What is the best sport in the world?

A debate of the ages. Any time this question is presented on any platform whether it be on social media, the radio, or television… the debates go on for a lifetime. But the question is extremely subjective because it all depends on how this question is perceived. Is it based on YOUR favourite sports? Or is it based on statistics and identifying the most POPULAR sports in the world? Does the time of year or season make an impact on a sports rating or popularity? Lots of factors can play in because it really depends on what person you’re asking.

If you were to go up to people on the street, especially in North America, and you were to ask them what the the top 5 sports are there is a high probability they say:

  1. Soccer (Fútbol)
  2. American Football
  3. Hockey
  4. Basketball
  5. Baseball

With honourable mentions to Golf, Tennis, and MMA

Now this list is very diluted because everyones top 5 is guaranteed to be different because of 1.) Personal interest and 2.) Where they’re from. That’s the beauty of sports, everyone has reason to have their favourite sport at number 1. Now before I go on to talk about my top 5 favourite sports I do want go over the list based on popularity WORLDWIDE showing the top 5 sports in the world. Now there were several sites that had different lists so it was hard to piece together a list but in terms of the most common lists I saw the TOP 5 sports in the world as of 2022 is:

  1. Soccer (Fútbol): ~ 3.5 Billion Fans
  2. Cricket: ~ 2.5 Billion Fans
  3. Basketball: ~ 2 Billion Fans
  4. Hockey: ~ 2 Billion Fans
  5. Tennis: ~ 1 Billion Fans

Top 10 ranked Most Popular Sports in The World right now

It’s no secret that soccer is number 1. It is literally everywhere, the accessibility for it is so easy, and there are tons of levels for play at all ages. What catches me off guard is cricket. This is no hate on cricket but when thinking of sports and where it ranks amongst worldwide popularity, it’s never one that comes to mind for me. But why I bring up the best sports in the world, is because it has always been an interesting conversation because its whatever that person likes the most, they’ll say it’s the best, regardless of the stats and views. So my ranking in order from WORST to FIRST can either trigger people or bring a liking to people. So let’s get started!

5. Soccer (Fútbol)

USP Soccer: World Cup-Brazil vs Croatia

Soccer is the most polarizing sport and has to be the most accessible sport. I have it at 5 because it is one of the harder sports to follow with its heavy and never ending schedule, and comparing it to other sports… the pace is very slow. It can be 30 minutes into the game and there could be 3 shot attempts, it almost acts as background noise instead of a game that can have me on the edge of my seat. Now those are the negatives but just like any sport in the world, there are positives to the sport.

Soccer brings one of the biggest tournaments, if not THE BIGGEST tournament, the FIFA World Cup. In 2018 the World Cup final averaged 517 million viewers with 1.1 billion viewers over the 90 minutes.

Infographic: Super Bowl Pales in Comparison to the Biggest Game in Soccer | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Soccer is easily accessible, has brought some of the greatest sports moments we’ve ever seen, and doesn’t need a rule book the size of a phone book to understand. You follow the ball, if you trip a guy its a foul, you can’t hit it with your hands unless you’re a goalie, and you can’t be behind the last defender before the ball is passed. Okay, well maybe offside in soccer can get complicated but its no secret that soccer is the most beloved sport and has brought us some of the biggest legends in all of sports like Maradona, Pelé, Messi, Ronaldo, and many others. Despite the slow pace, heavy schedule, and some complicated rules… it’s goals like these are why I have soccer in the top 5.

4. UFC


UFC… the combat sport that has brought us nothing but entertainment since it debuted in 1993. Out of all the sports in the world, UFC might be the one that is the most divided amongst haters and lovers. This drama filled sport has brought some of the most polarizing athletes with the likes of Connor McGregor, George St. Pierre, Anderson Silva, John Jones, The Diaz brothers, and many many more. If people were to dissect the positives and negatives of any sport this is the one… so let’s get started.

We’ll start with the negatives because who doesn’t like ending on a good note, right? The UFC isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, The press conferences can be cringe and phoney, some may say its corrupt, the fighters don’t get nearly paid the compensation they deserve, and sometimes the fights don’t live up to the hype, making you think if ditching your lady for the night was really worth it. Some stem away from the violence because they can’t wrap their heads around the reality of the sport, so there are definitely negatives that come with it.

