouver is the second most expensive city in Canada to Toronto.

The question remains though, is it worth it? Let’s break it down.


Yes, we know how expensive it is. Traffic is a nightmare, and the rain can be annoying. But I don’t think these things outweigh the positives. There’s just so much to love about this city. The SkyTrain, sustainability, nature, activities, mild winters, walking and biking trails, cultural diversity, nightlife, and the plethora of food options make it worth it to me.

It basically comes down to whether you can afford it. It’s been manageable for me so far being able to live on campus for a discounted price, but it’s going to get tricky after I graduate when I have to pay the full price. Maybe I’ll just find some roommates to lessen the cost.

This is just my subjective opinion. Maybe you might decide that the costs don’t outweigh the benefits, or maybe the big city just isn’t for you. It’s a huge culture shock as someone whose grade seven graduating class had six students. But I’ve adapted and it’s opened my world.

There’s so much opportunity for career advancement here, especially in the world of media. Vancouver is known as Hollywood North, after all.

Thanks for checking out this two-part series about Vancouver: The good, the bad, and the ugly. Comment below if you agree or disagree.

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