30-Day Song Challenge: Day 11 – A Song From Your Preteen Years

The music during the turn of the millenia was amazing from the get-go!

The 30-Day Song Challenge. I’ve been seeing it on a lot of my friends’ Instagram Stories, and at first I just ignored it because everyone was doing it and I got spammed with people’s stories left and right about it, but now since most people already finished this, I won’t be as influenced of my choices when I see their answers.

And it’s time to do Day 11.

Day 11: A Song From Your Preteen Years: Linkin Park – Papercut

It was 1999, back when most of us preteens, most of the time didn’t have much musical tastes because we are still kids but this is around the time when you start knowing what life is about and it kicks you in the face and you want to get mad. Get angry at everyone, and this song pops in and you’re HOOKED.

Linkin Park is one the GOATS in general in terms of going hard af on their music OUT THE GATE of the millenia. So many angst preteens were born that day when Papercut and In The End went to radio and music video. It’s been a wild ride for everyone discovering what rock was and in this case, what Nu Metal was about.

When I discovered this, I couldn’t believe that screaming and rap can be put in the same song and I think it’s one of the first songs I memorized the lyrics and when I hear the song, the lyrics are locked on the very good parts of my brain lol. Automatic just retains the information immediately.

From that point on, I dove into more Nu Metal because I like the combination of rock and rap and I think that started my musical taste path to those, and went into different stuff like punk, pop-punk, etc.

Let’s see the Youtube comments too:

“best opening song to one of the most influential albums of the 21st century. I wasn’t old enough to listen to music when this came out but I can imagine what it was like hearing this for the first time back then.”

“One man can save millions, but millions can’t save one man.

We miss you Chester. RIP brother.”

This goes out to you Chester. You and Linkin Park were the voice of entire generations. We collectively apologize for not seeing things sooner. Rest in Peace, you absolute legend.

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