But the positives are why I have it at 4 above soccer. The UFC more often than not keeps you on the edge of your seat for 30 minutes at a time. There’s always the chance at an upset, and as humans, seeing people beat up on one another is exhilarating. Its always an exciting moment especially when you see 2 polarizing fighters promote a fight that’s been in the works for a long time. In the UFC, the pace and chance at a crazy knockout outweighs the potential negatives, putting it at number 4.

3. Basketball

Kobe jumper

Basketball and specifically the NBA falls at number 3 because of the back forth action and constant matchups of super teams and generational talents. Despite the positives, I do have a problem with basketball with the way the game is has become… soft. I personally can’t stand some NBA games and the way they are officiated. When you watch games back in the 80’s-90’s they were legit playing rugby and it was unbelievably entertaining. Nowadays if you blow on someone you are getting a foul. I do have to say though that within the last couple years they’ve been a stickler for soft calls and intentional plays to draw a foul that no longer benefits the offence like it once did.

Now for the positives and what gets me in my seat more is March Madness, Christmas Day, The last 2 months of the season, and the NBA playoffs. March Madness alone has me putting basketball as a whole at 3 because of the do or die matchups and what the kids are playing for. Its unbelievably entertaining. The NBA provides star studded games on Christmas and has provided us moments in the playoffs that are simply unmatched.

So to put it simply, If they were still playing as soft as they did a few years ago then it would’ve been lower on this list but the polarizing athletes in the sport like Curry and Lebron, the back and forth action, and iconic moments in College and the NBA has basketball sitting at 3 ahead of UFC, and soccer.

2. American Football


American Football is one of the biggest sports in North America and has brought us maybe the Greatest Athlete of All Time, Tom Brady. It has one the biggest events in the world being The Super Bowl and gives us the feeling of suspense this is unmatched. But football, like the UFC isn’t for everyone. A lot of people have called the game of football very boring and confusing, which is totally understandable. That’s a knack that I have on the sport, the rulebook is so thick and even avid fans of the sport learn a new rule within the game they’re watching. The pace is very slow that within a 3 hour game there is only like 20 minutes of action. When saying this it actually has me thinking “why do I like this sport?” It really gets me sometimes but then, I remember moments like these…

As a fan of football for about 8 years now I’ve always loved the excitement from the start of a play to the outcome. Especially when it comes down to the NFL playoffs and the College Football playoff. Both times of the year bring everything to the table from upsets, to drama, to big time plays, to devastation, and to the glory of winning it all. Like I prefaced before, American football isn’t for everyone, but for me, it falls at number 2 for the suspense and ultimate drama and excitement it brings.

1. Hockey

Stanley Cup Playoffs 2012

For anyone who knows me, it’s no surprise that hockey falls at number 1. Everything that hockey brings there shouldn’t be any other sport here at number 1. If everyone to got their memories wiped and were to pick a sport that brought everything to the table, it’s hockey. Now along with every sport within this article there are negatives to this sport. To start, the marketing is AWFUL. As much as this doesn’t impact the sport itself, hockey players compared to other athletes, aren’t being paid nearly as much. Now that’s nothing on the athletes, its that marketing within the NHL to grow the sport and it just hasn’t been at the level it needs to be. Also, it’s a very expensive sport and the accessibility is very hard. With soccer and basketball, you just need a ball and some sort of goal, football just need the ball itself then you’re money, combat you can just literally fight, for hockey you need so much more than any other sport plus money to play competitively. It’s very hard to put people in a position to play which lowers to demographic drastically.

Now on a positive note, hockey is the sport that literally brings everything to the table. It’s fast paced, exciting, and very physical. The players themselves put you in awe when it comes to their skill level and the build up for fights and altercations is unmatched and keeps you on your toes. This sport drives people insane with how difficult it looks to play and how physical and tough it is, makes it trump any sport on Earth. Am I bias? Maybe. But I think if you were to not know about sports and have to pick on that’s most exciting and fun to watch its hockey by a mile. The moments it brings is unmatched, like the following…

So to reiterate, my top 5 is:

  1. Hockey
  2. American Football
  3. Basketball
  4. UFC
  5. Soccer (Fútbol)

All based on personal opinion, each sport brings historical moments to the table but NOTHING will ever change my mind about having the beautiful sport of hockey at number 1. That’s the beauty of sports, everyone has a different favourite for many many different reasons. All have their negatives and all have many positives, but its the peak memories that your sport brings you that makes it the definitive number one.

Isn’t it wonderful?


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